
Cataclysmic Age of Sigmar Grand Tournament (January 25, 2025)

Trøndermaster (January 25, 2025)

Weekend Warlord 8 - Endless War (January 18th, 2025)

Akron Brew Brawl-AoS GT (January 18th, 2025)

HAMBURG MAJOR 2025 AOS (January 18th, 2025)

Crossroads Carnage - LVcan'tgO (January 18th, 2025)

LVO 2025 Age of Sigmar Champs (January 17th, 2025)

Sigmar Calls (January 11th, 2025)

Norwegian Masters 2024 (January 11th, 2025)

The Forge GT: Year 2 (January 4th, 2025)

2d6 OsloHammer #9 X-Mas! (December 28th, 2024)

Macao Sigmar Tournament (December 28th, 2024)

Bedburger Scheunenrangeln (December 21st, 2024)

Saugus Shuffle GT (December 14th, 2024)

PNW Masters 2024 (December 14th, 2024)

GT ATLANTA WARS SEVILLA (December 14th, 2024)

Forming of the Phalanx: An AAG Event (December 7th, 2024)

Bloodbath 2 (December 7th, 2024)

Festive GT by AoS Thursdays (December 7th, 2024)

Lost Legion GT (November 30th, 2024)

Skyrift AoS 4.0 2-Day GT (November 30th, 2024)

The Warrior Lodge - Winter Lodge (November 30th, 2024)

The Leicester AoS GT (November 30th, 2024)

GT Bilbao III AoS 2024 - Circuito Nacional DKHM (November 30th, 2024)

GT Huertano Individual II Edición (November 30th, 2024)

Renegade Open 2024 (November 23th, 2024)

Bhad ? Blood ? how about dat? (November 16th, 2024)

Trouble at Mill (November 16th, 2024)

ANIMAL AOS (November 16th, 2024)

The Realmgate Hunt (November 16th, 2024)

Dark Omen GT (November 16th, 2024)

BOLTERCON 2024 (November 16th, 2024)

Dwellers Below AoS GT 3 (November 16th, 2024)

Smash & Bash 4 (November 16th, 2024)

Winter Slaughter (November 9th, 2024)

Battle of the Bend (November 2nd, 2024)

Hostilities on the High Ground AoS GT (November 2nd, 2024)

Threshold Invitational VI (November 2nd, 2024)

Kippers Melee (October 26th, 2024)

Dresdner Festspiele (October 26th, 2024)

Haunted GT (October 26th, 2024)

Vienna Tabletop Championship (October 26th, 2024)

Charlotte Carnage Fall Bash (October 26th, 2024)

Travelers’ Tithe Tournament (October 19th, 2024)

Bay Area Moulder Mash GT (October 19th, 2024)

FLG's AoS SoCal Open Champs Event (October 19th, 2024)

Grudgefest GT (October 19th, 2024)

Vault Wars (October 19th, 2024)

Edmonton Wargaming Open AOS (October 19th, 2024)

PubHammer Open (October 12th, 2024)

Baltic Bash GT (October 12th, 2024)

Palladium Games Age of Sigmar GT (October 12th, 2024)

The GAF Jamboree (October 12th, 2024)

Bar Fight GT (October 12th, 2024)

Age of Sigmar Bad Moon Rising GT (October 12th, 2024)

1-Up WARtoberfest (October 5th, 2024)

PDREX Presents: World REXposition at CRITCON (October 5th, 2024)

End Times Grand Tournament 3 (October 5th, 2024)

Miscast Misfits GT (October 5th, 2024)

Dawn Reforged - Ipswich Grand Tournament (August 31st, 2024)

Nova Open 2024 Age of Sigmar GT (August 30, 2024)

Aqshy Summerfest '24 ITC GT (August 24th, 2024)

August Burns Jade GT (August 24th, 2024)

Dwellers Below AoS GT (August 24th, 2024)

Sigmar at the Arena (August 24th, 2024)

Gateway Open Age of Sigmar (August 17th, 2024)

Medhammer GT (August 17th, 2024)

The Warrior Lodge - Summer Lodge 2024 (August 17th, 2024)

Tales in the Wood XI GT (August 17th, 2024)

The Salt City GT (August 10th, 2024)

Feed The Horde (August 10th, 2024)

OsloHammer #8 (August 10th, 2024)

Salt Lake Open 2024 (August 3rd, 2024)

The Dojo Open GT (August 3rd, 2024)

Warhammer AOS Saigon Grand Tournament (August 3rd, 2024)

Age of Sigmar: Throne of Skulls (July 27th, 2024)

Thunderstrike GT II (July 20th, 2024)

