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Warhammer 40K
Wettcon Vinter 2025 (February 8th, 2025)
5-0 - Dag Samuelsson - Tyranids
BrewHammer Teams (February 8, 2025)
The Khorne Supremacy - Joe Robertson - Necrons
The Khorne Supremacy - Richard Simms - Genestealer Cult
The Khorne Supremacy - Tim Dagnall - World Eaters
The Khorne Supremacy - Allan Davidson - Ultramarines
The Khorne Supremacy - Bruce Duffy - Chaos Space Marines
Da Bolton GT (February 8th, 2025)
5-0 - Sam Boardman - Astra Militarum
JMG ry Presents: Bestest Besties in Graintown (February 8th, 2025)
Bolt Thrower cover bändi - Jouni Haavisto - Orks
Bolt Thrower cover bändi - Juuso Sipiläinen - Chaos Daemons
Bolt Thrower cover bändi - Kaarle Tukia - Leagues of Votann
Bolt Thrower cover bändi - Sami Kekki - Genestealer Cults
Bolt Thrower cover bändi - Tatu Sipola - Chaos Space Marines
Wizards GT 2025 (February 8th, 2025)
5-0 - Cody Jiru - Drukhari
5-0 - Brent Simon - Chaos Daemons
SSG Teams VI Love is waiting around the corner! (February 8th, 2025)
OST - Erik Åhs - Orks
OST - Jesper Unander-Scharin - Chaos Space Marines
OST - Joel Larsson - Adeptus Custodes
OST - Kalle Abrahamsson - Tyranids
OST - Sebastian Magnusson - Necrons
NSW Masters - NSWTC (February 7th, 2025)
4-0-1 - Zakk Futura - Chaos Knights
ATC NC 40K Event Hosted By Away Games (February 8th, 2025)
Gem Wargaming - Austin Johnson - Genestealer Cults
Gem Wargaming - Conan Jennings - Ultramarines
Gem Wargaming - David DeLisle - Tyranids
Gem Wargaming - Folger Pyles - Adeptus Custodes
Gem Wargaming - Garrett Stacy - Adeptus Mechanicus
Grand Clash 2025 (February 8th, 2025)
5-0 - Sebastien Geoffrion - Tyranids
5-0 - John Winter Russell - Astra Militarum
Bazooka Games Winter GT (February 8th, 2025)
5-0 - Sean Olson - Ultramarines
I ACUPNAROK (February 8th, 2025)
Battlebunker - Alvaro Perez - Blood Angels
Battlebunker - Iñaki Arrieta - Necrons
Battlebunker - Jonan OdeZ - Genestealer Cult
Battlebunker - koldo besga - Leagues of Votann
Battlebunker - Toni Real - Chaos Knights
Battlebunker - Erik Hermosilla - Astra Militarum
Frost Hammer (February 8th, 2025)
5-0 - Stepan Zotov - Blood Angels
Beachhead Brawl 2025 (February 7th, 2025)
6-0 - Nicholas Willingale - Blood Angels
6-0 - Martyn Cooper - Astra Militarum
6-0 - Byron Sidhu - Chaos Daemons
Warzone: Atlanta (February 7th, 2025)
7-0 - John Lennon - Ultramarines
Winter Ruin II (February 1st, 2025)
5-0 - Justin Serrano - Chaos Daemons
5-0 - Sascha Alexander Edelkraut - Space Marines
Nailhammer 7 - 2k 2 Day Tournament (February 1, 2025)
5-0 - Max DeBarr - Dark Angels
Cross-Swords PAW 2025 (February 1, 2025)
5-0 - Cameron Giles - Adeptus Custodes
Swiss Finals (February 1, 2025)
4-1 - Brieuc Chauvin - Chaos Daemons
Waaghmaster III (February 1, 2025)
5-0 - Magnus Bjerke - Chaos Knights
WIC 2025 - Winter Italian Competition (February 1, 2025)
Altrimenti ci Arrabbiamo - Andrea Manfroni - Orks
Altrimenti ci Arrabbiamo - Daniele De Gemini - T'au Empire
Altrimenti ci Arrabbiamo - Francesco Di Bonaventura - Necrons
Altrimenti ci Arrabbiamo - Marco Brandonisio - Adeptus Custodes
Altrimenti ci Arrabbiamo - Pietro Riccio - Ultramarines
Black Hole Wars 2025 (February 1, 2025)
5-0 - Daniel Moreira - Grey Knights
Dearg Doom II: The Redder, The Deader (February 1, 2025)
5-0 - Tom Maher - Chaos Space Marines
5-0 - Colin Power - Chaos Daemons
Battle for the Bend II 40k GT (February 1, 2025)
4-0-1 - Benjamin Frederiksen - Ultramarines
Trønderdome2 (February 1, 2025)
3-0-2 - Leander Karlsen - Space Wolves
CaptainCon 40K Event Hosted by Away Games (February 1, 2025)
5-0 - Alex Ing - Necrons
UTC Invitational Finals (February 1, 2025)
5-0 - Conan Jennings - Ultramarines
Dicehammer Open 40k GT VIII (February 1, 2025)
5-0 - Kennith Onyeabor - Tyranids
The Winter I. T. T. - INTERNATIONAL TEAM TOURNAMENT (February 1st, 2025)
Mind Goblins - Adam Parmenter - Blood Angels
Mind Goblins - James Ball - Orks
Mind Goblins - Joshua Cowlard - Death Guard
Mind Goblins - Matthew Langton - Tyranids
Mind Goblins - Ross Hilliard - Adeptus Custodes
Geekfest - Winter War Zone (February 1st, 2025)
6-0 - Brandon Vallee - Dark Angels
OPEN TALAVERA 2025 (February 1st, 2025)
6-0 - Gonzalo “Raven” de La Moneda - Chaos Daemons
Schwarzwald GT (January 25, 2025)
5-0 - William Fuhrimann - Chaos Space Marines
5-0 - Jan Reisenauer - Blood Angels
Hive City Gaming GT (January 25, 2025)
5-0 - Ed Sgt.Crusader - World Eaters
Rose City Rampage (January 25, 2025)
Winchester 40K GT (January 25, 2025)
5-0 - Nicholas Willingale - Blood Angels
5-0 - Brett Keable - Adeptus Mechanicus
Hydra 40k Grand Tournament I (January 25, 2025)
5-0 - Michael Hansen - Ultramarines
2025 Battleborn Open (January 25, 2025)
4-1 - John Holbrook - Chaos Space Marines
Castle Con 40k Tournament (January 25, 2025)
5-0 - Nicholas Bialek - Adeptus Custodes
Community Assemble (January 25, 2025)
Catalunya - Dekkers - Necrons
Catalunya - Dekkers - Necrons
Catalunya - Lluis ThYr0N - Orks
Catalunya - Manel Tulla - Chaos Daemons
Catalunya - Pepe Andreu - Grey Knights
Catalunya - Tkila RR - Aeldari
Catalunya - Xavo Melenero L'Escamarlà - Genestealer Cults
Uprising Adelaide 2025 (January 25, 2025)
Ginger Odin GT (January 25, 2025)
5-0 - Chris Irvine - Ultramarines
Cross-Swords Vigil of Peace (January 18th, 2025)
5-0 - Jonathan Summerfield - Grey Knights
5-0 - Alex Dent - Flesh-eater Courts
Burn & Learn Vol.10 (January 18th, 2025)
5-0 - Oliver Gaisford - Blood Angels
HAMBURG MAJOR 2025 40k (January 18th, 2025)
5-0 - Jens Bothur - Necrons
5-0 - Sebastian Müller - Dark Angels
Gladiator Gaming Teams (January 18th, 2025)
Ratdogs or something like that - Alexander Englezos - Adeptus Mechanicus
Ratdogs or something like that - Greg Maginnity - Grey Knights
Ratdogs or something like that - Jordan McGregor - Necrons
Ratdogs or something like that - Kirby - Blood Angels
Ratdogs or something like that - Peter O’Neill - Adeptus Custodes
Ratdogs or something like that - Pulse o - Thousand Sons
First Assault! (January 18th, 2025)
5-0 - Juuso Sipiläinen - Chaos Daemons
1 GT MOGUER IBERIAN OPEN (January 18th, 2025)
5-0 - Jose Luis Barragan Mateos - World Eaters
Glasvegas Open (January 18th, 2025)
4-0-1 - Scott McCutcheon - Ultramarines
Dutch Masters Finale GT (January 18th, 2025)
5-0 - Mark Krijntjes - Chaos Daemons
5-0 - Chris Clayton - Death Guard
Nordic Tabletop Showdown 40K (January 18th, 2025)
Try Hard Nordic - Alexander Jessen - Adeptus Custodes
Try Hard Nordic - Marcus Jensen - Tyranids
Morten Bryld - Chaos Knights
Try Hard Nordic - Rolf Pihl - Chaos Space Marines
Try Hard Nordic - Sylvester Stjærnstrøm - Grey Knights
VIII GT Coliseum murciano (January 17, 2025)
Astrategas Wargames - Alfonso Barajas - Imperial Knights
Astrategas Wargames - Alvaro Molto - Ultramarines
Astrategas Wargames - Daniel SSotano - Necrons
Astrategas Wargames - Fernando Jauregui - Grey Knights
Astrategas Wargames - Josue Izabal - Adeptus Custodes
Astrategas Wargames - Pedro Sánchez Ayaso - Chaos Knights
Abyss Bonne année, Grand Nez 40k GT (January 18th, 2025)
5-0 - John Winter Russell - Astra Militarum
NEW YEARS KNOCKOUT AT THE KEEP! (January 18th, 2025)
5-0 - Colin Sherman - Ultramarines
Loch 'n Load GT 1 (January 18th, 2025)
5-0 - Dean Brannen - Necrons
DA GITHAMMER WAAAGH WEEKEND!!!! (January 18th, 2025)
LVO 2025 Warhammer 40k Champs (January 16th, 2025)
10-0 - Mark Hertel - Deathwatch
Fight for the Fallen GT (January 11th, 2025)
5-0 - Brett Perkins - Chaos Space Marines
4-0-1 - Stephen Henry - Adeptus Custodes
Warpstorm (January 11th, 2025)
5-0 - Mark Morrow - Orks
Red Dragon GT (January 11, 2025)
5-0 - Alice Braithwaite - Chaos Daemons
4-0-1 - Ridvan Martinez - Drukhari
Winter War Grand Tournament (January 11th, 2025)
5-0 - Christian Kosanovich - Imperial Knights
Grand Clash (January 11th, 2025)
5-0 - Dan Bruce - Space Wolves
RGB Dungeon & KTTC - The First Crusade (January 11th, 2025)
4-0-1 - Adam Somers Vine - Death Guard
4-0-1 - David Holmner - Astra Militarum
The Brawl GT - Beachhead Warm Up! (January 11th, 2025)
5-0 - Joshua Cowlard - Orks
A Grimdark New Years, SGA Finals (January 11th, 2025)
5-0 - Mark Perry - Orks
5-0 - John Lennon - Ultramarines
NYKO 2025 (January 11th, 2025)
5-0 - Dan Sammons - Chaos Knights
GT QUALIFIER MODENA (January 11th, 2025)
5-0 - Giorgio Castelli - Necrons
Guild War I (January 11th, 2025)
5-0 - Jordan Nach - T’au Empire
5-0 - Wesley St.Hines - Astra Militarum
Prestige Wargaming Feel No Pennies GT (January 11th, 2025)
4-0-1 - Christopher Langton - Necrons
North Sea Slam IRONMAN (January 11th, 2025)
5-0 - Justin Jansen - Chaos Daemons
We Have LVO at Home GT (January 11th, 2025)
5-0 - Miles Engrav - Ultramarines
Exterminatus X Big Ben 10 (January 11th, 2025)
5-0 - Jordan McGregor - Imperial Knights
5-0 - Joe Loke - Death Guard
Hawaii “War on the Shore” Charity GT (January 10th, 2025)
5-0 - Doug Johnson - Orks
Denver 40K Fight Club January Open (January 11th, 2025)
5-0 - Joel Davis - Orks
5-0 - Michael Mann - Orks
The NOTTINGHAM 40K SUPER-MAJOR (January 11th, 2025)
1st - Will Whitaker - Chaos Daemons
2nd - Innes Wilson - Blood Angels
3rd - Josh Roberts - Ultramarines
4th - Nassim Fouchane - Astra Militarum
Saffron Slam X (January 4th, 2025)
5-0 - Jack Tite - Deathwatch
2025 Glass City GT (January 4th, 2025)
5-0 - Zachary Morales - Dark Angels
5-0 - Conan Jennings - Ultramarines
5-0 - Folger Pyles - Adeptus Custodes
Ironbound V (January 4th, 2025)
5-0 - Mattias Lindvall-Östling - Thousand Sons
Defcon 2025 (January 4th, 2025)
5-0 - Joel Larsson - Adeptus Custodes
ProCon Golden Ticket GT (January 4th, 2025)
5-0 - Shaun Sharp - Dark Angels
LVOCan't-Go! (January 4th, 2025)
5-0 - Scotty Bee - Necrons
Everwinter: Winter Assault ITC Major (January 4th, 2025)
5-0 - Jack Murphy - Astra Militarum
5-0 - Samuel Pope - Tyranids
Hammer In The New Year 2025 (January 4th, 2025)
5-0 - Jonas Beardsley - Necrons
TGX 40K Team Event (5 man) (January 4th, 2025)
GTA40K: Wrecking Baals - Adam Marcinkowski - T'au Empire
GTA40K: Wrecking Baals - Chase Bandl - Death Guard
GTA40K: Wrecking Baals - Nicholas Redford - Chaos Space Marines
GTA40K: Wrecking Baals - Nick Jagiello - Astra Militarum
GTA40K: Wrecking Baals - Ryan Bell - World Eaters
The PNW Warlord's LVO PREP GT (January 4th, 2025)
5-0 - Donald Plummer - T'au Empire
Frost Spite GT (January 4th, 2025)
6-0 - Ben Jurek - Astra Militarum
40k Winter Wars Hybrid GT (December 14th, 2024)
5-0 - TJ Lanigan - Thousand Sons
Charity GT by Rogue State Games (December 14th, 2024)
5-0 - Anthony Vanella - Chaos Space Marines
Clan Wars Team Series 2024 (December 14th, 2024)
North Atlantic Tabletop Organisation - Alexandre Sacco - Thousand Sons
North Atlantic Tabletop Association - Chris Irvine - Leagues of Votann
North Atlantic Tabletop Association - Ed Watts - Aeldari
North Atlantic Tabletop Open - Innes Wilson - Ultramarines
North Atlantic Tabletop Organization - Tom Lowman - Genestealer Cults
Great 2000 Bash (December 14th, 2024)
6-0 - Me & The Boyz - Orks
SG ITC 40K 3v3 (December 7th, 2024)
Team Strike - Pasin 'JaySKM' Sukumalchan - Dark Angels
Team Strike - Pichayut 'StriKE' Prasertwit - Astra Militarum
Team Strike - Saranpong Pantung - Tyranids
The Iron Halo - Hobart (December 8th, 2024)
5-0 - James Stewart - Genestealer Cults
40K Finnish Champs (December 7th, 2024)
5-0 - Eero Saukkonen - Astra Militarum
Brothers in Arms 2024 (December 7th, 2024)
England Lions - Alex Fowler - Thousand Sons
England Lions - Ed Watts - Aeldari
England Lions - Jack Davis Fletcher - Astra Militarum
England Lions - Luke Harris - Necrons
Fight Before Christmas '24 (December 7th, 2024)
5-0 - Matt van Wijk - World Eaters
5-0 - Richard Holman - Adepta Sororitas
Hour Zero: Heroes Unleashed (December 7th, 2024)
5-0 - Roman Kleiber - Orks
Hyper 331: GT (December 7th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Anton Vasin - Chaos Daemons
4-0-1 - Alexander "Circus Princess" Zhelonkin - Imperial Agents
LVO preparation 40k GT featuring Friendship (December 7th, 2024)
5-0 - Adam Green - Astra Militarum
GRIMDARK 23: Julkänslor (December 7th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Jacob Holmström - Tyranids
4th Annual Jingle Bombz Throwdown (December 7th, 2024)
5-0 - Joseph Bedingfield - Drukhari
The Gaming Arena - GT (December 7th, 2024)
4-1 - Jason Horne - Genestealer Cults
Iron Cage: Winter Whammy 2 (December 7th, 2024)
6-0 - Nicholas Williams - Genestealer Cults
Quebec City Open III (December 7th, 2024)
5-0 - Éric Marcoux - Chaos Knights
Da Winter Waaagh 24 (December 7th, 2024)
5-0 - Andy Quas-Cohen - Necrons
Nations Cup - Alpine Cup (December 7th, 2024)
Germany - Arne Zerndt - Thousand Sons
Germany - Christian Breuer - Genestealer Cults
Germany - Manuel Wayand - Ultramarines
Germany - Marvin Petersen - Astra Militarum
Germany - Niklas Fritschen - Chaos Daemons
Germany - Pascal Haberstroh - Tyranids
Germany - Tim Schneider - Leagues of Votann
Feliz Exterminatus 3 (December 7th, 2024)
6-0 - Ryan Verbeck - Tyranids
5-0-1 - Josh Cameron - Chaos Knights
Merry Slaaneshmass 2024 (December 7th, 2024)
6-0 - Donald Plummer - T’au Empire
Gonghammer 2024 (November 30th, 2024)
5-0 - Nathan Princi - World Eaters
5-0 - Jordan Bennett - Blood Angels
Belgian GT 40K (November 30th, 2024)
North is Coming - Guillaume Plouchard - Blood Angels
North is Coming - Guillaume Dusaussois - Astra Militarum
North is Coming - Pierre-Yves Desplanques - Leagues of Votann
North is Coming - Antoine Givert - Adepta Sororitas
North is Coming - Gaulthier Plouchard - Necrons
North is Coming - Gautier TREMLET - Adepta Sororitas
40Kings Cup (November 30th, 2024)
5-0 - Sebastian Müller - Dark Angels
Heroes Of The Mid Table Fall GT (November 30th, 2024)
5-0 - Stu Angel - Genestealer Cults
ADFWGA-HEROCON 24 (November 30th, 2024)
5-0 - Joe Loke - Death Guard
GT Catalunya (November 30, 2024)
FNP7+ - Ferran Bayerri - Necrons
FNP7+ - Joker - T’au Empire
FNP7+ - Paco Chamorro - Genestealer Cults
FNP7+ - Roger Boira - Necrons
FNP7+ - Sir Charles - Adepta Sororitas
FNP7+ - Sorak - Tyranids
Athens Warlord (November 30th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Panos Papadopoulos - Genestealer Cults
WARPSTORM GT CYPRUS (November 30th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Alexander Kondakov - Pactbound Zealots
4-0-1 - Georgios Floros - Blood Angels
Incursion Events 40K Singles GT (November 30th, 2024)
5-0 - Rob Lebeau - Adepta Sororitas
Minsk Eternal GT (November 30th, 2024)
5-0 - MaLal - Adepta Sororitas
Open Chemmer Grand Tournament (November 30th, 2024)
5-0 - Martin Davila - Adepta Sororitas
Karak Winter Assault (November 30th, 2024)
5-0 - Jiri Spas - Aeldari
Viking Games - Rise of the Valkyries (November 30th, 2024)
5-0 - David Klang - Blood Angels
Bembel Clash #11 (November 29th, 2024)
6-0 - Christian Breuer - Genestealer Cults
THE LEICESTER 40K SUPER MAJOR (November 30th, 2024)
1st - Ben Jones - Genestealer Cults
The Guardian Gobbler GT (November 23rd, 2024)
5-0 - Ryan Cherewich - Death Guard
Sunken City 1st Annual GT (November 23rd, 2024)
5-0 - Ben Isenhoff - Chaos Space Marines
Fantasia Fanatic XLVI (November 23rd, 2024)
5-0 - Tim Nordin - Astra Militarum
5-0 - Mattias Lindvall-Östling - Thousand Sons
Cross-Swords War At The Westward VI (November 23rd, 2024)
5-0 - Ricky Callan - Astra Militarum
Manse veni vidi vici I (November 23rd, 2024)
5-0 - Jouni Haavisto - Orks
The Ghost Town Showdown (November 23rd, 2024)
5-0 - Hunter Spakes - Orks
Dynasty Slayer (November 23rd, 2024)
4-0-1 - Jack Chapman - Chaos Space Marines
DaBoyz GT Rochester 2024 (November 23rd, 2024)
5-0 - Chris Martens - Aeldari
5-0 - John Davison - Space Wolves
Gt Canes Belli (November 23rd, 2024)
4-0-1 - Patrick Philipp - T'au Empire
4-0-1 - Pascal Haberstroh - Tyranids
Riga Rumble vol.2 Teams 5vs5 (November 23rd, 2024)
Dead Inside - Andrejs Isajevs - Chaos Space Marines
Dead Inside - Arturs Leščinskis - Chaos Knights
Dead Inside - Deniss Krezevskis - World Eaters
Dead Inside - George Yu - Genestealer Cults
Dead Inside - Sergejs Medvedevs - Necrons
GT Andoain (November 23rd, 2024)
BATTLEBUNKER - Erik Hermosilla - Astra Militarum
BATTLEBUNKER - Iñaki Arrieta - Necrons
BATTLEBUNKER - Jonan OdeZ - Genestealer Cult
BATTLEBUNKER - Koldo Besga - Leagues of Votann