Grimnir's Vengeance 2024 (July 20th, 2024)

Age of Ropecon (July 20th, 2024)

Vantastic GT (July 13th, 2024)

CROSSROADS CARNAGE 2024 (July 13th, 2024)

"Theatre of War" (July 13th, 2024)

Age of Sigmar 4 Bootcamp 1 (July 13th, 2024)

Geekfest - Summer Heat (July 6th, 2024)

Texas Masters GT 2024 at Dragon's Lair (June 29th, 2024)

Battle Of The Bay 3 (June 29th, 2024)

Salzburg Major Age of Sigmar - Alpine Cup (June 29th, 2024)

La classique d'été - Bye bye V3 (June 29th, 2024)

High Desert Havoc (June 22nd, 2024)

The Great Conjunction GT (June 22nd, 2024)

Pre Worlds Social (June 22nd, 2024)

Rose City Rampage: Get Rex'd GT (June 22nd, 2024)

Age of Appliances - The Homeware GT (June 15th, 2024)

The Bristol GT (June 15th, 2024)

Fal-Con 2024: The Falconing AoS (June 8th, 2024)

AG War of the Realms GT (June 8th, 2024)

AoS Carnage GT @Layton Gaming - Food Drive Event (June 8th, 2024)

Battered Bison GT 2024! (May 31, 2024)

SouthCon2024 (June 1, 2024)

Small Town Throwdown: The Last Ride Of 3rd Edition (June 1, 2024)

CTC Age Of Sigmar Championship Open (May 25, 2024)

Battle in the Smoky Mountains - Rocky Top AoS GT (May 25, 2024)

Meta AoS - Május - WCQ (May 18, 2024)

Aemona Open Series Age Of Sigmar GT (May 18, 2024)

HWP Age of Sigmar Bloody Beach GT (May 18, 2024)

Charlotte Carnage AOS GT (May 18, 2024)

The Last Hunt: Age Of Sigmar Grand Tournament (May 18, 2024)

Warhammer Age of Sigmar GT US Open Dallas (May 17, 2024)

GT GOLDEN ALEA WARS (May 11, 2024)

Woehammer AoS GT III (May 11, 2024)

New Zealand Masters 2024 (May 11, 2024)

2024 Spring Rubicon GT (May 4, 2024)

The Really Really Good GT (May 4, 2024)

The Richmond Open AoS Event Hosted By Away Games (May 4, 2024)

Dawnbringer Crusade Lahti Age Of Sigmar GT (May 3, 2024)

Ice Breaker Age Of Sigmar GT - Renegade Wargaming (April 27th, 2024)

2024 Warpstone Wars AOS GT (April 27th, 2024)

Broken Realms and Minis for War 5 (April 27th, 2024)

SKULLS!! (April 27th, 2024)

Fantasia Fanatic XLV (April 20th, 2024)

The Oxford GT (April 20th, 2024)

Nidaros Grand Tournament 2024 (April 20th, 2024)

Threshold Invitational IV (April 20th, 2024)

Age of Sigmar Tri-Cup Tournament (April 20th, 2024)

Warzone Sigmar: Level-Up Games (April 20th, 2024)

LoonShine Noches (April 20th, 2024)

The Blue Sky GT (April 20th, 2024)

Nordhammer (April 13th, 2024)

Tales in the Wood X - GT (April 13th, 2024)

2d6 OsloHammer #7 (April 13th, 2024)

End of Days Revelation (April 13th, 2024)

Smash to Rubble III (April 13th, 2024)

Trash Clash in the Bluegrass (April 13th, 2024)

The Tax Man Cometh (April 13th, 2024)

MAITHAMMER AOS GT (April 6th, 2024)

Broken Ranks Q1 2024 (April 6th, 2024)

Dwellers Below AoS GT (April 6th, 2024)

Scorched Earth Open 2024 (April 6th, 2024)

War of the Wyld Woods (March 30th, 2024)

Battle To End Alzheimers 2024 AoS GT (March 16th, 2024)

Dazmaul Wargaming Tournament (March 16th, 2024)

Talvisota '24: Age of Sigmar: Winter War (March 16th, 2024)

The Ides of March (March 16th, 2024)

Silverstream Smackdown 2024 - Royal Rumble (March 16th, 2024)

March of the Regiments (March 16th, 2024)

27. Würfelgötter AoS Turnier (March 9th, 2024)

XPG Age Of Sigmar GT (March 9th, 2024)

Age of Sigmar MidtconGT (March 2nd, 2024)

The Lone Star Grand Tournament (March 2nd, 2024)

The South Coast AoS Singles (March 2nd, 2024)