ALL STARS COOL DOWN - Hellstorm's 40K Tournament Series (November 23rd, 2024)
5-0 - Michael Duff - Tyranids
GERMAN MAJOR HAMBURG 2 (November 23rd, 2024)
5-0 - Manuel "BEL" Wieczorek - Astra Militarum
5-0 - Simon Rosen - Blood Angels
Toys of Mass Destruction - Hertfordshire Winter GT (November 23rd, 2024)
5-0 - Clement Tournade - Space Wolves
Renegade Open 2024 (November 23rd, 2024)
5-0 - Tyler Devries - Astra Militarum
5-0 - Andrew Moe - Death Guard
5-0 - Craig Parker - Tyranids
GT Terra'n'dins (November 23rd, 2024)
5-0 - Falco La_Orden - Drukhari
5-0 - Manel Tulla - Genestealer Cults
The Whitby GT (November 23rd, 2024)
5-0 - David Leniewski - Necrons
Grim GT 2024 (November 23rd, 2024)
5-0 - Tim Neal - Adeptus Custodes
Battle Shocked GT (November 23rd, 2024)
5-0 - Ruben Zhao - Ultramarines
ITA 40K THREE-PLAYER TEAMS 2024 (November 23rd, 2024)
TNA - Oliver Johnson - Genestealer Cults
TNA - Philip Dieters - Dark Angels
TNA - Zach De Glas - Aeldari
Obsec presents the 10th Annual Perth 40k GT (November 23rd, 2024)
6-0 - Callum German - Dark Angels
AZ League 2024 Fall Championship (November 23rd, 2024)
6-0 - Daniel Olivas - Aeldari
Celtic Cup Grand Tournament 2024 (November 23rd, 2024)
7-0 - Innes Wilson - Genestealer Cults
2024 World Championships of Warhammer 40,000 (November 21st, 2024)
1st - Folger Pyles - Adeptus Custodes
2nd - John Lennon - Astra Militarum
3rd - John Winter Russel - Astra Militarum
4th - Jesper Unander-Scharin - Ultramarines
Dicehammer "Highlander" Charity 40k GT (November 16th, 2024)
5-0 - Jeff Jew - Dark Angels
Tournois Blackshield Tournament (November 16th, 2024)
5-0 - John Winter Russell - Astra Militarum
The 2nd Siege of Windsor GT (November 16th, 2024)
5-0 - Alex Nicolic - Death Guard
The Gravel Pit #3 (November 16th, 2024)
5-0 - Aiden Smalley - Death Guard
AGT: WTC Kickoff Team Austria (November 16th, 2024)
5-0 - Michael Ramminger - Chaos Knights
GUTI Majestic Beasties IV (November 16th, 2024)
5-0 - Sébastien Demeule - World Eaters
El Legado de Dardo (November 16th, 2024)
5-0 - Joaquín Farah - Chaos Knights
Guardcon W40k (November 16th, 2024)
5-0 - Tim Ho - Chaos Knights
5-0 - Tim Ho - Chaos Knights
Hammertime: Leo (November 16th, 2024)
5-0 - David Burdett - Thousand Sons
Manatorsk Open GT (November 16th, 2024)
5-0 - Olof Svensson - Genestealer Cults
WTC Trial Italia (November 16th, 2024)
Altrimenti ci Arrabbiamo - Andrea Manfroni - Orks
Altrimenti ci Arrabbiamo - Daniele De Gemini - T'au Empire
Altrimenti ci Arrabbiamo - Edoardo Rinaldi - Astra Militarum
Altrimenti ci Arrabbiamo - Francesco Di Bonaventura - Necrons
Altrimenti ci Arrabbiamo - Marco Brandonisio - Grey Knights
Altrimenti ci Arrabbiamo - Nicolò Gili - World Eaters
Altrimenti ci Arrabbiamo - Pietro Riccio - Blood Angels
Altrimenti ci Arrabbiamo - Raffaele Ciofani Tucci - Chaos Space Marines
Beer and Pretzels Open Teams (November 16th, 2024)
Wargame Warriors Ho’s Hoes - Anthony Fung - Thousand Sons
Wargame Warriors Ho’s Hoes - Atal Walia - Blood Angels
Wargame Warriors Ho’s Hoes - Chase Bandl - Orks
Wargame Warriors Ho’s Hoes - Jason Ho - Adepta Sororitas
Wargame Warriors Ho’s Hoes - Nicholas Redford - World Eaters
Wargame Warriors Ho’s Hoes - Nick Jagiello - Astra Militarum
Wargame Warriors Ho’s Hoes - Quoc Lay - Chaos Daemons
Wargame Warriors Ho’s Hoes - Ryan Pearce - Necrons
Lakes of Blood Rotorua 2024 (November 16th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Joshuah Megchelse - Imperial Knights
TLM x Layton November GT (November 16th, 2024)
5-0 - David Klovstad - World Eaters
The Standoff 2024 (November 16th, 2024)
5-0 - Steven Pampreen - Genestealer Cults
WestCoast Wargames 40k (November 16th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Paul Bridge - Death Guard
4-0-1 - Tim Verbeek - Tyranids
CoCo’s November GT (November 16th, 2024)
5-0 - Collin Cochran - Chaos Space Marines
The Hogtowner 2024 (November 16th, 2024)
4-1 - Raf Brusilow - Aeldari
The Hobart GT 2024 (November 16th, 2024)
5-0 - Nathan Princi - World Eaters
The Autumn I.T.T. - INTERNATIONAL TEAM TOURNAMENT (November 16th, 2024)
Ignite - Brian Seipp - Ultramarines
Ignite - David Gaylard - Astra Militarum
Ignite - Jökull Jóhannsson - Grey Knights
5-0 - Patryk Maik - Adeptus Mechanicus
Ignite - Vik Vijay - Adepta Sororitas
Alliance Open (November 16th, 2024)
6-0 - Dino Kho - Genestealer Cults
6-0 - Dick van der Harst - Chaos Knights
BOLTERCON 2024 (November 15th, 2024)
5-0 - Geoff Perry - Thousand Sons
40K Peninsula Feast of Blades '24 (November 9th, 2024)
5-0 - Adrian James - Imperial Knights
Bunker Down GT 2024 RBBR (November 9th, 2024)
5-0 - Adam Dye - Chaos Space Marines
Western Sydney 8 Man Teams (November 9th, 2024)
The Horsemen - Alex Terrasson - Adepta Sororitas
The Horsemen - Brian Lakeland - Drukhari
The Horsemen - Dave Kerr - Dark Angels
The Horsemen - Jacob Warn - Chaos Space Marines
The Horsemen - Joshua McGowan - Adeptus Mechanicus
The Horsemen - Joshua Woods - Death Guard
The Horsemen - Michael House - Orks
The Horsemen - Erik Lathouras - Genestealer Cult
4th Annual Flames of Autumn GT (November 9th, 2024)
6-0 - Sean Olson - Ultramarines
6-0 - Derek Apsche - Chaos Space Marines
Raccoon Rumble 2024: WH40K (November 8th, 2024)
6-0 - Niklas Fritschen - Chaos Daemons
6-0 - Matthias Bellmann - Adepta Sororitas
6-0 - Manuel Wayand - Chaos Space Marines
Ragnarok Autumn (November 9th, 2024)
4-1 - Franco McDonnell - Chaos Daemons
Broadsword Wargaming 40K (November 9th, 2024)
5-0 - Sam Nash - Astra Militarum
5-0 - Colin Power - Chaos Knights
The California Cup '24 (November 8th, 2024)
7-1 - Alex Spathopoulos - Genestealer Cults
40K Iron Man (November 9th, 2024)
5-0 - Dom Ridley - T’au Empire
5-0 - Callum Byers - Adeptus Mechanicus
Cardiff Carnage #2 (November 9th, 2024)
5-0 - Ben Jones - Genestealer Cults
Battle Brothers GT Hosted by Away Games (November 9th, 2024)
5-0 - Blue Ford - Orks
5-0 - Mark Hertel - Ultramarines
5-0 - Timothy Huebscher - Chaos Knights
Napalm Hobbies - FROST FIRE GT (November 9th, 2024)
5-0 - Mark Pocock - Blood Angels
North Staffs GT (November 9th, 2024)
5-0 - David McWilliam - Tyranids
Hydra Events GT IIII (November 9th, 2024)
5-0 - Peter Herbild - Orks
Atomic City Warzone (November 2nd, 2024)
5-0 - Trenton Bates - Death Guard
5-0 - Lukas Troller - Chaos Knights
Geek Shack Anniversary GT (November 2nd, 2024)
5-0 - Colin Kay - Ultramarines
MID-MO Maelstrom (November 2nd, 2024)
5-0 - Dan Sammons - Astra Militarum
5-0 - Ryan Verbeck - Genestealer Cults
Gem City GT 2024 (November 2nd, 2024)
5-0 - Nemo The Fish - Astra Militarum
5-0 - Brian Daugherty - World Eaters
5-0 - Folger Pyles - Adeptus Custodes
Winchester 40K GT (November 2nd, 2024)
5-0 - Joshua Cowlard - Orks
Dark Sphere November GT (November 2nd, 2024)
5-0 - Jak Payne - Dark Angels
5-0 - Alun Perkins - Adeptus Custodes
Battle of Britain 2024 (November 2nd, 2024)
England Cultists - Danny Porter - Genstealer Cults
England Cultists - Greg Chamberlain - Tyranids
England Cultists - Jack Davis Fletcher - Thousand Sons
England Cultists - Matt Bell - Necrons
England Cultists - Nassim Fouchane - Astra Militarum
West Allotment at War RTT ITC (November 2nd, 2024)
5-0 - Eddie Chater - Leagues of Votann
Liègea Primus Tournament Solo (November 2nd 2024)
5-0 - Pierre Debey - Chaos Knights
The Risky Rollers Open (November 2, 2024)
7-0 - Rhys Cunningham - Adepta Sororitas
Immortal Chilli (November 2nd, 2024)
Myung Dong - Ben Clarke - Astra Militarum
Myung Dong - Cam Wilkinson - T’au Empire
Myung Dong - Dan Hayden - Tyranids
Myung Dong - Matt Strange - Chaos Knights
Myung Dong - Michael Taylor - Adeptus Mechanicus
GT TALAVERA 2024 (November 1st, 2024)
Conclave - Alejandro Mancuso Serrano - Blood Angels
Conclave - Gonzalo "Raven" - Necrons
Conclave - Manue - Astra Militarum
Conclave - Marco Esteban - Grey Knights
Conclave - Miguel Durá - Orks
Conclave - Terroxer El Rojo - Thousand Sons
Onslaught Tampa Open (November 1st, 2024)
Mahu's - Adam Raymond - Aeldari
Mahu's - Charlie Blowers - Imperial Agents
Mahu's - Chris Adams - Chris Adams
Mahu's - Jack Harpster - T'au Empire
Mahu's - Morgan Timpy - Death Guard
5-0 - Quinton Johnson - Adepta Sororitas
Mahu's - Morgan Timpy - Genestealer Cults
Mahu's - Chase Jones - Adeptus Mechanicus
Kirtonian Total Carnage VI (November 1th, 2024)
5-0 - Jonathan Summerfield - Chaos Space Marines
TTT-2024 (November 1st, 2024)
Xenofilerna - Björn Eriksson - Astra Militarum
Xenofilerna - Dag Samuelsson - Adepta Sororitas
Xenofilerna - Jacob Edvinsson - Chaos Daemons
Xenofilerna - Johan Edvinsson - Thousand Sons
Battle Against Breast Cancer AZ (October 26th, 2024)
5-0 - Jason Flanzer - Necrons
Kippers’ Melee (October 26th, 2024)
5-0 - Alex Conn - Tyranids
5-0 - Stu Angel - Thousand Sons
5-0 - Kyle Smith - Imperial Knights
The Route 66 Warhammer 40,000 GT (October 26th, 2024)
6-0 - Brent Simon - Space Wolves
The Portal Fall GT (October 26th, 2024)
5-0 - Samuel Pope - Tyranids
Safety's Off Orktober GT (October 26th, 2024)
5-0 - rOBIN rOBERTS - Genestealer Cults
Rumble on the Rivers 40k GT (October 26th, 2024)
5-0 - Folger Pyles - Adeptus Custodes
5-0 - Garrett Stacy - Death Guard
5-0 - Kevin Leonard - Chaos Daemons
Battle Against Breast Cancer (October 26th, 2024)
5-0 - Jeffrey Kolodner - Adepta Sororitas
Queen City Orktoberfest (October 26th, 2024)
5-0 - Jason Merten - Leagues of Votann
New York Open 3 (October 26th, 2024)
5-0 - David Gross - Astra Militarum
5-0 - Evan Tomchin - T'au Empire
Chimera Gaming Fall GT (October 26th, 2024)
5-0 - Nick Jagiello - Astra Militarum
Dice Like Ice Grand Tournament (October 26th, 2024)
5-0 - Collin Watts - Necrons
Palladium Games Presents: “the dumpster fire gt” Fall Edition (October 26th, 2024)
5-0 - Sascha Alexander Edelkraut - Black Templars
Gaelcon 2024 (October 26th, 2024)
5-0 - Mark Morrow - Necrons
THE COVENTRY 40K : 2-Day (October 26th, 2024)
5-0 - Andy Quas-Cohen - Necrons
5-0 - Franco McDonnell - Chaos Daemons
5-0 - Vik Vijay - Adepta Sororitas
The GR: Meme Team GT - In co-operation with Cryptic Cabin (October 26th, 2024)
5-0 - Euan Bedford-Cooper - Chaos Space Marines
5-0 - John Swanston - Thousand Sons
2nd VTC Warhammer 40K (October 26th, 2024)
5-0 - Kevin Zöllinger - Black Templars
5-0 - Peter Steiner - Leagues of Votann
Goose Hunting Donuts (October 26th, 2024)
5-0 - Андрей Островский - Space Wolves
Softkore WH40k (October 26th, 2024)
5-0 - Victor Koh - Adepta Sororitas
THE COVENTRY 40K : 3-Day (October 25th, 2024)
8-0 - Nassim Fouchane - Astra Militarum
Gothic Games Canterbury: October 5 Player Teams (October 19th, 2024)
South London Legion - Alex Ede - Death Guard
South London Legion - Cameron Archbold - Tyranids
South London Legion - James Hussein - Chaos Space Marines
South London Legion - Martyn Lakeland - Adeptus Mechanicus
South London Legion - Niklas Ek - Space Wolves
Versus Con 2024 - 2 Dias (Sábado e Domingo) (October 19th, 2024)
5-0 - Daniel Moreira - Adepta Sororitas
Corsair Open GT (October 25th, 2024)
4-1 - Max Kanter - Leagues of Votann
Malmö Wargaming Weekend 8 (October 19th, 2024)
5-0 - Björn Eriksson - Astra Militarum
5-0 - Joakim Engström - Tyranids
Harbor Heresy 2024 (October 19th, 2024)
5-0 - Jason Byrd - Chaos Knights
Blade & Bolter GT: Planet Anime Kansas City (October 19th, 2024)
5-0 - Jeremy Capko - Dark Angels
Conquest Italia - Warfare (October 19th, 2024)
5-0 - Andrea Costa - Space Wolves
Tournois D'Équipe Imperia-Lys VIII (October 19th, 2024)
Trash-Tier Gamma - David Morales - Death Guard
Trash-Tier Gamma - Hugo-Paul Lamoureux
Trash-Tier Gamma - Maxime Rampen - Thousand Sons
Trash-Tier Gamma - Samuel da Ponte - Grey Knights
Trash-Tier Gamma - Sebastien Potvin - Imperial Knights
Rapid Fire 2024 (October 19th, 2024)
5-0 - Allan Davidson - Aeldari
Battlefield Birmingham 23 (October 19th, 2024)
5-0 - Nassim Fouchane - Astra Militarum
5-0 - Christopher Radford - Space Wolves
ELBCOAST CUP XIII - GT (October 19th, 2024)
5-0 - Hannes Hoferichter - Blood Angels
5-0 - Adrijano Ilic - Thousand Sons
SoCal Open 2024 - 40k Team Championship (October 19th, 2024)
XPZ Alpha - Arthur Tu - Chaos Space Marines
XPZ Alpha - Camden Holt - Leagues of Votann
XPZ Alpha - Daniel Guarnaccia - Dark Angels
XPZ Alpha - Gabriel Palacios - Tyranids
XPZ Alpha - Hugh Murray - Chaos Daemons
XPZ Alpha - Mark Ferek - T’au Empire
XPZ Alpha - Matthew Green - Thousand Sons
XPZ Alpha - Travis Cox - Adeptus Custodes
Mektoberfest GT (October 19th, 2024)
5-0 - Seth Piper - Adeptus Mechanicus
5-0 - Brandon Lovato - Necrons
Last of the Summer Winehammer 7 (October 19th, 2024)
5-0 - Mike Porter - Genestealer Cults
VII GT Coliseum murciano (October 19th, 2024)
Team Tuser - Daniel Ochoa Rodriguez - Tyranids
Team Tuser - El Patrón - Imperial Knights
Team Tuser - Francisco Pellon Lopez - Necrons
Team Tuser - Ray Calitri - Chaos Knights
Team Tuser - Borja FM - Blood Angels
The Harvester of Souls 2024 (October 19th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Nathan Gribble - Astra Militarum
The Saffron Slam Teams Tournament (October 19th, 2024)
The Grimdark Garage - Alex Ginns - Leagues of Votann
The Grimdark Garage - Jack West - Chaos Daemons
The Grimdark Garage - Michael Boyle - Adepta Sororitas
The Grimdark Garage - Paul Bridge - Thousand Sons
The Grimdark Garage - Tom Moynihan - Astra Militarum
Edmonton Wargaming Open 40K (October 19th, 2024)
5-0 - Matthew Secter - T’au Empire
Dragons Lair Open 2024 (October 19th, 2024)
5-0-1 - Zach Meyer - Imperial Knights
Denver 40K Fight Club October Open 2024 (October 19th, 2024)
6-0 - Ben Neal - Ultramarines
5-0-1 - Matt Evans - Tyranids
Toronto Fall Open 2024 (October 19th, 2024)
6-0 - Ridvan Martinez - Drukhari
Battle For Salvation GT 2024 (October 12th, 2024)
6-0 - Samuel Pope - Tyranids
Call to Arms GT Hosted by Away Games (October 12th, 2024)
5-0 - Emory Garrett - Drukhari
Otoñocalipsis Kingdom Wargames (October 12th, 2024)
5-0 - Marco Esteban - Space Wolves
BattlePub Bar Fight (October 12th, 2024)
5-0 - Reuben Gariby - Tyranids
XIRITEAMS (October 12th, 2024)
Atresmas - Chorni - World Eaters
Atresmas - Javier Peigneux - Thousand Sons
Atresmas - Patuka Sopla tu nukka - T'au Empire
Atresmas - Vashkor el artífice - Chaos Knights
Atresmas - Javier Peris - Black Templars
Carnage around the Geysers (October 12th, 2024)
5-0 - Tait Hoby - Genestealer Cults
NurgleMania (October 12th, 2024)
5-0 - Tim Schneider - Leagues of Votann
5-0 - Manuel Wayand - Necrons
Brighton 40k GT IX (October 12th, 2024)
5-0 - Martyn Cooper - Astra Militarum
5-0 - Dom Maidlow - Chaos Space Marines
Ogr Cubb Teams (October 12th, 2024)
Lions Prague - Jakub Jansa - Chaos Space Marines
Lions Prague - Jan Ullmann - Orks
Lions Prague - Lukáš Huněk - Tyranids
Lions Prague - Ondřej Svatoň - Blood Angels
Lions Prague - Vojtech Čistecký - Death Guard
SSG GT Goes Solo? (October 12th, 2024)
5-0 - Kalle Abrahamsson - Tyranids
5-0 - George McCoulough - Drukhari
4-0-1 - Douglas Svensson - Thousand Sons
2d6 Exterminatus (October 12th, 2024)
5-0 - Jonathan Arkin - Blood Angels
5-0 - Sveinung Nøding - Tyranids
Manawatu Maelstrom 2 (October 12th, 2024)
5-0 - Matt van Wijk - Grey Knights
Carnage - Solaris (October 12th, 2024)
5-0 - Andy Quas-Cohen - Necrons
Auspicious Masters (October 12th, 2024)
5-0 - Connor White - Astra Militarum
There Is Only War III (October 12th, 2024)
6-0 - Donovan Sailo - Grey Knights
October Bash By The Beach GT Presented by By Brush and Bolter (October 5th, 2024)
5-0 - Michael Clark - Imperial Knights
Paragon City Games Warhammer 40K Store Championships (October 5th, 2024)
5-0 - Evan Stump - Dark Angels
The Great Game - Gongaii GT (October 5th, 2024)
5-0 - Isaac Terada - Thousand Sons
Western Canadian Team Championship (October 5th, 2024)
The Eh Team - Garret Olson - Tyranids
The Eh Team - Jack Morris - Adepta Sororitas
The Eh Team - Jeremy Atkinson - Dark Angels
The Eh Team - Riley Tremblay - Aeldari
Hammer Down Breast Cancer (October 5th, 2024)
5-0 - Justin Adams - Chaos Space Marines
Geekfest - Autumn (October 5th, 2024)
5-0 - Brandon Vallee - T'au Empire
Clan Wars Scottish Open 6 (October 5th, 2024)
5-0 - Innes Wilson - Space Marines
Alba GT 2024 (October 5th, 2024)
5-0 - Marek Vlnka - Tyranids
5-0 - Filip Jakob Pogacnik - World Eaters
Winter Team National Championship (October 5th, 2024)
Stat Wars Team Oro - Alberto Falcioni - Genestealer Cults
Stat Wars Team Oro - Edoardo Guerretta - Thousand Sons
Stat Wars Team Oro - Morgan Fortini - World Eaters
Stat Wars Team Oro - Riccardo Dellasette - Grey Knights
Stat Wars Team Oro - Simone Agrave - Chaoos Daemons
Stat Wars Team Oro - Stefano Bosco - Orks
Volcancon Warhammer GT (October 5th, 2024)
6-0 - Josh Strathearn - Chaos Space Marines
RoGB North West Tournament (October 5th, 2024)
4-0-1 - James Stewart - Adeptus Mechanicus
4-0-1 - Blake Jones - Orks
The Spice Must Flow GT (October 5th, 2024)
5-0 - Michael Taylor - Adeptus Mechanicus
5-0 - Brodie Middleton - Astra Militarum
5-0 - Woody Wu - Space Wolves
DreamHack Atlanta 8-Player Team Event (October 4th, 2024)
Art of War - Brian Jones - Leagues of Votann
Art of War - Jack Harpster - Astra Militarum
Art of War - Mike Muzeni - Thousand Sons
Art of War - Nick Nanavati - Genestealer Cults
Art of War - Quinton Johnson - Adepta Sororitas
Art of War - Richard Siegler - Adeptus Mechanicus
Art of War - Russel Tassin - Chaos Space Marines
Art of War - Sascha Alexander Edelkraut - Dark Angels
DreamHack Atlanta Warhammer 40K Singles Event (October 4th, 2024)
5-0 - Seth Piper - Adeptus Mechanicus
Hanseatic Alliance Open 2024 (October 4th, 2024)
8-0 - Tim Schneider - Leagues of Votann
Studs and Snotlings 2024 (September 28th, 2024)
Blunt Force Trauma - Jason Sparks - Grey Knights
Blunt Force Trauma - Tim Deetlefs - Adepta Sororitas
Blunt Force Trauma - Devin Swann - Necrons
Blunt Force Trauma - Will Paul - Tyranids
Blunt Force Trauma - Ciaran Gibb - Aeldari
Blunt Force Trauma - Nick Jagiello - Astra Militarum
Blunt Force Trauma - Chris Hanes - Chaos Space Marines
Blunt Force Trauma - Ricky Johnson - T'au Empire
Obsec presents WATC 2024 (September 28th, 2024)
Juggernaut - Brenton Italiano - Imperial Knights
Juggernaut - Jordan Berresford - Adeptus Mechanicus
Juggernaut - Mathew Crosbie - Chaos Space Marines
Juggernaut - Callum German - Dark Angels
Juggernaut - Lachlan Rigg - Grey Knights
Juggernaut - Oliver Johnson - Genestealer Cults
GT BUNKERHAMMER XII (September 27th, 2024)
Atresmas - Chorni - Adepta Sororitas
Atresmas - Dekkers - Chaos Space Marines
Atresmas - Felix Porras - Astra Militarum
Atresmas - Javier Peigneux - Thousand Sons
Atresmas - Patuka Sopla tu nukka - T'au Empire
GT BCN 2024 (September 27th, 2024)
OVERMASILLA - Lewis Aepda - Space Wolves
OVERMASILLA - Jan Salazar - Orks
OVERMASILLA - ADRIAN Lopez Garcia - Grey Knights
OVERMASILLA - Orellana AEPDA - Necrons
OVERMASILLA - Julen Pericoloso - Dark Angels
OVERMASILLA - Xavo Melenero L'Escamarlà - Tyranids
Rooks 40k Open (September 28th, 2024)
5-0 - Colin Kay - Dark Angels
Flying Monkey Con 40k Champs (September 28th, 2024)
6-0 - Kit Smith - Necrons
6-0 - Peyton Preece - Adeptus Mechanicus
2024 Wars on the Shore GT (September 28th, 2024)
5-0 - Travis King - Thousand Sons
Warzone Houston (September 28th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Alberto Nicolas - Blood Angels
4-0-1 - Colin McDade - Adepta Sororitas
The Ninja Hobo's Extravaganza (September 28th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Martin Sloan - Black Templars
4-0-1 - Mark Morrow - Necrons
KönigHammer Autumn 2024 (September 28th, 2024)
5-0 - Степан Зотов - Chaos Space Marines
4-0-1 - Mooniverse _ - Adepta Sororitas
4-0-1 - Hugh Mc Cluskey - Grey Knights
VAE VICTIS 2024 (September 28th, 2024)
5-0 - Alex Phimister - Genestaler Cults
Last Rites V - Warhammer 40k GT (September 28th, 2024)
5-0 - Felix Mathiasson - Thousand Sons
GRIMDARK 22: september slaughter (September 28th, 2024)
5-0 - Kalle Abrahamsson - Thousand Sons
4-0-1 - Kaj Börjeson - Astra Militarum
Wettcon Höst 2024 40k (September 28th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Martin Berggren - Adeptus Custodes
SN Battle Reports No Retreat XIII (September 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Lawrence Baker - Emperor's Children
The Fall PNW Warlords Clash (September 21st, 2024)
5-0 - Joel Rodgers - Space Wolves
W4 - Eau Claire (September 21st, 2024)
4-0-1 - Orin Koaobucki - Chaos Space Marine
Waisted Potential Presents: Orchard of OH-NO 40k GT (September 21st, 2024)
5-0 - Adam Green - Leagues of Votann
5-0 - Gord Weppler - Genestealer Cults
Roc Hard GT (September 21st, 2024)
5-0 - John Davison - Space Wolves
2024 Michigan GT Warhammer 40K Championships (September 21st, 2024)
5-0 - Conan Jennings - Dark Angels
5-0 - Lyle Dixon - T'au Empires
5-0 - Folger Pyles - Aeldari
4-0-1 - Steven Pampreen - Genestealer Cults
ICE HAMMER ITC GT V - 2024 (September 21st, 2024)
5-0 - Þórarinn Sigurðsson - Thousand Sons
Aemona Grand Tournament Vol. 3 (September 21st, 2024)
4-0-1 - Lukas Wobak - Tyranids
4-0-1 - Thomas Wobak - Grey Knights
South China Open 2024 (September 21st, 2024)
4-1 - Yushun Xu - Aeldari
Tokyo Tactical World Championship Qualifier (September 21st, 2024)
5-0 - Julien Robiolle - Chaos Space Marines
Battle in the Bush 10 (September 21st, 2024)
5-0 - Jordan McGregor - Adepta Sororitas
4-0-1 - Taylor Hill - Thousand Sons
Invasion 40k 2024 (September 20th, 2024)
6-0 - Jonathan Arkin - Blood Angels
5-0-1 - Bjørn Olsen - Orks
Dicing Death II GT (September 14th, 2024)
6-0 - Nicholas Fromme - Adepta Sororitas
EL Bunker, Bajio Open 2024 (September 14th, 2024)
6-0 - Xavier Barrera - Astra Militarum
Iron Cage: September Slaughter (September 14th, 2024)
5-0 - Justin Moore - Necrons
5-0 - Colin Kay - Adepta Sororitas
Thunder Hammer - GameShelf Sept 2024 (September 15th, 2024)
5-0 - Malaki Fowler - Thousand Sons
Eternal Wrath 2024 (September 14th, 2024)
5-0 - Dom Maidlow - Chaos Space Marines
East Midlands Slam GT 1! (September 14th, 2024)
5-0 - Aidan Brocklehurst - Adepta Sororitas
Harlequins Warhammer 40K GRAND TOURNAMENT (September 14th, 2024)
5-0 - Matt Charles - Blood Angels
German Major Bayern 2024 (September 14th, 2024)
6-0 - Mathieu Clerc - Leagues of Votann
WARHAMMER 40K NATIONALS 2024 (September 14th, 2024)
5-0 - Ashley Clutten - Chaos Space Marines
Riverhammer 2024 (September 14th, 2024)
5-0 - Eero Saukkonen - Astra Militarum
C4: Justice for COQ (September 14th, 2024)
4-1 - Michael Trad - Astra Militarum
Oceanic Championships of Warhammer 40,000 (September 14th, 2024)
5-0 - Rhys Cunningham - Adepta Sororitas
Roll for Damage GT 2024 (September 14th, 2024)
6-0 - Kyle Murray - Imperial Knights
No Surrender 2024 (September 14th, 2024)
5-0 - Matthew Pearce - Imperial Knights
4-0-1 - John McLachlan - Tyranids
4-0-1 - Luke Cruse - Space Wolves
III GT Radiactivo (September 7th, 2024)
5-0 - Juan Diego Barragán Mateos - Adeptus Custodes
Toys of Mass Destruction - Hertfordshire Autumn GT (September 7th, 2024)
5-0 - Mathew Putney - Necrons
SUPER. COOL. TOURNAMENT. hosted by Caladrius Games (September 7th, 2024)
5-0 - Seth Piper - Adeptus Mechanicus
DOMINION Presents 40K GT CASCADE! (September 7th, 2024)
5-0 - Conar Leach - Chaos Space Marines
Fall Edition MidtconGT (September 7th, 2024)
5-0 - Alexander Jessen - Thousand Sons
5-0 - Morten Hørby - Necrons
The Fall of Empires II (September 7th, 2024)
4-1 - Trần Ngọc Thanh Danh - Leagues of Votann
Kassel Cup Singles - Alpine Cup (September 5th, 2024)
5-0 - Malte Höfs - Chaos Space Marines
Winchester 40K GT (September 7th, 2024)
5-0 - Martyn Cooper - Astra Militarum
Abyss Back To School 40k GT (September 7th, 2024)
5-0 - Sebastien Geoffrion - Tyranids
40k Italian Grand Tournament (September 7th, 2024)
5-0 - Edoardo Rinaldi - Astra Militarum
5-0 - Andrea Manfroni - Space Wolves
5-0 - Giorgio Castelli - Necrons
Shanghai Sanlin Warhammer Chinese Championship (September 7th, 2024)
5-0 - Yizheng Shen - Adeptus Custodes
4-0-1 - Chen Liang - Space Wolves
Da Summer Waaagh 2024 (September 7th, 2024)
5-0 - Mike Porter - Blood Angels
Goonhammer Open UK (September 7th, 2024)
6-0 - Danny Evison - Necrons
Smite Club Open 2024 (September 7th, 2024)
6-0 - Jason McKenzie - T'au Empire
5-0-1 - Donovan Sailo - Grey Knights
5-0-1 - Gareth Hunt - Orks
Crucible 2024 (September 6th, 2024)
7-0 - John Lennon - Dark Angels
Karnage at the Keep - August Royal (August 31st, 2024)
5-0 - Ken Bush - Adepta Sororitas
Beat The Heat GT 2024 (August 31st, 2024)
5-0 - Spenser Bainter - Tyranids
4-0-1 - Jimmy B - Grey Knights
Hey Wanna Play Saltier Classic (August 31st, 2024)
4-1 - Roger Avila - Drukhari
La Voz de Horus Open (August 31st, 2024)
1st - Alvaro Perez - Adepta Sororitas
NOVA Open 2024 Grand Tournament (August 30th, 2024)
8-0 - Derek Apsche - Chaos Space Marines
Sunflower Showdown GT (August 31st, 2024)
5-0 - Treynor Wolfe - Adepta Sororitas
SUPER All Stars 2 - Hellstorm’s MAJOR (August 31st, 2024)
6-0 - Innes Wilson - Genestealer Cults
6-0 - Matthew Dean - Adepta Sororitas
EG Grand Slam 40k GT (August 31st, 2024)
5-0 - Sebastian Long - Aeldari
Hive City Gaming GT (August 31st, 2024)
5-0 - Sam Dickinson - World Eaters
Pompey Pillage 2024 (August 31st, 2024)
4-0-1 - Adam Merrett - Tyranids
Malmö Game Week II (August 31st, 2024)
4-0-1 - Olof Svensson - Dark Angels
4-0-1 - Emil Söderholm - World Eaters
The Glasshammer GT - Wolverhampton (August 31st, 2024)
5-0 - Vik Vijay - Adepta Sororitas
5-0 - Jay Middlecote - Chaos Knights
Imperium Tertius V 40K (Ironman) (August 31st, 2024)
5-0 - Alexander Tepe - Astra Militarum
Call to Arms Warhammer 40k Comp (August 31st, 2024)
4-1 - Alex Cameron - Aeldari
ECDC Presents: The Big Sky Open (August 24th, 2024)
5-0 - Colin Kay - Adepta Sororitas
5-0 - Thomas Moore - Blood Angels
Hammer of Wrath GT (August 24th, 2024)
5-0 - Matthew Green - Thousand Sons
5-0 - Nico Urrea - Thousand Sons
Wasteland Wars 3 (August 24th, 2024)
5-0 - Michael Mckibben - Drukhari
Heroes Of The Mid Table Summer GT (August 24th, 2024)
5-0 - Ryan Burns - Dark Angels
5-0 - Brendan McKenzie - Adepta Sororitas
Texas Open 2024 (August 23rd, 2024)
6-0 - Cam Hawkins - Dark Angels
6-0 - Justin Moore - Necrons
North Star Open (August 24th, 2024)
6-0 - Ben Cherwien - Chaos Space Marines
4-0-1 - Miles Engrav - Grey Knights
AZ Warhammer 40K League 2024 Summer Championship (August 24th, 2024)
6-0 - Collin Watson - Adepta Sororitas
CCBB 40k - Singles (August 24th, 2024)
6-0 - John Winter Russell - Astra Militarum
Dearg Doom I (August 24th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Dan Ahern - World Eaters
4-0-1 - Joseph Musgrave - World Eaters
Cardiff Carnage #1 (August 24, 2024)
5-0 - Stephen Box - Adepta Sororitas
5-0 - Stefan Donovan - Adeptus Astartes
GREX Battle for Augustus - Legends GT (August 24th, 2024)
5-0 - Jonathan Lee - Necrons
Ratcon 2024 (August 24th, 2024)
5-0 - Ben Coubrough - Chaos Space Marines
5-0 - Stuart Trainer - Tyranids
Coulee Con Warhammer 40k Tournament (August 17th, 2024)
5-0 - Fred Fortman - Deathwatch
Games and Stuff 40K Event Hosted by Away Games (August 17th, 2024)
5-0 - Liam Martin - Thousand Sons
5-0 - Jeffrey Kolodner - Adepta Sororitas
Summer Showdown (August 17th, 2024)
5-0 - Nicolas Chesnick - Thousand Sons
Brighton 40k GT VIII (August 17th, 2024)
5-0 - Tom Hamshire - Drukhari
Come the Apocalypse GT (August 17th, 2024)
5-0 - Cliff Nelson - Black Templars
BrewHammer GT 6 (August 17th, 2024)
5-0 - Matthew Moran - Thousand Sons
North and South GT 2024 (August 17th, 2024)
5-0 - Ethan Armstrong - Grey Knights
IV GT Happy Birthday Mr. Iberian Goblin! (August 17th, 2024)
5-0 - Keko - Tyranids
Mountain View Mayhem 4th Annual 40k Charity Tournament (August 17th, 2024)
5-0 - Luke Henderson - Grey Knights
5-0 - David Purcell - Astra Militarum
Krootcon 2024 (August 17th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Jordan McGregor - Adepta Sororitas
4-0-1 - Christopher Wright - Blood Angels
4-0-1 - Richard Hill - Death Guard
4-0-1 - Jay Mann - Space Wolves
Hydra GT III (August 17th, 2024)
5-0 - Anders Petersen - Space Wolves
2024 RBBR Summer Meltdown GT (August 17th, 2024)
4-1 - Adam Dye - Chaos Space Marines
Throne of Skulls (August 17th, 2024)
5-0 - Robert Percival - Death Guard
5-0 - Paul Oboyle - Black Templars
The Saffron Slam IX (August 17th, 2024)
5-0 - James Marsden - T'au Empire
The Deck Box Masters Grand Tournament (August 17th, 2024)
5-0 - Keenan Elliot - Dark Angels
THE LEEDS 40K SUPER MAJOR (August 16th, 2024)
1st - Jack Tite - Adepta Sororitas
2nd - Nathan Roberts - Tyranids
3rd - Stephen Box Adepta Sororitas
4th - Kyle Grundy - T'au Empire
Iowaaagh! Open 2024 (August 10th, 2024)
6-0 - James Kelling - Aeldari
Trønderdome (August 10th, 2024)
5-0 - Leander Karlsen - Space Wolves
Grand Onslaught 8 (August 10th, 2024)
5-0 - Mike Muzeni - Thousand Sons
5-0 - Quinton Johnson - Aeldari
Cross-Swords War At The Westward V (August 10th, 2024)
5-0 - Jonathan Summerfield - Chaos Space Marines
Club Seal Cup Part II (August 10th, 2024)
5-0 - Harry Mayo - World Eaters
Tables and Towers Summer GT (August 10th, 2024)
5-0 - Mark Hertel - Deathwatch
5-0 - Shaun Reynolds - Dark Angels
Arch City GT III (August 10th, 2024)
5-0 - Peter Elias - Aeldari
5-0 - Folger Pyles - Aeldari
4-0-1 - David DeLisle - Tyranids
Atomic GT: These Lethal Hits Got Me Dying for the Emperor (August 10th, 2024)
5-0 - John Casey - Adepta Sororitas
Waaghmaster GT (August 10th, 2024)
4-1 - Johan Skantz - Adeptus Custodes
The Salt City GT 2024 (August 9th, 2024)
7-0 - Brad Chester - Blood Angels
WTC Warmaster GT 2024 (August 8th, 2024)
1st - Weiss Olivier - Black Templars
2nd - Arnaud Allot - Necrons
3rd - Alexandre Sacco - Thousand Sons
4th - Georgios Floros - Blood Angels
Palm Springs Open III (August 3rd, 2024)
6-0 - Nico Urrea - Thousand Sons
6-0 - Wyatt Harris - Skysplinter Assault
6-0 - Jeff Jew - Dark Angels
War In The Fort GT (August 3rd, 2024)
5-0-1 - Brent Simon - Space Wolves
5-0-1 - Cody Jiru - Drukhari
BC BBQ Brawl (August 3rd, 2024)
5-0 - Kyle Wright - Iron Hands
Armed Forces Day 7 (August 3rd, 2024)
5-0 - Elliott Levy - Space Wolves
5-0 - Kevin Leonard - Chaos Daemons
Gothic Games Canterbury (August 3rd, 2024)
5-0 - Ciaran Furlong - Thousand Sons
5-0 - Steve Scott - Necrons
Salt Lake Open (August 2nd, 2024)
7-0 - Rob Gonzales - Necrons
Midgards August (August 3rd, 2024)
5-0 - Samuel Pope - Tyranids
Peterborough Slam GT 7 (August 3rd, 2024)
5-0 - Greg Chamberlain - Tyranids
Black Tower Brawl (August 3rd, 2024)
5-0 - Matt Bell - Necrons
ÖK-spelen GT (August 3rd, 2024)
4-0-1 - Sebastian Larsson - Chaos Knights
4-0-1 - Anders Palm - Thousand Sons
Iberian Open 2024 La Marca d'Egara (August 3rd, 2024)
5-0 - Dekkers - Necrons
China Warhammer City Tournament 2024 (August 3rd, 2024)
5-0 - Ranchen Li - World Eaters
5-0 - Mafi Chan - Chaos Space Marines
5-0 - Jerry Zhang - Death Guard
Waterdeep GT 3ra Edición (July 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Xavier Barrera - Dark Angels
Boise Cup 2024 (July 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Trenton Bates - Drukhari
5-0 - Jeff Elston - Aeldari
4-0-1 - Jacob Gold - Tyranids
Free State Mid Summer GT (July 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Cody Jiru - Drukhari
Conviction of Power (July 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Martyn Cooper - Astra Militarum
Protect Ya Neck (July 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Matt Charles - Blood Angels
5-0 - Markus Hinson - T'au Empire
Exploding Dice 40K GT (July 27th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Andrew Beattie - T'au Empire
4-0-1 - Harry McComb - Grey Knights
The North East Open (July 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Innes Wilson - Dark Angels
5-0 - Pearce Condren - Thousand Sons
5-0 - Will Whitaker - Adepta Sororitas
Winter Warfest (July 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Erik Lathouras - Genestealer Cults
The Carolina Open Hosted by Away Games (July 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Austin Wingfield - Adepta Sororitas
Dice Goblin’s Shotgun Ironman (July 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Walter Langendorf - Necrons
FactoruM GT July 2024 (July 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Alex Fowler - Thousand Sons
5-0 - Rob Elver - Astra Militarum
Clowns Massacre (July 27th, 2024)
1st - Phạm Xuân Thủy - Drukhari
Frontline Gaming LSO (July 20th, 2024)
6-0 - Derek Apsche - Chaos Space Marines
6-0 - Clifton “Murica” Russell - Orks
6-0 - Nathaniel Bjorge - Tyranids
US Open Tacoma (July 19th, 2024)
1st - Marshall Peterson - Orks
2nd - Scott Ketcham - Adepta Sororitas