Prleški Hammer 3 (March 2nd, 2024)

Wheat City Open 2024: Sigmar (March 2nd, 2024)

Goonhammer Open UK March 2024 (March 2nd, 2024)

Broken Realms: Scourge of Seraphon 2 (February 17th, 2024)

Midwest Bash 2024 GT (February 17th, 2023)

AoS Carnage GT at Layton Gaming (February 10th, 2024)

Rum and Rumble the Rocktogon (February 10th, 2024)

The Soupendous Age of Sigmar Souptackular (January 27th, 2024)

DaBoyz GT GoldenSprue AoS (January 27th, 2024)

Scheunenrangeln AOS 2 Tagesturnier (January 20th, 2024)

The Nottingham AoS GT (January 13th, 2024)

Unified Tournament Circuit AOS Finals (January 13th, 2024)

Small Town Throwdown: Happy NOOG Year! (January 13th, 2024)

Norwegian Masters (January 13th, 2024)

Death & Destruction GT at Bazooka Games (January 6th, 2024)

Big Bristol Brawl Winter GT (January 6th, 2024)

VTC Age of Sigmar (January 6th, 2024)

The Forge GT (January 6th, 2024)

Broken Ranks Q4 Illinois (December 16th, 2023)

Bloody Christmas (December 16th, 2023)

The Fast and the Primal (December 9th, 2023)

Game Knight AoS GT (December 9th, 2023)

The Leicester AoS GT (December 2nd, 2023)

GT Bilbao II AoS - Circuito Nacional DKHM (December 2nd, 2023)

Warzone Atlanta: Age of Sigmar GT (December 2nd, 2023)

Quest Of Champions Finals (December 2nd, 2023)

BLOOD RITE GT 2023 (November 25th, 2023)

Roslaget 2023 Age of Sigmar (November 25th, 2023)

Warmaster (Warmaster 25th, 2023)

Lost Legion GT (November 18th, 2023)

Renegade Open (November 18th, 2023)

Battle Of The Bend (November 11th, 2023)

Coventry AoS GT (November 11th, 2023)

Sir GT's-A-Lot (November 11th, 2023)

Magical Dominance Saigon GT (November 4th, 2023)

Smash To Rubble II (November 4th, 2023)

Grudgefest GT (October 28th, 2023)

TTB OPEN (October 28th, 2023)

Halloween Hoedown (October 28th, 2023)

Ragnarok : Autumn 2023 (October 28th, 2023)

Sugar & Dice Annual AoS Tournament (October 21st, 2023)

Duckstravaganza 2: Battle For the Pond (October 21st, 2023)

Age Of Sigmar Grand Tournament @XPG (October 21st, 2023)

Lay low the Tyrants Grand Tournament (October 21st, 2023)

Woehammer AoS GT II (October 14th, 2023)

Gran Torneo Huertano Individual de Murcia (October 7th, 2023)

Wardolly Weekend 5 (September 30th, 2023)

Wappler Harvest Gathering (September 30th, 2023)

King Cheese GT (September 23rd, 2023)

Broken Ranks Q3 Illinois (September 23rd, 2023)

Trouble At Mill (September 23rd, 2023)

No Surrender (September 16th, 2023)

AOS Irish Grand Tournament (September 16th, 2023)

Fall To Darkness: Chapter One (September 2nd, 2023)

Quest of Champions Heat 4 (August 12th, 2023)

King In The North! (August 12th, 2023)

Gymhammer (July 29th, 2023)

Age of Ropecon GT (July 29th, 2023)

Champion of Black Oil 3 (July 15th, 2023)

Dwellers Below AoS GT (July 15th, 2023)

Store Championship på Spelfaktoriet (July 1st, 2023)

Sydney Salt Smash II (July 1st, 2023)

Quest of Champions Heat 3 (June 3rd, 2023)

Aotearoa New Zealand Age of Sigmar Masters 2023 (May 20th, 2023)

Wargames For Warriors 2023 - Age Of Sigmar GT (May 20th, 2023)

CTC Age Of Sigmar Championship Open (May 13th, 2023)

Warpfire - Sigmar Summit (May 6th, 2023)

Alberta Classic: Age Of Sigmar (May 6th, 2023)

El Bunker A Matter Of Honour (April 29th, 2023)

Mayhammer (May 1st, 2023)

Internal Wars III (April 30th, 2023)

Rum and Rumble (April 22nd, 2023)

Clash of the Titans '23 (April 15th, 2023)

The London OPEN AoS (April 15th, 2023)

NEAPOLIS GT (April 1st, 2023)

Broken Ranks Q1 Illinois GT (March 30th, 2023)