3rd - Chuck Arnett - Leagues of Votann
4th - Jaden Iwaasa - Space Wolves
Saskatchewan Open 2024 (July 20th, 2024)
5-0 - Anthony Richardson - Drukhari
5-0 - Frasier Parry - World Eaters
Dice Arcade Winter GT (July 20th, 2024)
5-0 - Alexander Englezos - Adeptus Mechanicus
4-0-1 - Egor Kalinin - Necrons
TLM x Layton July GT (July 20th, 2024)
5-0 - Jack Harpster - Aeldari
5-0 - Quinton Johnson - Adepta Sororitas
Forthvalley GT 2024 (July 20th, 2024)
5-0 - Ryan Kerr - T'au Empire
Ropecon - The Monsters of Hyperbölea (July 20th, 2024)
5-0 - Juha Ottelin - Blood Angels
5-0 - Kaarle Tukia - Adepta Sororitas
Baltic Cup XII (July 21st, 2024)
5-0 - Niklas Fritschen - Chaos Daemons
5-0 - Niklas Frerichs - Dark Angels
5-0 - Pau “Conejo Malo” Poensgen - Drukhari
Denver 40K Fight Club July Open (July 13th, 2024)
5-0 - Colin Kay - Adepta Sororitas
Hometown 40K (July 13th, 2024)
5-0 - Scotty Bee - Blood Angels
5-0 - Kieren Trimbee - Genestealer Cults
J-Town Throwdown (July 13th, 2024)
5-0 - Josh Wilson - World Eaters
5-0 - Bryce Watson - Dark Angels
Hee Yaw GT 2024 (July 13th, 2024)
5-0 - Scott Cairns - Astra Militarum
TGX Warhammer 40,000 Event (July 13th, 2024)
6-0 - Nick Jagiello - Astra Militarum
Exterminatus IX: Sosig Party (July 13th, 2024)
5-0 - Alexander Englezos - Adeptus Mechanicus
5-0 - Ashley Thompson - Adepta Sororitas
1st - Andy Quas-Cohen - Necrons
2nd - Jonny Simmons - Adeptus Mechanicus
3rd - Josh Roberts - Chaos Space Marines
4th - Ben Jones - Dark Angels
5th - Mike Porter - Blood Angels
Midsummer O.P.A. 2024 (July 13TH, 2024)
5-0 - Orestis Argiropoulos - Chaos Space Marines
Gt Ciudad de Avila (July 13th, 2024)
5-0 - Cajolín Waif - Blood Angels
Goonhammer Open Canada (July 6th, 2024)
5-0 - Logan Antonation - Space Wolves
TM Iron Man (July 6th, 2024)
5-0 - Joe Deno - Leagues of Votann
Warzone Mann 2024 (July 6th, 2024)
5-0 - John Kiddell - World Eaters
Red Dragon July GT (July 6th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Jeremy Atkinson - Thousand Sons
Central Island Open (July 6th, 2024)
5-0 - Ian Harris - Death Guard
2024 US Goonhammer Open (July 6th, 2024)
5-0 - Tony Phillips - Adepta Sororitas
Geekfest - Summer Heat (July 6th, 2024)
5-0 - Blair Macdonald - Chaos Daemons
Winchester 40K GT (July 6th, 2024)
5-0 - Rayne Avery - T'au Empire
Dark Sphere July 40k GT (July 6th, 2024)
5-0 - Samuel Smith - Chaos Space Marines
5-0 - Lewis Smith - T'au Empire
Bembel Clash #10 (July 6th, 2024)
5-0 - Pau “Conejo Malo” Poensgen - Drukhari
II GT Tormenta de Hostias (July 6th, 2024)
5-0 - Garsa Garseta - Drukhari
5-0 - Usukane RR - World Eaters
Geelong 40k Town Open (July 6th, 2024)
5-0 - Jerome El'Dussey - Adepta Sororitas
WarGamesCon 14 Championship (June 29th, 2024)
6-0 - Matthew Allee - Black Templars
6-0 - Justin Moore - T'au Empire
Rage Grand Tournament (June 29th, 2024)
5-0 - Ben Jurek - Blood Angels
5-0 - Jofonz Bow - T'au Empire
Battle for the Capital GT (June 29th, 2024)
5-0 - Scott Ketcham - Adepta Sororitas
2nd Annual Dragon Egg WAAAAAGH!!!!! (June 29th, 2024)
5-0 - Colin Kay - Adepta Sororitas
Field of Flames GT by Tavern of Souls (June 29th, 2024)
5-0 - Jon Camacho - Adeptus Custodes
Battle Ready Wargaming's Southern Showdown (June 29th, 2024)
5-0 - Collin Watts - Grey Knights
PKH x BAC (June 29th, 2024)
5-0 - John Stewart - Blood Angels
Built Forge Tough GT (June 29th, 2024)
5-0 - Alex Vian - Dark Angels
The Portal Summer GT (June 29th, 2024
5-0 - Kevin Lieb - T'au Empire
Silicon Valley Grand Tournament (June 29th, 2024)
5-0 - Ruben Zhao - Grey Knights
Sachsengeballer GT (June 29th, 2024)
5-0 - Wesselin Georgiev - Space Wolves
Dice & Bolter GT (June 29th, 2024)
5-0 - Kyle Grundy - T'au Empire
Salzburg Major 40K - Alpine Cup (June 29th, 2024)
5-0 - William Fuhrimann - Imperial Knights
Team Hivemind - New Dawn (June 29th, 2024)
5-0 - Tristan Spencer - Necrons
Tolaris Cup (June 29th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Vojtech Čistecký - Death Guard
Dumfries Gamers 40K Charity GT (June 29th, 2024)
5-0 - Innes Wilson - Tyranids
Fläsket är Svagt III (June 29th, 2024)
5-0 - Pontus Koch - Ultramarines
Toys of Mass Destruction - Hertfordshire Summer GT (June 29th, 2024)
5-0 - Matt Wright - Astra Militarum
The Glasshammer GT - Birmingham (June 29th, 2024)
6-0 - Josh Roberts - Chaos Space Marines
6-0 - David Leniewski - Necrons
Slaanesh Summer Slam Ironman GT (June 22nd, 2024)
5-0 - David Purcell - Astra Militarum
Münsterland Major (June 22nd, 2024)
5-0 - Matthias Bellmann - Thousand Sons
5-0 - Tim Schneider - Leagues of Votann
5-0 - Mathieu Clerc - Leagues of Votann
The Battle For Middle Wisko GT (June 22nd, 2024)
5-0 - Wesley St.Hines - Astra Militarum
Hammertime @ Kelowna Comicon (June 22nd, 2024)
4-0-1 - Alex Macdougall - Genestealer Cults
5-0 - JT McDowell - Drukhari
Dicing Death GT (June 22nd, 2024)
5-0 - Lukas Troller - Orks
Luxembourg Open 40k (June 22nd, 2024)
5-0 - Sebastian Gehart - Necrons
San Diego Grand Tournament (June 22nd, 2024)
5-0 - Grant Kauffman - Death Guard
5-0 - Jeff Jew - Orks
North Staffs GT (June 22nd, 2024)
5-0 - Rob Williams - Chaos Space Marines
The Route 66 40k Grand Tournament (June 22nd, 2024)
5-0 - Brent Simon - Space Wolves
Black Tower Wargaming 40k Iron Man (June 22nd, 2024)
5-0 - David Leniewski - Necrons
ITA 40K SINGLES GT 2024 (June 22nd, 2024)
5-0 - Brian Lakeland - Drukhari
4-0-1 - Joshua McGowan - Space Wolves
4-0-1 - Ben Warrior - Adeptus Mechanicus
West Coast Wargames 40K 2024 (June 22nd, 2024)
4-1 - Marcus Lescouret - Death Guard
Laughing Dragon Grand Tournament (June 22nd, 2024)
5-0 - Noah Beddome - Orks
4-0-1 - Guillaume Botbol - Thousand Sons
The Great Chilli Cook-Off (June 22nd, 2024)
5-0 - Cam Wilkinson - T'au Empire
Kirtonian Total Carnage V (June 22nd, 2024)
5-0 - Aaron Mosquera - Orks
4-0-1 - Xavier Barrera - Adepta Sororitas
4-0-1 - Roberto Ernesto Treviño Garza - Orks
Critical Fail 40k Major (June 15th, 2024)
5-0 - Sean Haworth - Imperial Knights
5-0 - Idavoll Heimdall - Necrons
ForgeFire Open 2 (June 15th, 2024)
5-0 - Tyler White - Adepta Sororitas
4-0-1 - Michael Schietinger - Dark Angels
The Epic Summer Splash Charity GT (June 15th, 2024)
5-0 - Colin Kay - Black Templars
ETB Oakville - "The Highlander Open" GT (June 15th, 2024)
5-0 - Nick Jagiello - Astra Militarum
4-0-1 - Anthony Fung - Thousand Sons
A1 eSports Super Major (June 15th, 2024)
5-0 - Kevin „planB_God“ Zöllinger - Black Templars
GT Sevilla Individual - Híspalis Imperium (June 15th, 2024)
5-0 - Borja FM - Blood Angels
4-0-1 - Luis González Hernández - Grey Knights
Juggernaut W40k - Armageddon 2024 (June 15th, 2024)
5-0 - Luke Paruman - Astra Militarum
Risky Rollers - Calling the Banners 40k GT (June 15th, 2024)
5-0 - Jason Horne - Necrons
YHP- "Road to the NOVA Open" 40K GT (June 15th, 2024)
5-0 - Edward Appel - Grey Knights
5-0 - Jeffrey Kolodner - Adepta Sororitas
Black Tower Summer Edition - Warmaster GT (June 15th, 2024)
5-0 - Giorgio Castelli - Necrons
Chuchichästli Rumble 1.0 (June 15th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Malte Höfs - Chaos Space Marines
4-0-1 - William Fuhrimann - Chaos Space Marines
The Bristol Super Major (June 14th, 2024)
6-0 - Mark Crombleholme - Necrons
6-0 - Jonathan Summerfield - Chaos Space Marines
5-1 - Ed Watts - Black Templars
5-1 - Mark Davies - World Eaters
Frontline Gaming ACO 2024 (June 14th, 2024)
7-0-1 - Shaun Reynolds - Necrons
7-1 - Sascha Alexander Edelkraut - Black Templars
7-1 - Jesper Unander-Scharin - Blood Angels
7-1 - Derek Apsche - Chaos Space Marines
Fall of Empires - Rubicon (June 8, 2024)
5-0 - Carlos Trinh - Imperial Knights
AZ Bash 2024 (June 8, 2024)
5-0 - François Lalonde - Chaos Space Marines
Midgards June 40k (June 8, 2024)
5-0 - Drew Salzborn - Leagues of Votann
5-0 - Manue - Aeldari
Rubicon GT II (June 8, 2024)
5-0 - John Lennon - Tyranids
5-0 - Nick Carpenter - Adeptus Astartes
Iberian Ham GT AEPDA 2024 (June 8, 2024)
5-0 - Manel Tulla - Grey Knights
5-0 - Dekkers - Necrons
The Sunshine Coast Open II (June 8, 2024)
5-0 - Matthew Stredwick - Aeldari
4-0-1 - Matt Davies - Astra Militarum
Branson Brawl 2024 (June 8, 2024)
5-0 - Peyton Preece - T'au Empire
Fal-Con 2024: The Falconing 40K (June 8, 2024)
5-0 - Matthew Reeson - Necrons
5-0 - Blair Macdonald - Chaos Knights
German Super Major (June 8, 2024)
5-0 - Marvin Petersen - Space Wolves
5-0 - Tim Schlizio - Orks
5-0 - Max Kanter - Orks
5-0 - Pascal Haberstroh - Adepta Sororitas
5-0 - Christian Matschke - Adepta Sororitas
5-0 - Niklas Frerichs - Blood Angels
5-0 - Sami Amr - Chaos Space Marines
Golden Ticket Event (June 8, 2024)
6-0 - Matthew McCurdy - Space Wolves
Terracon 2024 (June 8, 2024)
6-0 - Mike Ocksénormoűs - Chaos Space Marines
Broadside Bash Revived 2024 (June 1st, 2024)
5-0 - James Carmona - Chaos Space Marines
Wild Hunt GT: Summer (June 1st, 2024)
5-0 - Eric Gibbs - Necrons
Bedburger Scheunenkloppen (June 1st, 2024)
5-0 - Florian Pal - Orks
5-0 - Tim Schneider - Orks
Epic GT 2024 (May 1st, 2024)
5-0 - Francisco Queirós - Thousand Sons
Wargames for Warriors 2024 (June 1st, 2024)
5-0 - Evan Stump - Ultramarines
5-0 - Ben Jurek - Orks
Viking Games - The Battle for Vanheim (June 1st, 2024)
4-0-1 - Martin Hultgren - Orks
4-0-1 - David Klang - Adeptus Custodes
Hydra GT II 2024 (June 1st, 2024)
5-0 - Martin Bræmer Nielsen - Grey Knights
2d6 Dawn of Vår (June 1st, 2024)
5-0 - Kjetil Andre Liknes - Necrons
5-0 - Colin Power - Aeldari
Southcon 2024 (June 1st, 2024)
5-0 - Sean Saunders - Astra Militarum
Spring Assault at the Ironweld Open (June 1st, 2024)
5-0 - Samuel Pope - Tyranids
5-0 - Tony Phillips - Adepta Sororitas
The Ontario League Invitational GT (June 1st, 2024)
5-0 - Ridvan Martinez - Drukhari
Dicehammer Open 40k GT VII (June 1st, 2024)
5-0 - Jason McKenzie - T'au Empire
Bugeater GT (June 1st, 2024)
5-0 - James Kelling - Aeldari
5-0 - Colin Kay - Black Templars
4-0-1 - Nicholas Bialek - Genestealer Cults
StMs 2024 (June 1st, 2024)
4-0-1 - Julian Denk - Orks
PNW Warlords Clash GT (June 1st, 2024)
5-0 - Steve Trimble - Chaos Space Marines
5-0 - Nicholas Fromme - Space Wolves
Thylacine Cup GT (May 31st, 2024)
5-0 - Blake Jones - Orks
South Yorkshire GT 24 (May 25th, 2024)
5-0 - Mikey Herbert - Blood Angels
Heroes Of The Mid Table Spring GT (May 25th, 2024)
5-0 - Ryan Burns - Dark Angels
GRIMDARK 21: New venues to conquer! (May 25th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Björn Eriksson - Imperial Knights
4-0-1 - Johan Norrman - Dark Angels
GARAGE HAMMER 2024 LEGENDS (May 25th, 2024)
5-0 - Brenton Weiss - Aeldari
Capital Clash - Get 'em Boyz! (May 25th, 2024)
5-0 - Ewart Searle - Space Wolves
5-0 - Dale Mann - Aeldari
TableTop Con 2024 (May 25th, 2024)
5-0 - Erik Lathouras - Tyranids
Xtraschicht 3.0 (May 25th, 2024)
5-0 - Grischa Gerwert - Chaos Space Marines
5-0 - Artur Güttler - Grey Knights
Dutch Masters Grand Tournament (May 25th, 2024)
5-0 - Stefan Meertens - Space Wolves
Frontline Gaming BAO 2024 (May 25th, 2024)
6-0 - Junior Aflleje - Leagues of Votann
6-0 - Adam Dye - Chaos Space Marines
ObSec presents War Calls 40k 2024 (May 25th, 2024)
6-0 - Jördÿŋ Berresford - Space Wolves
The Alamo GT 2024 (May 25th, 2024)
6-0 - Kit Smith Hanna - Dark Angels
6-0 - Justin Moore - Grey Knights
40k Rocky Top Rumble 2024 (May 24th, 2024)
7-0 - Noah Neundorfer - Thousand Sons
III GT Andorra & Open Ordino (May 24th, 2024)
7-0-1 - Terroxer El Rojo - Thousand Sons
7-0-1 - Alejandro Mancuso Serrano - Grey Knights
Out of the Furnace V (May 18th, 2024)
5-0 - Andrew Lewis - Genestealer Cults
The Storm Of Silence (May 18th, 2024)
5-0 - Noah Beddome - Orks
5-0 - Ryan Smith - Space Wolves
5-0 - Kasra Houshidar - Ultramarines
Barn Found GT '24 at Gamers Shop (May 18th, 2024)
5-0 - Francis Fernandez - Orks
Partisan Games (May 18th, 2024)
5-0 - Michael Costello - Astra Militarum
Capital Clash (May 18th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Ridvan Martinez - Drukhari
Wuschelhasen 11: Wuschel for the Wuschel-God (May 18th, 2024)
5-0 - Thomas Wobak - Aeldari
The Great Game - Gongaii GT Spring 2024 (May 18th, 2024)
5-0 - Max Schwarzer - Blood Angels
5-0 - Lukas Troller - Orks
The Collectors Market - Drop Bear Gaming 40k GT (May 18th, 2024)
5-0 - Dylon Hopkins - Orks
Ice Breaker Warhammer 40K GT - Renegade Wargaming (May 18th, 2024)
5-0 - Ben Cherwien - Black Templars
5-0 - Mathew Sneed - Death Guard
Bugle Bat Reps : Bugles Big Bash 2 (May 18th, 2024)
5-0 - Chris Woods - Orks
Brighton 40k GT VII (May 18th, 2024)
5-0 - Daniel Whitaker - World Eaters
Giga-Bites May Warhammer 40k GT (May 18th, 2024)
5-0 - Noah Neundorfer - Thousand Sons
MNM Kevät GT (May 18th, 2024)
4-1 - Niklas Ojalainen - Orks
Ammonite Gaming, Turbulent Tides - The Whitby GT (May 18th, 2024)
5-0 - Chris Taylor - Orks
4-0-1 - Adam Elliott - Adepta Sororitas
Alberta Classic 2024 (May 18th, 2024)
5-0 - Frasier Parry - World Eaters
US Open Dallas (May 17th, 2024)
8-0 - Samuel Pope - Tyranids
7-1 - Mike Muzeni - Thousand Sons
7-1 - Colin McDade - Orks
7-1 -Erik Nelson - Thousand Sons
Midwest Conquest (May 11th, 2024)
5-0 - Jeremy Capko - Dark Angels
II Jugar x Jugar Homoludicus (May 11th, 2024)
5-0 - Tkila RR - Grey Knights
Carnage - Warpsurge (May 11th, 2024)
5-0 - Chris Cuerden - Thousand Sons
Lincon 2024 (May 11th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Martin Hultgren - Orks
Conquest Italia - Showdown (May 11th, 2024)
5-0 - Daniele De Gemini - T'au Empire
Turbulent Grand Tournament (May 11th, 2024)
5-0 - Colin Kay - Black Templars
South Coast 40K May GT (May 11th, 2024)
5-0 - Tom Green - Orks
Corsair Open GT (May 11th, 2024)
6-0 - Fritz Peters - Necrons
Loaded Dice Games May the 4th Open (May 4th, 2024)
6-0 - Jeff Jew - Orks
May the 4th Be With You GT (May 4th, 2024)
5-0 - Adrian Lopez - Adeptus Mechanicus
MAD Warhammer 40k GT (May 4th, 2024)
4-1 - Randy Saucier - Adepta Sororitas
Clan Wars Scottish Open 5 (May 4th, 2024)
5-0 - Innes Wilson - Chaos Space Marines
Ragnarok Spring (May 4th, 2024)
5-0 - Euan Bedford-Cooper - Chaos Space Marines
Winchester 40K GT (May 4th, 2024)
5-0 - Sam Nash - Thousand Sons
Karnage at the Keep- May Mayhem (May 4th, 2024)
5-0 - Linton Rowan - Space Wolves
PCG Hosts Lightly Salted's 40k Spring GT (May 4th, 2024)
5-0 - Chase Chappell - Grey Knights
Snake River Open (May 4th, 2024)
5-0 - Colin Kay - Black Templars
The Saffron Walden GT (May 4th, 2024)
5-0 - Luke Townsend - Chaos Daemons
4-0-1 - Jack Tite - Adepta Sororitas
The Richmond Open 40K Event Hosted By Away Games (May 4th, 2024)
6-0 - Joshua Campbell - Necrons
5-0-1 - David Adelman - Chaos Daemons
5-0-1 - Dustin Zeliff - T'au Empire
AZ Warhammer 40K League 2024 Spring Championship (May 4th, 2024)
5-1 - Timothy Borowiec - Necrons
Squig City: Casino Royale (April 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Trenton Bates - Chaos Knights
5-0 - Joel Rodgers - Space Wolves
High Noon Showdown 2024 (April 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Kyle Kachelmeyer - T'au Empire
2024 St. Louis Annual Last Minute Tournament (SALT) (April 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Ryan Verbeck - Genestealer Cults
5-0 - Chris Green - Blood Angels
Triple Cities GT @ Dragon Master Games (April 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Clarence Ellsworth - Space Wolves
Twisted Aquila (April 27th, 2024)
4-1 - Mason Cameron - Aeldari
ValleyCon (April 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Matt van Wijk - Grey Knights
Saarhammer 40k #36 (April 27th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Arne Zerndt - Aeldari
4-0-1 - Fred Otto - Chaos Knights
Frontier Open 2024 (April 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Colin Kay - Black Templars
5-0 - Cody Jiru - Drukhari
Warzone: Dice Goblin (April 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Z Martin - Aeldari
War At The Westward IV (April 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Aidan Brocklehurst - Blood Angels
5-0 - Cameron Giles - Adeptus Custodes
4. Nurglemania (2-täger) (April 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Fritz Peters - Necrons
5-0 - Roman Kleiber - Orks
Kennedy-Con (April 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Kyle McCord - Black Templars
4-0-1 - Jeff Steenbarger - Necrons
Warhammer Retreat (April 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Chris Root - Black Templars
Ozcon GT (April 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Kyle Lamperez - Dark Angels
5-0 - Caleb Bauder - Tyranids
Red Dragon April GT (April 27th, 2024)
5-0 - François Lalonde - Blood Angels
BGC 40k League (April 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Jayceofspades - Aeldari
Incursion Events 40K GT (April 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Rob Lebeau - Adepta Sororitas
The Deck Box Masters Grand Tournament (April 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Matthew Reeson - Necrons
Tau Tipping 2024 (April 20th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Zach Philley - T'au Empire
ALL STARS WARM UP (April 20th, 2024)
5-0 - Josh Roberts - Necrons
Clash of the Titans XVII (April 20th, 2024)
5-0 - Egor Kalinin - Necrons
Fantasia Fanatic XLV (April 20th, 2024)
5-0 - Jesper Unander-Scharin - Necrons
5-0 - Kalle Abrahamsson - Necrons
5-0 - Rasmus Haglund - Leagues of Votann
Grand Tournament of Contempt (April 20th, 2024)
5-0 - Christian Breuer - Thousand Sons
ELBCOAST CUP X - GT (April 20th, 2024)
5-0 - Valentin Schefter - Necrons
Team Hobby Chest 40k Open (April 20th, 2024)
5-0 - Michael Mann - Orks
Nidaros Grand Tournament (April 20, 2024)
5-0 - Kjetil Andre Liknes - Astra Militarum
Nemesis 40k Spring 2024 (April 20th, 2024)
5-0 - Aaron Devost - Necrons
The Pantheon Invades Shirecon GT (April 20th, 2024)
5-0 - Jordan McGregor - Adepta Sororitas
Southwest Smoker GT (April 20th, 2024)
5-0 - Jon Camacho - Thousand Sons
Grand Clash 2024 (April 20th, 2024)
5-0 - John Winter Russell - Astra Militarum
The Wardome 40K GT (April 20th, 2024)
6-0 - Alberto Nicolás - T'au Empire
The Oxford Super Major (April 20th, 2021)
1st - Vik Vijay - Adepta Sororitas
2nd - Nassim Fouchane - Astra Militarum
3rd - Sam Nash - Astra Militarum
4th - Kyle Grundy - T'au Empire
ADFWGA-ANZAC Cup 2024 (April 13th, 2024)
5-0 - Dale Mann - Aeldari
Modhammer (April 13th, 2024)
5-0 - Paul McKelvey - T'au Empire
III GT-CT (April 13th, 2024)
5-0 - Alejandro Mancuso Serrano - Grey Knights
Tarheel Warhammer Charity GT (April 13th, 2024)
5-0 - Frank Viruet - Blood Angels
Double Decker Decimation (April 13th, 2024)
5-0 - Chase Campbell - Necrons
The Pandamonium GT (April 13th, 2024)
5-0 - Stephen Platten - Death Guard
Montana Beerhammer GT (April 13th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Colin Kay - Adepta Sororitas
Vanquish 2024 (April 13th, 2024)
5-0 - Oscar Van Huizen-Husselson - Chaos Daemons
The Los Angeles Classic (April 13th, 2024)
5-0 - Alex Spathopoulos - Space Wolves
5-0 - Mark Ferek - T'au Empire
Bedlam in the 'Burgh 2024 (April, 13th, 2024)
5-0 - Marcus Kehoe - Imperial Knights
5-0 - Ryan Snyder - Space Marines
Münsterland GT6 (April 13th, 2024)
5-0 - Christian Breuer - Thousand Sons
Game Bunker Spring GT (April 13th, 2024)
5-0 - Andrew Vawter - Black Templars
Scorched Earth Open 2024 (April 6th, 2024)
6-0 - Ben Jurek - Astra Militarum
I GT Iberian Barcelona (April 6th, 2024)
5-0 - David Anducas - Necrons
5-0 - Terroxer El Rojo - Thousand Sons
5-0 - Roger Boira - T'au Empire
Perils Of The Geekery (April 6th, 2024)
6-0 - Treynor Wolfe - Adeptus Custodes
Black Tower Brawl (April 6th, 2024)
5-0 - Mike Porter - Black Templars
Midgard's April GT (April 6th, 2024)
5-0 - Steven Pampreen - Orks
Heroes Mini GT (April 6th, 2024)
4-1 - David Hall - Chaos Daemons
Imperialis Capilla GT 3er Aniversario (April 6th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Jose Isaias Valenzuela - Aeldari
4-0-1 - Jose Benjamín Casillas - Ultramarines
Courage And Honour IX (April 6th, 2024)
5-0 - Andrew Lewis - Genestealer Cults
Dark Sphere April 40k GT (April 6th, 2024)
5-0 - Ranchen Li - Death Guard
5-0 - Danny Evison - Dark Angels
WH40K Glory GT (April 6th, 2024)
4-1 - Tatu Sipola - Adeptus Custodes
Fools Errand 2024 (April 6th, 2024)
4-0-1 - David Coren - Grey Knights
Wild Hunt GT: Spring (April 6th, 2024)
5-0 - Randy Brigham - Necrons
5-0 - Brenton Weiss - Aeldari
Peterborough Slam GT 6 (April 6th, 2024)
5-0 - JP Rodgers - Necrons
Iron Cage GT: Bedford Beatdown (April 6th, 2024)
5-0 - Cam Hawkins - Dark Angels
5-0 - Christian Alessi - T'au Empire
Rataclysm 2024 (April 6th, 2024)
6-0 - Josh Pope - Chaos Knights
Leoben 40K Singles - Alpine Cup (April 4th, 2024)
1st - Liam Vsl - Aeldari
2nd - Paul Neuburger - Thousand Sons
Battle Ready Wargaming's March Mayhem 40k GT (March 30th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Collin Watts - Grey Knights
4-0-1 - Gavin Conn - Necrons
Kelpie Crusade GT 2024 (March 30th, 2024)
5-0 - Ryan Kerr - Grey Knights
GT Puerto de Mazarrón (March 30th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Alvaro Molto - Tyranids
Warzone: Wycombe 2024 (March 30th, 2024)
5-0 - Joey Deng - Adeptus Custodes
Wet Coast GT 2024 (March 29, 2024)
6-0 - Brendan McKenzie - Adepta Sororitas
6-0 - Trevor Loewen - Grey Knights
6-0 - Mike Garcia - Adeptus Custodes
Gothcon 40k Open (March 30th, 2024)
5-0 - Andreas Holm - Drukhari
Titanslayer (March 23, 2024)
5-0 - Aaron Kennedy - Adeptus Mechanicus
Void War GT (March 23, 2024)
5-0 - Peter Dunlea - Adepta Sororitas
Warhammer 40K Grand Tournament (March 23, 2024)
5-0 - Atal Walia - Blood Angels
Rosehammer 2 (March 23, 2024)
5-0 - Donald Plummer - T'au Empire
OTT 2024 (March 23, 2024)
5-0 - Jonty Larsen - Necrons
Doom at the Dojo (March 23, 2024)
5-0 - Daniel Grieves - Grey Knights
Imperium Tertius 40K (March 23, 2024)
4-0-1 - Alexander Gröschl - Death Guard
OP March Madness GT (March 23, 2024)
5-0 - Forrest Phanton - Space Wolves
CoCo’s March Madness GT (March 23, 2024)
5-0 - Robert Birmingham - Necrons
All is Dust (March 23, 2024)
5-0-1 - Chris Hanes - Adeptus Custodes
5-0-1 - Jeremy Atkinson - Ravenwing
Firebug Open (March 23, 2024)
6-0 - Kevin Zöllinger - Black Templars
6-0 - Max Kanter - Leagues of Votann
5-0-1 - Gregor Werner - Drukhari
The Manchester Super-Major (March 23, 2024)
7-0 - Josh Roberts - Necrons
6-1 - David Gaylard - Astra Militarum
5-1 - Tony Chew - Aeldari
5-1 - Richard Grint - Adeptus Mechanicus
Adepticon Champs 2024 (March 21st, 2024)
7-0-1 - Brandon Vallee - T'au Empire
6-1 - TJ Lanigan - Thousand Sons
6-1 - Shaun Reynolds - Necrons
6-1 - Kevin Leonard - Chaos Daemons
CQ Exterminatus 2024 (March 17th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Joshua McGowan - Blood Angels
4-0-1 - Gavin Bube - Adeptus Custodes
Free State GT 2024 (March 16th, 2024)
5-0 - Dan Sammons - Leagues of Votann
Bastion Games Warlords GT 3.0: Unforgiven (March 16th, 2024)
5-0 - Harry McComb - Necrons
5-0 - Ross McCarroll - Thousand Sons
Toys of Mass Destruction - Hertfordshire Spring GT (March 16th, 2024)
5-0 - Aidan Brocklehurst - Black Templars
BFS Grand Tournament (March 16th, 2024)
5-0 - Lee Hall - Necrons
The Ides of March (March 16th, 2024)
5-0 - Drew Salzborn - T'au Empire
Talvisota - Winter Assault 2024 (March 16th, 2024)
5-0 - Eero Saukkonen - Astra Militarum
4-0-1 - Juha Ottelin - Black Templars
Battlefield Birmingham 22 (March 16th, 2024)
5-0 - Mani Cheema - Grey Knights
5-0 - Leonard Percival - Space Wolves
Energy City Open (March 16th, 2024)
5-0 - Morgan Smerek - Chaos Knights
Last Of The Summer Winehammer 6 (March 16th, 2024)
5-0 - Mike Porter - Black Templars
Lords Of War GT (March 16th, 2024)
5-0 - Sean Rice - Adepta Sororitas
Frontline Gaming RMO 2024 (March 17th, 2024)
6-0 - Zaak Kerstetter - Blood Angels
6-0 - Daniel Harrison - World Eaters
5-0-1 - Cody Jiru - Drukhari
5-0-1 - Colin Ruegsegger - Necrons
OPEN "ATLAVERA" 2024 (IBERIAN OPEN) (March 16th, 2024)
1st - Manue - Grey Knights
2nd - Alejandro Mancuso Serrano - Grey Knights
3rd - Javier Peigneux - Space Wolves
4th - OuX ™ - Imperial Knights
Cascade Clash (March 9th, 2024)
6-0 - Nicolas Ohlsen-Johnson - Necrons
6-0 - Mikael Croy - World Eaters
Amsterdam Battle Brothers IRONMAN (March 9th, 2024)
5-0 - Stefan Meertens - Space Wolves
Planet arKCanite 2024 (March 9th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Aaron Hermstedt - Death Guard
4-0-1 - Cam Hawkins - Black Templars
Palladium Games Presents: “the dumpster fire gt” (March 9th, 2024)
5-0 - Brian Zhu - T'au Empire
Fantasianorth Store Championship (March 9th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Rickard Wallin - Adeptus Mechanicus
1 GT Bilbao (March 9th, 2024)
5-0 - Jordi Macià Dekkers - Necrons
4-0-1 - Javier Boveda - Chaos Daemons
Quebec City Open (March 9th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Lancelot St-amour - Black Templars
Meta 40k - Március - WCQ (March 9th, 2024)
5-0 - Véber Ákos - Salamanders
5-0 - Adam Pusztai - Death Guard
10th Barrie Bash (March 9th, 2024)
6-0 - Ryan Bell - World Eaters
Melee At Shiloh (March 2nd, 2024)
5-0 - Peyton Preece - Adeptus Mechanicus
Big Beef Beat Down (March 2nd, 2024)
5-0 - Matthew Doughman - Imperial Knights
CAGBASH XVII Charity 40k Tournament (March 2nd, 2024)
5-0 - Folger Pyles - Aeldari
5-0 - Aaron Aleong - Orks
Rumble in the Rockies (March 2nd, 2023)
5-0 - Adam Green - Astra Militarum
Ogr Cubb Singles 2024 (March 2nd, 2024)
5-0 - Vojtech Čistecký - Black Templars
5-0 - Marek Vlnka - Tyranids
MidtconGT Warhammer 40.000 Spring (March 2nd, 2024)
5-0 - Alexander Jessen - Thousand Sons
5-0 - Peter Herbild - Chaos Daemons
4-0-1 - Henrik Davison - T'au Empire
Warzone: Wellington GT (March 2nd, 2024)
5-0 - Tyler King - Adeptus Custodes
Carnage - Season 2 - Round 1 - Immortalis (March 2nd, 2024)
5-0 - Danny Evison - Dark Angels
Toronto Winter Open 2024 (March 2nd, 2024)
6-0 - Christopher Rice - Adepta Sororitas
5-0-1 - Tim Deetlefs - Aeldari
Goonhammer Open UK (March 2nd, 2024)
6-0 - Josh Roberts - Necrons
Wheat City Open 2024 (March 2nd, 2024)
5-0 - Logan Antonation - T'au Empire
Clutch City GT 2024 (March 2nd, 2024)
6-0 - Kit Smith Hanna - Dark Angels
6-0 - David Hall - Chaos Daemons
THE SOUTH-COAST 40k SUPER-MAJOR (March 2nd, 2024)
1st - David Gaylard - Astra Militarum
2nd - Ed Watts - Grey Knights
3rd - Nicholas Willingale - Drukhari
4th - James Hobbs - T'au Empire
Heroes Of The Mid Tables Winter GT (February 24th, 2024)
5-0 - Kasra Houshidar - Ultramarines
For Duty & Glory (February 24th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Bruno Choquette - Adeptus Custodes
Geekfest - Warhammer 40K GT (February 24th, 2024)
5-0 - Jonathon Betteridge - Aeldari
Milwaukee Warhammer 40k GT (February 24th, 2024)
5-0 - Eric Forsman - Grey Knights
5-0 - Derek Glassman - Astra Militarum
Games of Westeros XVII (February 24th, 2024)
5-0 - Jesper Unander-Scharin - Necrons
5-0 - Kalle Abrahamsson - Necrons
Game Knight Grand Tournament (February 24th, 2024)
5-0 - Anthony Lineberry - Thousand Sons
5-0 - Jacob Klueh - Death Guard
HWP Salty Classic GT (February 24th, 2024)
5-0 - Gavin Conn - Necrons
Dice Arcade GT (2) (February 24th, 2024)
5-0 - Greg Maginnity - Grey Knights
5-0 - Cooper Fitzgerald - T'au Empire
Alliance Open 40K Masters (February 24th, 2024)
5-0 - Dick van der Harst - Chaos Knights
Broadsword Wargaming 40K ITC Winter Major III (February 24th, 2024)
5-0 - Mark Morrow - Necrons
5-0 - Joseph Musgrave - Necrons
TOK-spelen (February 24th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Alexander Bertilsson - Orks
Norcal Open GT (February 24th, 2024)
5-0 - Forrest Phanton - Space Wolves
5-0 - Forrest Phanton - Space Wolves
Scheunenkloppen Open - War Zone Erkelenz 2 (February 24th, 2024)
5-0 - Malte Höfs - Chaos Space Marines
5-0 - Manuel Wayand - Death Guard
5-0 - Artur Güttler - T'au Empire
5-0 - Sebastian Gehart - Necrons
BrewHammer GT5 (February 24th, 2024)
5-0 - Josh Roberts - Necrons
Austrian Open: Österreichische Meisterschaften (February 24th, 2024)
5-0 - Peter Steiner - Leagues of Votann
Frontline Gaming Cherokee Open (February 23rd, 2024)
1st - Noah Neundorfer - Thousand Sons
2nd - Joshua Campbell - Necrons
3rd - Daniel Reddehase - Death Guard
4th - Mark Cimmerian - Orks
5th - Daniel Hesters - Necrons
6th - Collin Cochran - Chaos Knights
7th - Jordan Sorchevich - Adeptus Custodes
8th - Benjamin Rubenstein - Dark Angels
Warhammer 40,000 Grand Tournament (February 17th. 2024)
5-0 - George McCoulough - Drukhari
5-0 - Joseph Reed - Adeptus Custodes
4-0-1 - Wayne Jimmison - Chaos Knights
2nd Annual Blue Ridge Championship GT Hosted By Battle Company 540 & Sector Cville
5-0 - Trent Mazer - Adeptus Custdoes
The 36 Chambers #3 (February 17th, 2024)
5-0 - Rory Andrew - Adeptus Custodes
Saffron Slam VIII (February 17th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Tom Lowman - Drukhari
4-0-1 - Sam Squires - Tyranids
Kingston Nexus 40k Club Champs (February 17th, 2024)
5-0 - Kevin Rutherford - Death Guard
Renegades Open: Echoes Of War 6 (February 17th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Chris Lewis - Dark Angels
Ragnarok : Winter 2024 40K GT (February 17th, 2024)
5-0 - Adam J E Smith - Necrons
The Guild 2nd GT (February 17th, 2024)
5-0 - Xavier Barrera - Ultramarines
5-0 - Amador Perez - Adeptus Custodes
Hydra GT 2024 (February 17th, 2024)
5-0 - Martin Bræmer Nielsen - Necrons
Masquerade VII (February 17th, 2024)
5-0 - Rhys Cunningham - Adepta Sororitas
Wizards Asylum GT (February 17th, 2024)
5-0 - Colin Kay - Adepta Sororitas
Aemona Open Series National GT 40k (February 17th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Dejan Filipovic - Necrons
Kassel GT - Alpine Cup (February 17th, 2024)
6-0 - Jakub Jansa - Chaos Space Marines
5-0-1 - Niklas Frerichs - Adeptus Custodes
5-0-1 - Stephan Pfenni - Blood Angels
5-0-1 - Pascal Haberstroh - Adeptus Custodes
Battle To End Alzheimers 2024 (February 17th, 2024)
6-0 - Jeffrey Kolodner - Adepta Sororitas
Ottawa Winter Open (February 10th, 2024)
5-0 - John Winter Russell - Astra Militarum
Brighton 40k GT VI (February 10th, 2024)
5-0 - Rob Lebeau - Adepta Sororitas
4-0-1 - Luke Walsh - Astra Militarum
Grand Onslaught 7 (February 10th, 2024)
5-0 - Jack Harpster - World Eaters
5-0 - John Lennon - Tyranids
Kairos Dynasty GT - Game Kastle Greenville (February 10th, 2024)
5-0 - Ryan Karrer - Thousand Sons
Beachhead Brawl 2024 (February 9th, 2024)
6-0 - Martyn Cooper - Astra Militarum
6-0 - Jay Seebarun - Dark Angels
German Major Hamburg (February 3rd, 2024)
5-0 - Matthias Bellmann - Aeldari
5-0 - Max Schierbecker - Space Wolves
5-0 - German Major Hamburg - Space Wolves
5-0 - Florian Schmidt - Ultramarines
Wettcon Vinter (February 3rd, 2024)
4-0-1 - Johannes Einemo - Adeptus Mechanicus
5-0 - Mattias Levin - Chaos Space Marines
The Great Game - Gongaii GT Winter (February 3rd, 2024)
5-0 - Tanner Hebert - Death Guard
Winter Donut (February 3rd, 2024)
5-0 - Alex Voronkov - Necrons
5-0 - Андрей Островский - Space Wolves
I GT ACUPHAMMER (February 3rd, 2024)
5-0 - Alvaro Perez - Black Templars
5-0 - Gonzalo "Raven" de La Moneda González - Death Guard
Cross-Swords PAW (February 3rd, 2025)
5-0 - George McCoulough - Drukhari
Level Up Games Feb 2024 GT (February 3rd, 2024)
5-0 - Collin Cochran - Chaos Space Marines
CaptainCon 40K GT (January 3rd, 2024)
5-0 - Cullen Burns - Aeldari
5-0 - Casey Glynn - Necrons
Black Hole Wars (February 3rd, 2024)
5-0 - Vitor Pereira - Necrons
Fun-N-Games Winter GT (January 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Kaleb Wagar - Necrons
Battle For the Bend GT (Janaury 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Benjamin Frederiksen - Black Templars
FactoruM GT (January 27th, 2024)
5-0 - George Crabtree - Orks
Dark Sphere January GT (January 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Nassim Fouchane - Astra Militarum
5-0 - Ranchen Li - Death Guard
Schwarzwald GT (January 27th, 2024)
5-0 - William Fuhrimann - Chaos Space Marines
4-0-1 - Sebastian Gehart - Aeldari
The Glasvegas Open GT2 (January 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Chris Irvine - Leagues of Votann
Winchester 40K GT (January 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Ross Hilliard - Chaos Space Marines
5-0 - Jamie Chapman - Chaos Space Marines
Oxford Onslaught 3 (January 27th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Sam Nash - Astra Militarum
Da Bolton Waaagh (January 27th, 2024)
5-0 - Mike Porter - Ultramarines
5-0 - Simeon Pollard - Black Templars
MNM 40k GT (January 20th, 2024)
5-0 - Lasse Toivonen - Death Guard