II CN - II GT de CAT (March 25th, 2023)

War Under The Mountain - The Third (March 25th, 2023)

Las Vegas Open, Age Of Sigmar Champions Event (January 27th, 2023)

Northern Masters 2022 (January 21st, 2023)

Shanghai Slaughter (January 14th, 2023)

SoCal Masters (January 8th, 2023)

Warpfire: New Year Knockout (January 7th, 2023)

2D6 Oslohammer #2 (December 28th, 2022)

Battlemaster Invite Only BEYOND GT (November 12th, 2022)

Halloween SPOOKTACULAR (October 29th, 2022)

Mjøshammer AOS Derby II (October 29th, 2022)

South Coast Series Southampton (October 21st, 2022)

Madgoose Wargames Highlander (October 15th, 2022)

Mighty Meeply AOS GT (October 7th, 2022)

Notorious GT 2 (October 7th, 2022)

Chaos GT (October 1st, 2022)

Gods and Monsters GT (October 1st, 2022)

2 Day Age of Sigmar Event (September 24th, 2022)

Renegade Wargaming Autumn Assault GT (September 10th, 2022)

Lamoine Last Stand (September 9th, 2022)

Sacramento Slam (August 27th, 2022)

Warhammer AoS Tournament (June 18th, 2022)

Warhammer AoS Tournament (April 7th, 2022)

1k 1 DAY GT - Saturday (April 9th, 2022)

Beyond GT Series Thunderstruck! (March 5th, 2022)

Warhammer Age of Sigmar 2k Tournament (March 5th, 2022)

Beer Hammer AoS (March 5th, 2022)

Atomic Age of Sigmar Lone Star GT Practice (February 12th, 2022)

'Ere We Go Again Ladz! -AOS (February 12th, 2022)

Ere We Go Again Ladz AoS Store Championship (January 22nd, 2022)

Trouble At Mill (January 22nd, 2022)

Otto's January AoS Event (January 15th, 2022)

The 2022 P-Town Showdown (January 15th, 2022)

Weirdnobz Charity Event @ Wonkos (January 15th, 2022)

AoS ITC @ Terracrux Games (January 15th, 2022)

Forge & Fire 2k (January 15th, 2022)

Fabricator's Forge Age of Sigmar January (January 9th, 2022)

MOX Age of Sigmar (January 8th, 2022)

Dallas Defenders New Year New Player (January 8th, 2022)

Gallant Games AOS (January 8th, 2022)

Tayrathi Invitational (December 18th, 2021)

Ere We Go Again Ladz! (December 18th, 2021)

Gallant Games Pitched Battle (December 18th, 2021)

Warhammer AoS Christmas Clash (December 11th, 2021)

AOS Tournament @ The Art Store (December 11th, 2021)

Atomic Age of Sigmar 3.0 (December 11th, 2021)

Frontline Gaming New Orleans Open (December 10th, 2021)

Warhammer Dojo RTT (December 4th, 2021)

Khorne's Merry Massacre: The Blood Flood Feat 2021

AoS At The Battle Standard (December 4th, 2021)

BWG: AoS RTT (November 27th, 2021)

Guard Tower Throw Down (November 27th, 2021)

MFF 2021 AOS RTT #3 (September 20th, 2021)

Waaghapalousa (November 13th, 2021)

Blue Sky Foodhammer (November 13th, 2021)

Blakfyre Games AoS (November 13th, 2021)

AoS RTT @ Crossroad Games (November 13th, 2021)

BGS Invitational 4 (November 13th, 2021)

End of Daylight RTT (November 6th, 2021)

Kirwan's Game Store Monthly AOS (November 6th, 2021)

Nemesis 2021 (October 23rd, 2021)

AOS 2000 Point Tournament (October 9th, 2021)

War Room Games AOS RTT (October 9th, 2021)

Amiricon AOS RTT (October 9th, 2021)

Rivals of Sigmar (September 25th, 2021)

Cornhammer Basement Brawl (September 25th, 2021)

GRex AoS Kule & Kunnin (September 25th, 2021)

Game Garrison September RTT (September 25th, 2021)

Here We Go Again Ladz! (September 25th, 2021)

MFF 2021 AOS RTT #2 (September 25th, 2021)

Defenders September Tournament (September 18th, 2021)

Iron Realms GT @ Iron Halo Con (September 18th, 2021)

Highground GT (September 11th, 2021)

On Board Gaming Presents Sigmar Summer Slam (August 28th, 2021)

Battleline or Bust Jacksonville (August 28th, 2021)

Game Garrison August RTT (August 28th, 2021)

Battleground Games & Hobbies July Tournament (July 31st, 2021)