40k Brawl (January 20th, 2024)
5-0 - Martyn Cooper - Astra Militarum
Leviathan Season 2 RTT (January 20th, 2024)
5-0 - Riley Tremblay - Adepta Sororitas
Peterborough Slam 5 (January 20th, 2024)
5-0 - Jack Tite - Adepta Sororitas
4-0-1 - Tom Green - Leagues of Votann
The Dutch Masters Finale (January 20th, 2024)
6-0 - Pieter Meijer - Necrons
LVO 2024 Warhammer 40K Champs (January 19th, 2024)
1st - Matt Lorah - Necrons
2nd - Folger Pyle - Aeldari
3rd - Samuel Pope - Tyranids
4th - Daniel Olivas - Aeldari
5th - Sweet Lew - Leagues of Votann
6th - Richard Cozart - Astra Militarum
7th - Ben Cherwien - Black Templars
8th - Charlie Andre - Chaos Space Marines
Unified Tournament Circuit 40K Finals (January 13th, 2024)
5-0 - Matt Lorah - Necrons
4-0-1 - Joshua Campbell - Necrons
Critical Hit Grand Clash (January 13th, 2024)
5-0 - Nicholas Redford - Chaos Space Marines
Mekabrew Mania (January 13th, 2024)
5-0 - Daniel Hesters - Necrons
Deck Box Masters (January 13th, 2024)
4-1 - Matthew Reeson - Necrons
Trident Wargaming Circuit - LVOCan't Go! (January 13th, 2024)
5-0 - Scotty Bee - Necrons
Siege of Windsor GT (January 13th, 2024)
5-0 - Sam Nash - Grey Knights
BC 40k League Finals S06 (January 13th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Alex Macdougall - Genestealer Cults
New Years Knockout (January 12th, 2024)
5-0 - Dan Sammons - Leagues of Votann
5-0 - Joe Guzowski - Orks
Torino Open Qualifier (January 13th, 2024)
5-0 - Giorgio Castelli - Necrons
Münsterland GT5 (January 13th, 2024)
5-0 - Alexander Tepe - World Eaters
5-0 - Jannik Röttgen - Aeldari
The NOTTINGHAM 40K SUPER-MAJOR (January 12th, 2024)
1st - Josh Roberts - Necrons
2nd - Jokull Johannsson - Aeldari
3rd - Jonathan Partridge - Tyranids
4th - Ed Watts - Black Templars
Warhound GT in January (January 6th, 2024)
6-0 - Chase Chappell - Grey Knights
Hammer In The New Year (January 6th, 2024)
5-0 - Jeffrey Kolodner - Adepta Sororitas
5-0 - Austin Wingfield - Adepta Sororitas
Defcon 2024 (January 6th, 2024)
5-0 - Sebastian Larsson - Chaos Space Marines
Born to Game Store Championship (January 6th, 2024)
5-0 - Tyler Principio - Chaos Space Marines
A Grimdark New Years 40k GT (January 6th, 2024)
5-0 - John Lennon - Ultramarines
5-0 - Charles Barber - Chaos Space Marines
4-0-1 - Z Martin - Aeldari
4-0-1 - Kyle Jackling - Adeptus Mechanicus
Warlords of Walsall (Janaury 6th, 2024)
4-0-1 - Billy Guest - Orks
Vienna Tabletop Championship (Janaury 6th, 2024)
5-0 - Kevin Zollinger - Orks
4-0-1 - Thomas Wobak - Aeldari
4-0-1 - Dominik Tavernaro - Chaos Space Marines
Last Chancer GT 24' (January 6th, 2024)
4-1 - Grant Kauffman - Death Guard
EXTERMINATUS VIII - Rise of the Noodle (January 6th, 2024)
5-0 - Tim Neal - Adeptus Custodes
4-0-1 - Alexander Englezos - Adeptus Mechanicus
4-0-1 - William Wykoff - Leagues of Votann
Tavern Of Soul's New Year's Revolution GT (January 6th, 2024)
5-0 - Rob Da Nob - Orks
Glass City GT (January 6th, 2024)
5-0 - Folger Pyles - Aeldari
5-0 - Randy Brigham - Necrons
AZ Warhammer 40K League 2023 Fall Championship (January 6th, 2024)
6-0 - Daniel Olivas - Aeldari
Denver 40K Fight Club January Open (January 6th, 2024)
1st - Colin Kay - Adepta Sororitas
China Warhammer City Tournament New Year Event (December 29th, 2023)
5-0 - Ranchen Li - Death Guard
Новогодний Hyper GT (December 16th, 2023)
5-0 - Nikolay Chikin - Adeptus Astartes
WTC Navideño Individual Rankeado Kingdom (December 16th, 2023)
5-0 - Monedita Gonzales - Death Guard
5-0 - Manue - Aeldari
5-0 - Alejandro Mancuso Serrano - Blood Angels
4-0-1 - OuX - Imperial Knights
The Fight Before Christmas (December 16th, 2023)
5-0 - Derek Apsche - Chaos Space Marines
Carnage - Open Slay (December 16th, 2023)
5-0 - Scott Morris - Adepta Sororitas
Grimdark 18: The Grand Tournament 4 (December 16th, 2023)
5-0 - Sebastian Larsson - Chaos Knights
4-0-1 - Johan Norrman - Black Templars
Rise Of The Empire (December 16th, 2023)
6-0 - Colin McDade - Necrons
6-0 - Justin Moore - Chaos Space Marines
Ontario 40k League Halton/Hamilton Division A Season 5 (December 9th, 2023)
5-0 - Atal Walia - Blood Angels
Da Winter Waaagh (December 9th, 2023)
5-0 - Mike Porter - Aeldari
Winter Assault ITC Major at the Everwinter (December 9th, 2023)
5-0 - Sean Nayden - Orks
5-0 - Samuel Pope - Tyranids
5-0 - Brad Chester - Ultramarines
Fight Before Xmas '23 (December 9th, 2023)
5-0 - Sean Sullivan - Leagues of Votann
5-0 - Alex Cameron - Orks
Hullraiser GT (December 9th, 2023)
5-0 - James Webster - Aeldari
3rd Annual Jingle Bombz Throwndown (December 9th, 2023)
5-0 - John Holbrook - Chaos Space Marines
The Witch Trials GT (December 9th, 2023)
5-0 - Nick Cochrane - Space Wolves
4-0-1 - Patrick Leblanc - Chaos Space Marines
Merry Slaaneshmass 2023 (December 2nd, 2023)
6-0 - Timothy Grant - Death Guard
6-0 - Hank Adams - Ultramarines
Southwest Shootout 40k GT (December 2nd, 2023)
5-0 - Jon Camacho - World Eaters
4-0-1 - Jack Kosidowski - Thousand Sons
Feliz Exterminatus (December 2nd, 2023)
5-0 - Ryan Verbeck - Tyranids
5-0 - Kyle McCord - Black Templars
Incursion Events 40K GT (December 2nd, 2023)
5-0 - James Shapiro - Adeptus Astartes
Eye of Terror Fall '23 GT (December 2nd, 2023)
4-0-1 - Thomas Cowan - Chaos Space Marines
4-0-1 - François Lalonde - World Eaters
Waisted Potential Presents (December 2nd, 2023)
5-0 - Ozzie Meloche - Aeldari
5-0 - Alex Li - Aeldari
Warhound GT in December at Game Grid (December 2nd, 2023)
5-0 - Chase Chappell - Grey Knights
5-0 - Jason McKenzie - T'au Empire
Iron Cage GT: Winter Whammy (December 2nd, 2023)
5-0 - Kit Smith Hanna - Dark Angels
5-0 - Brad Townsend - Adeptus Mechanicus
Sword and Board (December 2nd, 2023)
5-0 - Joedrich Stander - Adeptus Astartes
Winter War Zone (December 2nd, 2023)
5-0 - Dan Ahern - Adeptus Astartes
HEROCON (December 2nd, 2023)
5-0 - Ewart Searle - Black Templars
Battle For Serenity (December 2nd, 2023)
5-0 - Matthew Allee - Chaos Knights
Battle of the Bay (December 2nd, 2023)
4-0-1 - Jacques Strydom - Aeldari
Coastal Assault GT (December 2nd, 2023)
5-0 - Cliff Nelson - Black Templars
Obsec presents the 9th annual Perth GT, 40k Masters (December 2nd, 2023)
6-0 - Lachlan Rigg - Chaos Space Marines
Évzáró Gálatorna 2023 (December 2nd, 2023)
5-0-1 - Richárd Ivány - Orks
Team arKCanite Presents: Winter Slaughter (December 2nd, 2023)
5-1 - Tom Deane - Thousand Sons
The Leicester Super-Major (December 1st, 2023)
1st - Will Whitaker - Chaos Space Marines
2nd - Nassim Fouchane - World Eaters
3rd - Daniel Whitaker - Aeldari
4th - Kriton Tsintaris - Adepta Sororitas
Warzone: Atlanta (December 1st, 2023)
7-0 - Z Martin - Aeldari
6-1 - David Purcell - Astra Militarum
6-1 - Chris Dailey - Astra Militarum
Partisan Games (November 25th, 2023)
5-0 - Michael Costello - Salamanders
Absolute Supremacy Underworld (November 25th, 2023)
5-0 - Dan Ahern - Adeptus Astartes
MAD Warhammer 40k GT (November 25th, 2023)
5-0 - Colton Cox - Genestealer Cults
Cross-Swords War At The Westward 3 (November 25th, 2023)
5-0 - Aidan Brocklehurst - Adepta Sororitas
Hammertime At Kelowna ComiCon (November 25th, 2023)
5-0 - Marshall Reeves - Adepta Sororitas
I GT Multiverso War (November 25th, 2023)
5-0 - Husa Lord Six - Adeptus Astartes
Steel City GT Nov (November 25th, 2023)
5-0 - Charles Gould - Aeldari
Hertfordshire Winter GT (November 25th, 2023)
5-0 - Clement Tournade - Aeldari
ITA 40k Singles (November 25th, 2023)
5-0 - David Trueman - Leagues of Votann
FA Cup 2023 (November 25th, 2023)
5-0 - Terence Tsui - Leagues of Votann
Majestic Beasties 2023 (November 25th, 2023)
5-0 - Garret Olson - Adeptus Astartes
5-0 - Frederick Schellenberg - World Eaters
2d6 Grand Tournament (November 25th, 2023)
5-0 - Victor Bergenholtz - Grey Knights
East Anglian Grand Tournament 2 (November 25th, 2023)
5-0 - Jack Tite - Adepta Sororitas
Bembel Clash #9 (November 25th, 2023)
5-0 - Kevin Zöllinger - Black Templars
Peterborough Slam GT 4 (November 18th, 2023)
5-0 - Martyn Cooper - Astra Militarum
Heroes Of The Mid Table 3 (November 18th, 2023)
5-0 - JT McDowell - Aeldari
The Standoff (November 18th, 2023)
5-0 - Cullen Burns - Leagues of Votann
Counterspell Culling GT (November 18th, 2023)
5-0 - James Holman - Chaos Space Marines
HWP Iron Man GT (November 18th, 2023)
5-0 - Tim Pinney - Death Guard
West Coast GT (November 18th, 2023)
5-0 - Emil Söderholm - World Eaters
Renegade Open (November 18th, 2023)
5-0 - James Kelling - Aeldari
5-0 - Devin Orchard - Necrons
5-0 - Mark Weiss - Adeptus Custodes
DaBoyz GT Rochester (November 18th, 2023)
5-0 - Adam Dye - Chaos Space Marines
5-0 - Ken Knox - Deathwatch
Maui Fundraiser 40k GT by Dicehammer (November 18th, 2023)
5-0 - Daniel Reddehase - Death Guard
5-0 - Kebinly - Aeldari
WARPSTORM OVER CYPRUS (November 18th, 2023)
5-0 - Leonid Popov - Black Templars
Nemesis 40k (November 18th, 2023)
5-0 - Josh Stapleton - Aeldari
The Alliance Open Grand Tournament (November 18th, 2023)
6-0 - Ron Eliyahoo - Tyranids
6-0 - Vincent Koopmans - Dark Angels
Bajio Open 40K, El Bunker (November 18th, 2023)
6-0 - Luis Humberto Casillas Franco - Aeldari
World Championships of Warhammer (November 16th, 2023)
1st - Mani Cheema - Chaos Space Marines
2nd - John Lennon - Adeptus Astartes
3rd - Lachlan Rigg - Chaos Space Marines
4th - Boris Michev - Chaos Space Marines
5th - Ludivic Stammler - Aeldari
6th - Valentin Schefter - Necrons
7th - Arne Zerndt - Aeldari
8th - Kyle McCord - Black Templars
The Coventry Super-Major (2-Day) (November 11th, 2023)
5-0 - Vik Vijay - Adepta Sororitas
5-0 - Vincent Chan - Death Guard
5-0 - Alex Petford - Aeldari
The Coventry Super-Major (3-Day) (November 10th, 2023)
1st - Liam Vsl - Chaos Space Marines
2nd - Mani Cheema - Chaos Space Marines
3rd - Jokull Johannsson - Aeldari
4th - David Gaylard - Aeldari
5th - Danny Porter - Leagues of Votann
The Gravel Pit (November 11th, 2023)
5-0 - Aiden Smalley - Death Guard
5-0 - Doug Tabor - Leagues of Votann
Team Battle Brothers Major (November 11th, 2023)
5-0 - Justin Rosko - Orks
5-0 - Steven Saroka - Thousand Sons
5-0 - Mark Hertel - Ultramarines
Warfare 2023 (November 11th, 2023)
4-0-1 - Martyn Cooper - Astra Militarum
4-0-1 - Chris Woods - Chaos Space Marines
Peninsula Feast of Blades (November 11th, 2023)
4-0-1 - Timothy Grant - Death Guard
The Risky Rollers Open 2023 (November 11th, 2023)
5-0 - Matt Morosoli - Chaos Space Marines
4-0-1 - Rhys Cunningham - Adepta Sororitas
The Great Game GT (November 11th, 2023)
5-0 - Tarzan - Orks
Rumble on the Rivers (November 11th, 2023)
5-0 - Garrett Stacy - Death Guard
Game Centre Narellan GT (November 11th, 2023)
5-0 - Jordan McGregor - Chaos Knights
Bunker Down GT (November 11th, 2023)
5-0 - Adam Dye - Chaos Space Marines
Bash At The Beach GT (November 11th, 2023)
5-0 - Mark Perry - Chaos Space Marines
Iron Man 1-Day GT (November 11th, 2023)
5-0 - George Elton - Leagues of Votann
The Harvester Of Souls (November 11th, 2023)
4-0-1 - Riley Davis - Thousand Sons
The San Antonio Shootout ‘23 (November 11th, 2023)
5-0 - Georg Bobkov - Chaos Space Marines
5-0 - Apollo Chang - Aeldari
Conquest - Mid Season - Warfare (November 4th, 2023)
5-0 - Edoardo Rinaldi - Astra Militarum
BOLTERCON GT (November 4th, 2023)
5-0 - Josh Salzman - Black Templars
Atomic City Warzone (November 4th, 2023)
5-0 - Lukas Troller - Chaos Knights
5-0 - Donald Plummer - T'au Empire
Other Realms Final Stand Grand Tournament (November 4th, 2023)
5-0 - Trevor Wylie - Chaos Daemons
Flames of Autumn (November 4th, 2023)
5-0 - Mark Hertel - Adeptus Astartes
The Hogtowner (November 4th, 2023)
5-0 - Lukas Duchaine - Astra Militarum
4-0-1 - Shane Phillips - Necrons
Warhammer 40,000 Grand Tournament @ XPG (November 4th, 2023)
5-0 - Ridvan Martinez - Drukhari
PCG Hosts the Lightly Salted Fall GT (November 4th, 2023)
4-0-1 - Evan Stump - Space Wolves
4-0-1 - Colin Kay - Chaos Space Marines
OP’s V Is For Volkite GT (November 4th, 2023)
5-0 - Scott Toebe - Death Guard
Mid-MO Maelstrom (November 4th, 2023)
5-0 - Kyle Lamperez - Dark Angels
5-0 - Ryan Verbeck - Tyranids
Hobart GT (November 4th, 2023)
5-0 - Shannen Butters - Aeldari
4-0-1 - Adam Douglas - Orks
Raccoon Rumble (November 3rd, 2023)
6-0 - Matthias Bellmann - Aeldari
6-0 - Max Kanter - Orks
6-0 - Manuel Wayand - Chaos Space Marines
The California Cup '23 (November 3rd, 2023)
1st - Anthony Vanella - World Eaters
2nd - Alex Spathopoulos - Dark Angels
3rd - Innes Wilson - Chaos Space Marines
4th - Brad Chester - Dark Angels
5th - Arthur Tu - Chaos Space Marines
Last Rites III (October 28th, 2023)
5-0 - Felix Mathiasson - Leagues of Votann
Winchester 40K GT (October 28th, 2023)
5-0 - Martyn Cooper - Astra Militarum
Gaelcon 2023 (October 28th, 2023)
5-0 - Pearce Condren - Death Guard
Queen City Orktoberfest (October 28th, 2023)
5-0 - Chris Green - Dark Angels
4-0-1 - Brent Simon - Aeldari
Torneo octubre WTC GTS Valencia (October 28th, 2023)
5-0 - Alejandro Mancuso Serrano - Blood Angels
4-0-1 - Francisco Pellon Lopez - Aeldari
ORK-TOBERFEST 2023 (October 28th, 2023)
5-0 - Ben Warrior - Adeptus Mechanicus
5-0 - Wayne Russell - Chaos Space Marines
Carnage Con 40K Grand Tournament (October 28th, 2023)
5-0 - Thatcher Jaacks - Leagues of Votann
SUPER All Stars - Hellstorm’s Major (October 28th, 2023)
1st - Alex Petford - Aeldari
2nd - Josh Roberts - Aeldari
3 Mini GT Alea Lleida (October 21st, 2023)
5-0 - Usukane - Chaos Space Marines
Malmö Wargaming Weekend VII (October 21st, 2023)
5-0 - Jesper Unander-Scharin - Aeldari
5-0 - Joel Larsson - Aeldari
4-0-1 - Sebastian Larsson - Chaos Space Marines
Autumn Donut Single GT (October 21st, 2023)
5-0 - Андрей Островский - Space Wolves
4-0-1 - Alex Voronkov - Necrons
Battlefield Birmingham 21 (October 21st, 2023)
5-0 - Ritchie Balan - Orks
5-0 - Lee Smith - Chaos Space Marines
FactoruM Warhammer 40,000 GT October 2023 (October 21st, 2023)
5-0 - James Ball - Orks
Isarauen 40k 2023 (October 21st, 2023)
4-0-1 - Roman Kleiber - Orks
MonsterCon - Armageddon Edition (October 21st, 2023)
5-0 - Charlie Kang - Chaos Knights
Hiveslayer (October 21st, 2023)
5-0 - Matt Barrett - Orks
Fun-N-Games '23 Fall GT (October 21st, 2023)
5-0 - Trent Mazer - T'au Empire
Alba GT '23 (October 21st, 2023)
5-0 - Mate Csaszar - Adeptus Mechanicus
4-0-1 - Adam Pusztai - Aeldari
Gothic Games Canterbury October GT (October 21st, 2023)
5-0 - Ryan Williams - Asuryani
Dragon’s Lair Open (October 21st, 2023)
6-0 - Jared Gomez - Adeptus Astartes
Frontline Gaming SoCal Open 2023 (October 21st, 2023)
6-0 - James Carmona - Chaos Space Marines
6-0 - Arthur Tu - Chaos Space Marines
6-0 - Ruben Zhao - Blood Angels
Toronto Fall Open (October 21st, 2023)
6-0 - Brian Crothers - Chaos Space Marines
5-0-1 - Dustin Henshaw - Genestealer Cults
Warzone: Three Taverns (October 21st, 2023)
5-0 - TJ Spaeth - Black Templars
5° TCC (October 14th, 2023)
4-0-1 - Cristian Ghisolfi - Aeldari
TJ Cafe & Game Fall 40K GT (October 14th, 2023)
5-0 - Benjamin Rubenstein - T'au Empire
Fantasia Fanatic XLIV 40K (October 16th, 2023)
5-0 - Axel Rydén - Aeldari
5-0 - Pedro Chavez - Aeldari
4-0-1 - Magnus Forslund - T'au empire
4-0-1 - Björn Eriksson - Imperial Knights
Kippers' Melee 2023 (October 14th, 2023)
5-0 - Jordan Salamon - Orks
5-0 - Donald Plummer - T'au Empire
5-0 - Brendan McKenzie - Adepta Sororitas
Geekfest - Warhammer 40K GT (October 14th, 2023)
5-0 - Jonathon Betteridge - Aeldari
5-0 - Blair Macdonald - Khorne Daemons
Oceanic Championships of Warhammer 40,000 (October 14th, 2023)
5-0 - Jeremy Martino - Chaos Space Marines
Dark Sphere October GT (October 14th, 2023)
5-0 - Niklas Ek - Genestealer Cults
1° GT Mallorca (October 14th, 2023)
4-1 - Vince Montalban - Chaos Space Marines
Medhammer GT 2023 - Golden Dawn (October 14th, 2023)
5-0 - Jorge Latorre - Aeldari
5-0 - Nicolas Francone - Chaos Daemons
Gem City GT (October 14th, 2023)
5-0 - Folger Pyles - Aeldari
5-0 - Brad Chester - Orks
Feast Of Blades October GT (October 14th, 2023)
4-0-1 - Ruud Steenbakkers - Tyranids
The Pecking Order: Turkey Wars GT 2023 (October 14th, 2023)
5-0 - Steve Trimble - Chaos Space Marines
5-0 - Max Schwarzer - Black Templars
Kirtonian Total Carnage IV (October 14th, 2023)
5-0 - Jonathan Summerfield - Chaos Space Marines
Brighton 40k Tournament V (October 14th, 2023)
5-0 - James Shapiro - Leagues Votann
5-0 - Tom Green - Orks
Last Of The Summer Winehammer 5 (October 14th, 2023)
5-0 - Matt Robertson - Adeptus Astartes
Denver 40K Fight Club October Open (October 14th, 2023)
6-0 - Colin Kay - Chaos Space Marines
5-1 - Joel Davis - Orks
5-1 - Cody Jiru - Aeldari
US Open Tampa (October 13th, 2023)
1st - Jeffrey Kolodner - Adepta Sororitas
2nd - Quinton Johnson - Aeldari
3rd - Jack Harpster - World Eaters
4th - Nick Herting - Chaos Space Marines
5th - Ben Jurek - Aeldari
6th - Sascha Alexander Edelkraut - Imperial Fists
7th - Hogan Franklin - Tyranids
8th - Brian Jones - Imperial Knights
Michigan GT (October 7th, 2023)
5-0 - Brenton Weiss - Aeldari
5-0 - Scott Ketcham - Adepta Sororitas
5-0 - Brad Chester - Orks
4-0-1 - Tim Schmidt - Imperial Knights
4-1 - Brian Daugherty - World Eaters
Hammer Down Breast Cancer (October 7th, 2023)
5-0 - Tyler Principio - Chaos Space Marines
Hesa GT (October 7th, 2023)
5-0 - Pekka Koskivirta - Chaos Space Marines
Quebec City Open (October 7th, 2023)
4-0-1 - Jeremy Atkinson - Leagues of Votann
4-0-1 - François Lalonde - Tyranids
4-1 - Kim Bouliane - Orks
Call To Arms 40K Event Hosted By Away Games (October 7th, 2023)
5-0 - Justin Rosko - Orks
5-0 - David Penfold - Thosuand Sons
4-1 - Don Belec - Black Templars
Pantheon GT (October 7th, 2023)
5-0 - Brodie Middleton - Tyranids
5-0 - Liam Ma - Astra Militarum
4-1 - Alexander Englezos - Tyranids
4-1 - Joshua Hynes - Tyranids
4-1 - Nathan Bugmann - Asuryani
40K ITC GT Battle Zone Ursa (October 7th, 2023)
5-0 - Cameron Glodowski - Necrons
4-0-1 - Alex Nanez - T'au Empire
4-1 - Levi Chester - Adeptus Mechanicus
Heroes Mini GT (October 7th, 2023)
5-0 - David Hall - Thousand Sons
Belgium GT (October 7th, 2023)
5-0 - Guillaume Dusaussois - Aeldari
4-0-1 - Gabriel Geerts - Adepta Sororitas
4-1 - Bart Wasteels - Necrons
4-1 - Benjamin Menissier - Aeldari
4-1 - Gautier TREMLET - Aeldari
Broadsword Wargaming ITC Autumn Major II (October 7th, 2023)
5-0 - Colin Power - Aeldari
5-0 - Mark Morrow - Tyranids
4-1 - Dan Ahern - Chaos Space Marines
4-1 - Joseph Musgrave - Aeldari
4-1 - Dara Meehan - World Eaters
Battle For Salvation GT (October 7th, 2023)
6-0 - Sean Nayden - Orks
6-0 - Sascha Alexander Edelkraut - Adeptus Astartes
5-1 - Johnny Zoo - Chaos Space Marines
5-1 - Drew Salzborn - Leagues of Votann
5-1 - David Adelman - Ynnari
40k SA Nationals (September 30th, 2023)
5-0 - Devin du Plessis - Imperial Knights
5-0 - Zachary Shinn - Soulblight Gravelords
4-0-1 - Anthony Berinato - Dark Angels
4-1 - Jean-Louis van Niekerk - Necrons
4-1 - Zach Smith - Soulblight Gravelords
4-1 - Geir Vedeld - Slaves to Darkness
Come the Apocalypse (September 30th, 2023)
5-0 - Daniel Hesters - Aeldari
4-1 - Charles Barber - Tyranids
4-1 - Carter Leach - Chaos Daemons
Battle For Maryland (September 30th, 2023)
5-0 - Larry Oliver - Tyranids
5-0 - Mark Hertel - Ultramarines
5-0 - Adam Machamer - Space Wolves
Battle Bowl GT (September 30th, 2023)
5-0 - Jon Camacho - Necrons
Hanseatic Alliance Open (September 30th, 2023)
6-0 - Fred Otto - Aeldari
6-0 - Christian Schachmann - T'au Empire
6-0 - Marvin Petersen - Astra Militarum
5-0-1 - Valentin Schefter - Necrons
5-1 - Fritz Peters - Chaos Space Marines
5-1 - Matthias Bellmann - Leagues of Votann
5-1 - Kayu Orellana - Tyranids
5-1 - Max Kanter - Orks
MOAB 40K (September 30th, 2023)
5-0 - Joshua Brodie - Chaos Space Marines
4-0-1 - Brad Milner - Orks
4-0-1 - Alexander Englezos - Tyranids
4-1 - Mihaly Rutkai - Leagues of Votann
4-1 - Nathan Princi - Chaos Knights
Goonhammer Open Canada (September 30th, 2023)
6-0 - Logan Antonation - T'au Empire
5-1 - James Kelling - Aeldari
5-1 - Justin Signer-Delorme - Death Guard
Crucible 2023 (September 29th, 2023)
7-0 - John Lennon - Tyranids
6-1 - Jack Harpster - Black Templars
6-1 - Quinton Johnson - Aeldari
6-1 - Nick Nanavati - Chaos Space Marines
6-1 - Jon Sweet - Black Templars
The London GT (September 30th, 2023)
1st - Liam Vsl - Chaos Space Marines
2nd - Hugo Richiardi - Aeldari
3rd - Nassim Fouchane - Aeldari
4th - Mani Cheema - Chaos Space Marines
5th - Vik Vijay - Aeldari
6th - Olivier Weiss - Raven Guard
7th - Guillaume Dusaussois - Aeldari
8th - Aidan Brocklehurst - Dark Angels
Icehammer Single GT (September 23rd, 2023)
5-0 - Stepan Zotov - Adeptus Astartes
4-1 - Daniil Zhadan - Orks
4-1 - Евгений Кутькин - Aeldari
Warhammer Romanian Open (September 23rd, 2023)
4-1 - Dorin Butoiu - Black Templars
4-1 - Rares Platon - Aeldari
3-0-2 - Razvan Coman - Aeldari
Battle In The Bush (September 23rd, 2023)
5-0 - Egor Kalinin - Necrons
5-0 - Woody Wu - Adeptus Custodes
4-1 - Dale Mann - Aeldari
4-1 - Kyle Pearson - Orks
4-1 - Richard Hill - Death Guard
Harbor Heresy (September 23rd, 2023)
5-0 - Lukas Troller - Chaos Knights
4-1 - Tanner Hebert - Death Guard
4-1 - Nicolas Ohlsen-Johnson - Leagues of Votann
ROC HARD GT (September 22nd, 2023)
5-0 - Matthew Bailey - Chaos Space Marines
Carnage At The Outpost (September 22nd, 2023)
5-0 - Mike Porter - Aeldari
Rooks 40k Open (September 23rd, 2023)
5-0 - Troy Oswood - Thousand Sons
4-1 - Jacob O'Neill - T'au Empire
4-1 - James Walsh - Dark Angels
Warzone Houston (September 23rd, 2023)
6-0 - Colin McDade - T'au Empire
5-0-1 - Robert Moreland - Astra Militarum
5-0-1 - Georg Bobkov - Chaos Space Marines
5-1 - Jony Velazquez - Death Guard
5-1 - Will Davis - Necrons
5-1 - Keven Rand - Death Guard
5-1 - Justin Moore - Genestealer Cults
5-1 - Travis Gray - Space Wolves
Invasion 40k (September 23rd, 2023)
5-0-1 - Eirik Eirik - Leagues of Votann
5-0-1 - Sveinung Knutsen Nøding - Tyranids
5-1 - Bjørn Olsen - Orks
5-1 - Jonathan Arkin - Orks
5-1 - Rasmus Valand Fredriksen - T'au Empire
Malta Grand Tournament 40K (September 23rd, 2023)
5-1 - Mirko Consiglio - Genestealer Cults
5-1 - Ryan Agius - Chaos Daemons
5-1 - William Healey - Astra Militarum
Flying Monkey Con (September 22nd, 2023)
6-0 - Ben Cherwien - Aeldari
5-1 - John Indellicate - Tyranids
5-0-1 - Cody Jiru - Aeldari
5-1 - Dan Sammons - Dark Angels
5-1 - Howard Watts - Ultramarines
5-1 - Bryce Watson - Aeldari
5-1 - Zaak Kerstetter - Aeldari
5-1 - Colin Kay - Chaos Space Marines
No Surrender (September 16th, 2023)
5-0 - Vinnie Purcell - Chaos Space Marines
4-1 - Jacob Tinning - Aeldari
4-1 - John McLachlan - Tyranids
Fields of Damnation (September 16th, 2023)
5-0 - Morgan Smerek - Ultramarines
4-0-1 - Adam Green - Adeptus Astartes
4-1 - Orion Croteau - Space Wolves
40k War for the Forge GT (September 16th, 2023)
5-0 - Larry Paladin - Dark Angels
4-1 - Ryan Snyder - Adeptus Astartes
4-1 - Alexander Stoker - Grey Knights
Lakes of Blood 2023 - OCC Qualifier (September 16th, 2023)
4-0-1 - Hamish Reeve - Chaos Knights
4-0-1 - Haydn Korach - Aeldari
4-1 - Joshuah Megchelse - Imperial Knights
Ratcon 2023 (September 16th, 2023)
5-0 - Rhys Cunningham - Drukhari
5-0 - Boyd Morrall - Grey Knights
4-1 - Christian Pearse - Thousand Sons
4-1 - Dean Sinnbeck - World Eaters
4-1 - Matt Morosoli - Chaos Knights
Warhammer 40,000: Throne of Skulls (September 16th, 2023)
5-0 - Piotr Hirnle - Deathwatch
5-0 - Alec Courtney - Astra Militarum
4-0-1 - Riccardo Milella - Death Guard
4-1 - Mitch Greer - Chaos Knights
4-1 - Greg Friggens - Adeptus Astartes
Iberian Open Replay La Marca d’Egara (September 16th, 2023)
5-0 - Roger Boira - T'au Empire
4-0-1 - OuX ™ - Imperial Knights
4-1 - Nymerio Stark - Space Wolves
W4 GT 2023 Western Wisconsin Wargaming Weekend (September 16th, 2023)
5-0 - Devin Orchard - Necrons
Showdown at Frogtown (September 16th, 2023)
5-0 - Thomas Ogden - T'au Empire
Torneo Nacional Warhammer 40k Mexico (September 16th, 2023)
6-0 - Luis German Giles - Thousand Sons
5-1 - Xavier Barrera - Dark Angels
5-1 - Damian Flores Díaz - Aeldari
4-1 - Rodrigo Duarte - Aeldari
5-1 - Pavel Echeveste - Necrons
ArtHobbies Pre Nacional (September 9th, 2023)
5-0 - Damian Flores - Aeldari
Münsterland GT4 (September 9th, 2023)
5-0 - Thomas Büttelmann - Aeldari
4-1 - Artur Güttler - T'au Empire
4-1 - Matthias Bellmann - Aeldari
Tokyo Tactical World Championship Qualifier (September 9th, 2023)
5-0 - Terry Ko - Adeptus Custodes
Bugle Bat Reps: Bugles Big Bash (September 9th, 2023)
5-0 - George McCoulough - Drukhari
BFS Grand Tournament (September 9th, 2023)
5-0 - Harley Scully - Aeldari
Twisted GT (September 9th, 2023)
5-0 - Chris Woods - Chaos Space Marines
BrewHammer GT 4 (September 9th, 2023)
5-0 - Matthew Moran - Necrons
5-0 - Garron Owen - Space Wolves
4-1 - Gavin Heritage - Chaos Knights
4-1 - Jamie Ferguson - Aeldari
4-1 - Kenneth Mackenzie - Chaos Knights
Smite Club Open (September 9th, 2023)
6-0 - Daniel Olivas - Aeldari
6-0 - Ben Jurek - Aeldari
5-1 - Jason McKenzie - Adeptus Mechanicus
5-1 - Jacob Wagner - Necrons
5-1 - Michael Mann - Chaos Daemons
5-1 - Jake Jacobson - Aeldari
5-1 - Frankie Giampapa - Genestealer Cults
5-1 - Junior Aflleje - Imperial Knights
Midtccon GT (September 2nd, 2023)
5-0 - Peter Herbild - Thousand Sons
4-1 - Killi Paaske - Genestealer Cults
4-1 - Marcus Jensen - Tyranids
Games of Westeros XV (September 2nd, 2023)
5-0 - Martin Hultgren - Aeldari
4-0-1 - David Klang - Adeptus Custodes
4-1 - Dag Samuelsson - Adeptus Custodes
4-1 - Pedro Chavez - Aeldari
4-1 - Johan Norrman - Aeldari
Torneo Veraniego II - Iberian Open (September 4th, 2023)
5-0 - Cajolín waif - Adeptus Astartes
4-1 - Alfonso Delgado - Thousand Sons
4-1 - Dadu Polo - Aeldari
Tabletop Republic presents Eternal Wrath (September 2nd, 2023)
5-0 - Samuel Smith - Chaos Space Marines
4-1 - Greg Wall - Aeldari
4-1 - James Koch - Orks
Road To Atlanta - 40K Italian GT (September 2nd, 2023)
5-0 - Marco Santopadre - Necrons
5-0 - Nicola Giannini - Aeldari
4-1 - Francesco Di Bonaventura - Necrons
4-1 - Edoardo Rinaldi - Astra Militarum
4-1 - Nicola Valle - Thousand Sons
EA Slam Warhammer 40000 Major (September 2nd, 2023)
5-0 - Clement Tournade Aeldari
5-0 - Chris Tull - Aeldari
4-1 - Dom Maidlow - Chaos Space Marines
4-1 - Jonny Simmons - Adeptus Mechanics
4-1 - Michael Boyle - Chaos Space Marines
Grand Onslaught 6 (September 2nd, 2023)
5-0 - Alec Huffman - Chaos Space Marines
5-0 - Kienan Hicks - Aeldari
4-1 - Garrett Wilhelm - Aeldari
Straight Edge Wargaming: Malmö Gameweek GT (September 2nd, 2023)
5-0 - Björn Eriksson - Imperial Knights
Clan Wars Scottish Open 4 (September 2nd, 2023)
4-0-1 - Brian Seipp - Aeldari
4-0-1 - Alan Mandelson - Chaos Space Marines
4-1 - James Lighten - Adeptus Custodes
Goonhammer Open UK - September Storm (September 2nd, 2023)
6-0 - Chris Paterson - Aeldari
5-1 - Nathan Roberts - Tyranids
5-1 - Daniel Whitaker - Aeldari
5-1 - Rafael Harbinson - Aeldari
5-1 - Josh Roberts - Aeldari
NOVA Open 2023 Grand Tournament (September 1st, 2023)
8-0 - Zach Point - Aeldari
7-1 - Shaun Reynolds - Aeldari
7-1 - Steven Crawley - Aeldari
6-2 - TJ Lanigan - Thousand Sons
8-0 - Matt Schuchman - Aeldari
7-1 - Brad Chester - Aeldari
7-1 - Mark Hertel - Deathwatch
7-1 - Tedd Williamson - Necrons
TNA Open 2023 (September 1st, 2023)
8-0 - Brodie iddleton - Aeldari
6-2 - Michael Mientjes - Aeldari
6-2 - Luke Pearce - Chaos Daemons
7-1 - David Trueman - Adeptus Custodes
Dark Sphere GT (August 26th, 2023)
5-0 - Antonio Aparicio Lopez - Aeldari
4-1 - Jamie Lavender - Aeldari
4-1 - Matthew Harris - Thousand Sons
Wasteland Wars GT (August 26th, 2023)
5-0 - Matthew Gaddy - Necrons
4-0-1 - Josh Archer - Necrons
4-1 - Patrick M - T'au Empire
CARNAGE at the COSSIE (August 26th, 2023)
5-0 - Haydn Korach - Aeldari
4-0-1 - Finn Decker - Aeldari
4-1 - Ben Clarke - Aeldari
Oxford Onslaught 2 (August 26th, 2023)
5-0 - Martyn Cooper - Aeldari
4-1 - Tom Spicer - Thousand Sons
4-1 - Paulie Wallis - Drukhari
HWP Salty Classic GT (August 26th, 2023)
5-0 - Gustavo Laurencio - Imperial Knights
4-1 - Curtis Hotaling - Astra Militarum
4-1 - Andrew Massa - Aeldari
The Glasvegas Open GT (August 26th, 2023)
5-0 - Brian Seipp - Aeldari
ALL STARS HEAT 4 - Hellstorm's 40K Tournament Series (August 26th, 2023)
5-0 - Alex Petford - Aeldari
5-0 - John Swallow - Aeldari
4-1 - Matthew Langton - Tyranids
ELBCOAST CUP VI - GT (August 26th, 2023)
5-0 - Leif Westermann - Aeldari
4-1 - Frank Stüdemann - Imperial Knights
4-1 - Martin Noack - Chaos Daemons
ECDC Presents: The Big Sky Open (August 26th, 2023)
5-0 - John Holbrook - Orks
4-1 - James Walsh - Dark Angels
4-1 - Troy Oswood - Aeldari
Seasons Of WAAAGH!!! The GT (August 26th, 2023)
5-0 - Michael MacCaffrey - Aeldari
4-1 - Spencer Mullett - Aeldari
4-1 - Riley Morris - Aeldari
(H4H) PopCon GT (August 26th, 2023)
5-0 - Benjamin Frederiksen - Aeldari
4-1 - Joe Rammuni - Orks
4-1 - John Ontto - Orks
Abyss Supernova (August 26th, 2023)
5-0 - Sebastien Geoffrion - Aeldari
4-0-1 - Samuel da Ponte - Thousand Sons
4-0-1 - Franck Lortie - Adeptus Mechanicus
Bendigo Open (BO) (August 19th, 2023)
5-0 - Hugh Titchener - Imperial Knights
4-1 - Michael Hamilton- Adeptus Astartes
4-1 - Ian Pearce - T'au Empire
Trident Wargaming Circuit - Iron Within GT (August 19th, 2023)
5-0 - Darren Jac - Genestealer Cults
4-1 - Dave Cruickshank - Imperial Knights
4-1 - Aiden Vollmer - Thousand Sons
Grimdark 14: Indexhammer (August 19th, 2023)
5-0 - Axel Rydén - Aeldari
4-0-1 - Bilbo Göransson - Genestealer Cults
4-1 - Joel Larsson - Adeptus Custodes
TLM x Layton Midnight Melee GT (August 19th, 2023)
5-0 - Adam Raymond - Aeldari
SaarHammer 40k #33 GT 2 Tage (August 19th, 2023)
4-0-1 - Pascal Haberstroh - Adeptus Custodes
The Pecking Order: Rise of Kings GT (August 19th, 2023)
5-0 - Alex Pina - Thousand Sons
5-0 - Tarzan - Orks
4-0-1 - Marty Oconnell - Chaos Daemons
Iberian Perretes Tournament (August 19th, 2023)
5-0 - Manel Tulla - Genestealer Cults
4-1 - Iker Rubio - Aeldari
4-1 - Keko Jones - Adeptus Custodes
US Goonhammer Open (August 19th, 2023)
6-0 - Mathew Burgoon - Aeldari
5-1 - Ken Knox - Deathwatch
5-1 - Shaun Reynolds - Deathwatch
Gateway Open (August 19th, 2023)
6-0 - Brent Simon - Aeldari
5-0-1 - Austin Howald - Aeldari
5-0-1 - Ryan Verbeck - Tyranids
5-1 - Connor Johnson - Thousand Sons
5-1 - Benjamin Frederiksen - Aeldari
CCBB2023 (August 19th, 2023)
6-0 - Tim Deetlefs - Aeldari
5-1 - Zach Comeau - Aeldari
5-1 - Nick Jagiello - Necrons
5-1 - Matthew Salouros - Deathwatch
5-1 - Éric Marcoux - Aeldari
Roll For Damage (August 19th, 2023)
6-0 - Tyson Whitelaw - Aeldari
5-1 - James Mann - Imperial Knights
5-1 - Bradley Mc - Adeptus Custodes
5-1 - Sam Young - Aeldari
5-1 - Adam Napier - Aeldari
Salt Lake Open (August 18th, 2023)
7-0 - Ben Jurek - Aeldari
6-1 - Cody Jiru - Aeldari
6-1 - Evan Stump - Aeldari
6-1 - Richard Kilton - Adeptus Custodes
6-1 - Grant Eklund - Aeldari
Cruisehammer (August 14th, 2023)
1st - Gabriel Norrström - Adeptus Custodes
2nd - Brian Horton - Tyranids
3rd - Justin Masellas - Genestealer Cults
Killing Field Of Istvaan (August 12th, 2023)
5-0 - Darren Jac - Genestealer Cults
4-1 - Anthony Magro - Gloomspite Gitz
4-1 - Tad Baten - Gloomspite Gitz
4-1 - Matt Nguyen - Beasts of Chaos
NAUGHTYK GT AUGUST (August 12th, 2023)
5-0 - Josie Cartwright - Necrons
Saffron Slam VII (August 12th, 2023)
4-0-1 - Harley Scully - Aeldari
Hammer of Wrath GT (August 12th, 2023)
5-0 - Arthur Tu - Chaos Space Marines
4-1 - James Carmona - Chaos Space Marines
4-1 - Eddy Goshorn - Aeldari
Texas Open - Warhammer 40k Champs (August 12th, 2023)
6-0 - Justin Moore - Genestealer Cults
6-0 - Kit Smith Hanna - Thousand Sons
5-1 - Jony Velazquez - Thousand Sons
5-1 - Sweet Lew - Aeldari
5-1 - Eric Tadt - Genestealer Cults
Iowaaagh! Open (August 12th, 2023)
6-0 - Ben Cherwien - Aeldari
5-1 - Kyle McCord - Astra Militarum
5-1 - Britton Rexroat - Genestealer Cults
5-1 - Albert Lim - Imperial Knights
5-1 - Albert Lim - Necrons
Golden Ticket Event: Warhammer 40,000 (August 12th, 2023)
6-0 - Mikey Herbert - Deathwatch
5-1 - Adam Shepherd-Jones - Adeptus Custodes
5-1 - Matthew McCurdy - Space Wolves
5-1 - Ryan McToal - Aeldari
5-1 - Billy Guest- Adeptus Custodes
WTC Warmaster GT 2023 (August 8th, 2023)
8-0-1 - Thomas Wobak - Aeldari
7-1 - Fred Otto - Aeldari
6-1-1 - Quinton Johnson - Aeldari
6-1-1 - Alexandre Sacco - Chaos Space Marines
5-1-1 - Innes Wilson - Dark Angels
5-1-1 - TJ Lanigan - Thousand Sons
5-1-1 - Will Milton - Adeptus Custodes
5-1 - Matt Bonnet - Aeldari
T5S2 Season 7 Invitational (August 8th, 2023)
1st - Salad - Adeptus Custodes
2nd - Zach - Aeldari
3rd - Raze667 - Necrons
4th - Lord_Solar - Aeldari
Capital Clash - 'Ere we go! (August 5th, 2023)
5-0 - William Wykoff - Necrons
5-0 - Taylor Hill - Genestealer Cults
4-1 - Dale Mann - Aeldari
Wars on the Shore GT (August 5th, 2023)
5-0 - Travis King - Genestealer Cults
4-1 - Tyler Wilson - Tyranids
4-1 - Chris Annear - Genestealer Cults
Board Room Brawl (August 5th, 2023)
5-0 - David Burdett - Thousand Sons
5-0 - Riley Carter - Imperial Knights
4-1 - Scott de Wynter-Wilkie - Orks
Bedburger Scheunenkloppen (August 5th, 2023)
5-0 - Christian Breuer - Genestealer Cults
War in the Fort GT (August 5th, 2023)
5-0 - Peyton Preece - Genestealer Cults
Midgard August ITC GRAND Tournament (August 5th, 2023)
5-0 - Jonathan Green - Genestealer Cults
North Star Open (August 5th, 2023)
5-0 - Chase Garber - Tyranids
4-1 - Devin Orchard - Necrons
4-1 - Jeremiah Petit - Adeptus Custodes
Battle To End Alzheimers GT (August 5th, 2023)
6-0 - Ruben I Fernandez - Aeldari
5-1 - Mathew Burgoon - Ynnari
5-1 - Mark Hertel - Deathwatch
5-1 - Ken Knox - Deathwatch
5-1 - Jonathan Kolson - Adeptus Custodes
The Leeds Super-Major (August 5th, 2023)
1st - Josh Roberts - Aeldari
2nd - John Swallow - Aeldari
3rd - Luke Quadling - Aeldari
4th - Christopher Radford - Deathwatch
5th - Nicholas Willingale - Genestealer Cults
6th - Peter Duff - Chaos Space Marines
7th - Sam Boardman - Chaos Knights
8th - Greg Chamberlain - Aeldari
The North East Open (July 29th, 2023)
5-0 - John Swallow - Aeldari
5-0 - Eddie Chater - Genestealer Cults
5-0 - Joseph Musgrave - Aeldari
4-1 - Stefan Robertson - Grey Knights
4-1 - Lewis Archer - Aeldari
Bembel Clash #8 (July 29th, 2023)
5-0 - lukas lötscher - Aeldari
4-1 - Mario Barkeeper - Aeldari
4-1 - Tobias Wesselmann - Adeptus Astartes
Peterborough Slam GT! 2 (July 29th, 2023)
5-0 - Michael Baird Parker - Adeptus Custodes
4-1 - Franco McDonnell - Chaos Daemons
4-1 - Connor Nicholls - Necrons
Ropecon Tournament (July 29th, 2023)
1st - Eetu Peltola - Necrons
2nd - Kaarle Tukia - Aeldari
3rd - Juha Ottelin - Aeldari
4th - Aleksi Lehtiö - Genestealer Cults
5th - Indran Yogaswaran - Adeptus Custodes
North and South GT (July 29th, 2023)
5-0 - Tyler Walsh - Necrons
5-0 - Shannen Butters - Aeldari
4-1 - Nathan Princi - Adeptus Custodes
4-1 - James Stewart - Genestealer Cults
4-1 - Liam Grossmith - Thousand Sons
Arch City GT II (July 29th, 2023)
5-0 - Alex Brudnicki - Adeptus Custodes
4-0-1 - David Timms - Grey Knights
4-1 - Austin Johnson - Thousand Sons
4-1 - Steve Parello -Chaos Daemons
4-1 - Matt Salyers - Thousand Sons
Capital Clash Summer (July 29th, 2023)
5-0-1 - Jason Sparks - Aeldari
5-0-1 - Ridvan Martinez - Necrons
5-1 - Zach Comeau - Aeldari
5-1 - Éric Marcoux - Aeldari
5-0-1 - Christopher Rice - Thousand Sons
Cross-Swords War At The Westward 2 (July 22nd, 2023)
5-0 - Tom Bunnell - Aeldari
Kraken GT 2023 - OCC Qualifier (July 22nd, 2023)
1st - Sean Sullivan - Aeldari
2nd - Sterling Arnet - Aeldari
Frontline Gaming Lone Star Open 40K Champs (July 22nd, 2023)
6-0 - Ben Jurek - Aeldari
6-0 - William Abilez - T'au Empire
6-0 - Eric Tadt - Genestealer Cults
5-1 - Robert Moreland - Astra Militarum
5-1 - Robert Hawkins - Genestealer Cults
5-1 - Noah Beddome - Imperial Knights
5-1 - Russel Tassin - Chaos Space Marines
5-1 - rOBIN rOBERTS - Genestealer Cults
Palm Springs Open 40k GT II By Dicehammer (July 22nd, 2023)
6-0 - Joel Wilson - Tyranids
6-0 - Alex Spathopoulos - Aeldari
5-1 - Jake Jesionowski - Necrons
5-1 - Grant Kauffman - Chaos Daemons
5-1 - Logan Heath - Aeldari
5-1 - Wyatt Swift-Ramirez - Genestealer Cults
5-1 - Arthur Tu - Chaos Space Marines
5-1 - Marc Merrill - Aeldari
Midsummer O.P.A. 2023 WH40K (July 15th, 2023)
5-0 - Ioannis Papageorgiou - Genestealer Cults
Sunshine Coast Open (July 15th, 2023)
4-1 - Sam Russell - Aeldari
Metagame - Warhammer 40.000 WCQ Hungary (July 15th, 2023)
5-0 - Adam Pusztai - Aeldari
4-1 - Dávid Mátyus - Aeldari
4-1 - Mate Csaszar - Chaos Daemons
Winchester 40K GT (July 15th, 2023)
5-0 - Nicholas Willingale - Genestealer Cult
4-1 - Michael Murrell - Adeptus Astartes
4-1 - David Bannister - Aeldari
Hydra Grand Tournament (July 15th, 2023)
4-1 - Marcus Jensen - Tyranids
Fun-N-Games Summer GT (July 15th, 2023)
5-0 - Andreas Hofmann - Necrons
4-1 - Joshua Campbell - Necrons
4-1 - Charles Morrow - Genestealer Cults #1 10th Tournament (July 15th, 2023)
4-0-1 - Konstantin Kosovec - Tyranids
Denver 40K Fight Club July Open (July 15th, 2023)
6-0 - Ben Neal - Imperial Knights
5-1 - Michael Mann - Orks
5-1 - Joel Davis - Aeldari
5-1 - Zaak Kerstetter - Aeldari
5-1 - Colin Kay - Chaos Space Marines
The London Open (July 15th, 2023)
5-0 - Johull Johannsson - Genestealer Cults
5-0 - Boris Michev - Genestealer Cults
4-1 - Nassim Fouchane - Genestealer Cults
4-1 - Clement Tournade - Aeldari
4-1 - Daniel Whitaker - Aeldari
Show Me Showdown 40k Super Major (July 14th, 2023)
8-0 - Treynor Wolfe - Aeldari
7-1 - Dan Sammons - Aeldari
6-1-1 - Austin Howald - Aeldari
6-1-1 - Mitch McGill - Tyranids
5-1-2 - Peyton Preece - Genestealer Cults
US Open Tacoma (July 14th, 2023)
1st - Steve Trimble - Adeptus Custodes
2nd - Hank Adams - Adeptus Custodes
3rd - Jeremiah Bergdale - Asuryani
4th - Matthew Geyer - Chaos Daemons
5th - Jamus Thayn - Necrons
6th - Scott Darbison - Imperial Knights
7th - Ben Jurek - Aeldari
8th - Tyler Bortel - Genestealer Cults
IV GT Coliseum Murciano (July 8th, 2023)
5-0 - OuX ™ - Imperial Knights
4-0-1 - Fernando Pérez - Necrons
3-0-2 - Angel C4KILLER - Thousand Sons
Capital City Clash 40k GT (July 8th, 2023)
5-0 - Nick Nanavati - Genestealer Cults
5-0 - Jason Watts - Dark Angels
4-1 - Hogan Franklin - Genestealer Cults
The Warhound GT at Game Grid (July 8th, 2023)
5-0 - Chase Chappell - Aeldari
4-1 - Chris Johnson - Tyranids
4-1 - Derek Holder - Adeptus Custodes
Hee Yaw Grand Tournament (July 8th, 2023)
5-0 - Matthew Allee - Thousand Sons
4-1 - Samuel Cook - Aeldari
4-1 - Noah Pope - Aeldari
Straight Edge Wargaming: Welcome to 10th (July 8th, 2023)
5-0 - Mikael Christensson - Genestealer Cults
4-1 - Khan Runander - Aeldari
4-1 - Björn Eriksson - Imperial Fists
The Deck Box Masters Grand Tournament (July 8th, 2023)
5-0 - Jonathon Betteridge - Aeldari
4-1 - Nathan Chow - Genestealer Cults
4-1 - Todd Deagle - Orks
TGX Warhammer 40k Tournament (July 8th, 2023)
6-0 - Tim Deetlefs - Aeldari
5-1 - Nick Jagiello - Necrons
5-1 - Adam Houser - Genestealer Cults
5-1 - Éric Marcoux - Aeldari
5-1 - Lucas Badgery - Tyranids
Ordo Fanaticus Presents: The Stumptown SummerSlam (July 8th, 2023)
5-0 - Tyler Bortel - Genestealer Cults
The Salt City GT (July 7th, 2023)
6-1 - Steven Crawley - Imperial Knights
6-1 - Brad Chester - Aeldari
6-1 - Chris Martens - Aeldari
5-1 - Sam Bouabane - Aeldari
6-1 - Cullen Burns - Aeldari
Giga-Con 2023 - Age of Sigmar Tournament (July 1st, 2023)
5-0 - Josh Bennett - Hosts of Slaanesh
GT Tormenta De Hostias (July 1st, 2023)
5-0 - Tkila RR - Aeldari
4-0-1 - Sir Charles - Aeldari
4-0-1 - Xavo Melenero L'Escamarlà - Tyranids
Münsterland GT3 (July 1st, 2023)
5-0 - Thomas Büttelmann - Aeldari
4-1 - Alessandro Liessem - Aeldari
4-1 - Chris Buchen - Imperial Knights
Luxembourg Open 40k (July 1st, 2023)
5-0 - Mani Cheema - Aeldari
Hometown 40K (July 1st, 2023)
5-0 - Riley Tremblay - Aeldari
4-1 - Scotty Bee - Adeptus Custodes
4-1 - Kieren Trimbee - Genestealer Cults
2023 RAGE GT (July 1st, 2023)
5-0 - Ben Jurek - Aeldari
The 40k Brawl GT (July 1st, 2023)
5-0 - Chris Anderson - Imperial Knights
4-1 - Dan Cooke - Imperial Knights
4-1 - Jordan Checkley - Blood Angels
Element Games Grand Slam 1 (July 1st, 2023)
5-0 - James Wilson - Aeldari
5-0 - Aiden Smalley - Death Guard
4-1 - Tom Higginbottom - Orks
Geelong 40k Town Open (July 1st, 2023)
5-0 - Rhys Cunningham - Astra Militarum
4-1 - Dylan Cowan - Tyranids
4-1 - Leigh Tresidder - Imperial Knights
The Alpine Grand Tournament (June 30th, 2023)
6-0 - Arne Zerndt - Aeldari
5-0-1 - Thomas Wobak - Aeldari
5-1 - Justin Jansen - Genestealer Cults
5-1 - Peter Steiner - Genestealer Cults
4-0-2 - Colin Schmid - Genestealer Cults
Boise Cup 40k GT 2023 (June 24th, 2023)
5-0 - Adam Holland - Imperial Knights
4-1 - Ben Cromwell - Necrons
4-1 - Thad Benedict - Imperial Knights
4-1 - Hunter Siems - T'au Empire
4-1 - Cole McGuire - Aeldari
Konfluence of Khaos (June 24th, 2023)
5-0 - Kyle Wright - Iron Hands
ALL STARS HEAT 3 - Hellstorm's 40K Tournament Series (June 24th, 2023)
5-0 - Josh Roberts - Imperial Knights
4-1 - George McCoulough - Drukhari
4-1 - James Smith - Chaos Knights
4-1 - Alex Fowler - Thousand Sons
4-1 - Gary Percival - Iron Hands
Da Summer Waaagh 2023 Singles (June 3rd, 2023)
5-0 - David LaPorta - T'au Empire
5-0 - Mike Porter - Genestealer Cults
5-0 - Mikey Rzasa - Genestealer Cult
4-1 - David Irving - Iron Hands
4-1 - Rory Carter - Blades of Khorne
4-1 - James Mclean - Tyranids
4-1 - Michael Armer - Adeptus Custodes
4-1 - Gary Percival - Blades of Khorne
Viking Games - Rise of the Fenrir Wolf (June 3rd, 2023)
5-0 - Martin Hultgren - Chaos Daemons
Road to Atlanta - GT Italy Qualifier 3 (June 3rd, 2023)
5-0 - Simone Caroselli - World Eaters
4-1 - Edoardo Rinaldi - Astra Militarum
4-1 - Marco Santopadre - Chaos Daemons
US Open Kansas City (June 2nd, 2023)
1st - TJ Lanigan - Chaos Daemons
2nd - Brett Perkins - Chaos Daemons
3rd - Calvin Smith - World Eaters
4th - Charles Craig - World Eaters
5th - David Adelman - Ynnari
High Noon Showdown GT 2023 (May 20th, 2023)
5-0 - William Ivey - Astra Militarum
5-0 - Sweet Lew - Leagues of Votann
4-1 - Steve Goodrich - Heretic Astartes
The Riverside Classic Grand Tournament (May 20th, 2023)
5-0 - Alex Spathopoulos - Leagues of Votann
Maryland Open 2023 (May 20th, 2023)
6-0 - TJ Lanigan - Chaos Daemons
5-1 - Matt Lorah - Asuryani
5-1 - Mark Hertel - Iron Hands
Alberta Classic 2023 (May 20th, 2023)
6-0 - Ozzie Meloche - Ynnari
5-1 - Anthony Dalla Lana - White Scars
5-1 - Thomas Walker - Adeptus Custodes
Wargames For Warriors 2023 - 40K Major (May 20th, 2023)
5-0-1 - Scott Rumple - Space Wolves
5-0-1 - Thomas Hegstrom Oakey - Asuryani
5-1 - Ben Jurek - Orks
The Primary Objective Spring Championship (May 20th, 2023)
6-0 - Zaak Kerstetter - Asuryani
5-1 - Joel Davis - Asuryani
5-1 - Tom Sagona - Black Templars
Ontario 40k League Halton/Hamilton A Division Season 4 (May 12th, 2023)
5-0 - Anthony Fung - Adeptus Custodes
4-1 - Atal Walia - Blood Angels
4-1 - Michael Lloy - Orks
CTC Warhammer 40k Championship Open (May 13th, 2023)
4-0-1 - Maxime Rampen - World Eaters
4-1 - Dominique Carette - Space Wolves
GT-CT (May 13th, 2023)
1st - Alejandro Mancuso Serrano - Blood Angels
5-0 - Bruno Choquette - Chaos Daemons
The 12th Annual Storm Of Silence Warhammer 40k Grand Tournament (May 13th, 2023)
5-0 - Marshall Reeves - Adepta Sororitas
5-0 - Alex Macdougall - Genestealer Cults
5-0 - Donald Plummer - T'au Empire
4-1 - Kasra Houshidar - Art of War
4-1 - Jaden Iwaasa - Chaos Knights
Ontario 40k League Halton/Hamilton Division B Season 4 (May 12th, 2023)
5-0 - Jack Ahrens - Imperial Knights
The Saffron Walden GT (May 13th, 2023)
5-0 - Jack Tite - Chaos Daemons
4-1 - Jonny Simmons - Adeptus Mechanics
4-1 - Mike Cheng - Death Guard
Brighton 40k Tournament IV (May 13th, 2023)
5-0 - Louis Ballington - Dark Angels
Donautrolle Grand Tournament (May 13th, 2023)
5-0 -Jan Reisenauer - Iron Hands
Clan Wars Scottish Open 3 (May 13th, 2023)
1st - Brian Seipp - Asuryani
2nd - Fraser McFetridge - Chaos Daemons
76. Bedburger Scheunenkloppen (May 6th, 2023)
5-0 - Constantin Schmucker - Drukhari
Bembel Clash #7 (May 8th, 2023)
4-0-1 - Jan Reisenauer - Iron Hands
4-1 - Jan Poljak - Imperial Knights
4-1 - Daniel Nau - Orks
Grimdark 13: The Grand Tournament 3 (May 6th, 2023)
5-0 - Kalle Abrahamsson - Drukhari
4-0-1 - Joel Larsson - Adeptus Custodes
4-0-1 - Bilbo Göransson - Genestealer Cults
Dice Goblin’s First Warhammer 40K 2000pt GT (May 6th, 2023)
5-0 - Stephen Mitchell - Asuryani
4-1 - Seth Piper - Black Templars
4-1 - Walter Langendorf - Necrons
There Is Only War Part 2 40k GT (May 6th, 2023)
5-0 - Anthony Campanella - Tyranids
5-0 - Wyatt Harris - Leagues of Votann
4-1 - Timothy Borowiec - Leagues of Votann
Elbcoast Major // Baltic Cup XI (May 6th, 2023)
5-0 - Fred Otto - Chaos Knights
5-0 - Immanuel Wolf - T'au Empire
5-0 - René Rosenberg - Asuryani
5-0 - Manuel Wayand - World Eaters
4-0-1 - Grischa Gerwert - Space Wolves
Slagmark Fyn 2023 (May 6th, 2023)
5-0 - Rasmus Olesen - Iron Hands
5-0 - Jakob Skovsbo - Astra Militarum
4-1 - David Thomsen - Adeptus Custodes
Capital Clash Spring '23 Grand Tournament (May 6th, 2023)
4-0-1 - Josh Crowe - Orks
3-0-2 - Jean Masson - Chaos Daemons
4-1 - François Lalonde - Iron Hands
Richmond Open 40K Major Hosted By Away Games (May 6th, 2023)
6-0 - TJ Lanigan - Chaos Daemons
6-0 - Andrew Gonyo - Astra Militarum
5-1 - Jeremy Knox - Astra Militarum
5-1 - Shaun Reynolds - Iron Hands
5-1 - Mark Hertel - Iron Hands
The Alamo GT ‘23 (May 6th, 2023)
6-0 - Junior Aflleje - Leagues of Votann
6-0 - Colin McDade - Chaos Daemons
5-1 - William Abilez - T'au Empire
5-1 - Samuel Cook - Astra Militarum
5-1 - Kit Smith Hanna - Chaos Daemons
Death or Glory Invitational (May 6th, 2023)
5-0-1 - Brad Chester - Adepta Sororitas
4-0-2 - Brandon Vallee - Dark Angels
5-1 - Lyle Dixon - Salamanders
Ragnarok Spring (May 5th, 2023)
5-1 - Baz Croucher - Adeptus Astartes
5-1 - Thomas Hicks - Adeptus Custodes
5-1 - Daniel Berris - Necrons
Berks Spring Assault GT - Presented by BWG (April 29th, 2023)
5-0 - TJ Lanigan - Tzeentch
Isarauen Frühjahrscup (April 29th, 2023)
5-0 - Fabian Bader - Astra Militarum
4-1 - Max Herzog - Adepta Sororitas
Warhammer Retreat (April 29th, 2023)
4-1 - William York - Astra Militarum
Peterborough Slam GT! 2 (April 29th, 2023)
5-0 - Jack Tite - Chaos Daemons
4-1 - Jamie Brown - Chaos Daemons
4-1 - Matt Arvida - Dark Angels
WINTER WARFEST 2023 (April 29th, 2023)
5-0 - Wayne Russell - World Eaters
5-0 - Paul Gurney - Nurgle
4-1 - Jacob Warn - Orks
Beerhammer 2023: The Sequel (April 29th, 2023)
5-0 - Morgan Smerek - Ultramarines
Tau Tipping (April 29th, 2023)
5-0 - Harry Gieringer - Salamanders
5-0 - Nicolas Ohlsen-Johnson - Iron Hands
4-1 - Linton Rowan - Space Wolves
Warhammer Fest Grand Tournament (April 29th, 2023)
1st - Innes Wilson - Iron Hands
2nd - Brian Seipp - Aeldari
3rd - David Gaylard - Astra Militarum
4th - David Irving - Iron Hands
5th - Nassim Fouchane - T'au Empire
6th - Mani Cheema - Dark Angels
7th - Terroxer El Rojo - Thousand Sons
8th - Josie Cartwright - Necrons
Hertfordshire Spring GT (April 22nd, 2023)
5-0 - Martyn Cooper - Astra Militarum
Sunken City April Massacre (April 22nd, 2023)
5-0 - Brenton Weiss - T'au Empire
5-0 - Jeffrey Keister - Blood Angels
4-1 - Josh Sugar Howard - Iron Hands
2D6 Dawn of Vår III: Hot Singles in Your Area (April 22nd, 2023)
5-0 - Kjetil Andre Liknes - Astra Militarum
4-1 - Geir Dutta - Asuryani
4-1 - Rasmus Valand Fredriksen - T'au Empire
VALLEYCON 2023 (April 22nd, 2023)
4-0-1 - Michael Stewart - Ultramarines
4-0-1 - Matt van Wijk - Grey Knights
4-1 - Oliver Barnes - Heretic Astartes
Cross Swords War At The Westward (April 22nd, 2023)
5-0 - George McCoulough - Drukhari
4-1 - Mani Cheema - Space Wolves
4-1 - James Mclean - Tyranids
Tampere GT XV (April 22nd, 2023)
5-0 - Eetu Peltola - Necrons
Straight Edge Wargaming: All Is War (April 22nd, 2023)
4-0-1 - Jacob Edvinsson - Chaos Daemons
4-0-1 - Sami Sjolander - Chaos Knights
Out Of The Furnace IV: Return To Firestorm (April 22nd, 2023)
4-0-1 - Ed Watts - Space Wolves
4-0-1 - Jay Seebarun - Dark Angels
4-1 - Andrew Lewis - Astra Militarum
MayhemGT (April 22nd, 2023)
5-0 - Kyle Trayah - Chaos Daemons
5-0 - Jamie Beaton - Dark Angels
5-0 - Robert Hawkins - Death Guard
5-0 - Jeremy Knox - Astra Militarum
4-1 - Frank Viruet - Iron Hands
Battle For The Bay (April 22nd, 2023)
5-0 - Gavin Conn - Necrons
5-0 - Mike Muzeni - Adeptus Custodes
4-1 - David Ozawa - Grey Knights
Frontier Open @ Cheyenne Gaming Convention (April 22nd, 2023)
5-0 - Colin Kay - Heretic Astartes
4-1 - Cody Jiru - Asuryani
4-1 - Matt Evans - Adeptus Mechanicus
War Calls (April 22nd, 2023)
6-0 - Jördÿŋ Berresford - Genestealer Cults
5-1 - Craig Sumpton - Chaos Daemons
5-1 - Connor Ockwell - Orks
Grand Clash (April 22nd, 2023)
5-0-1 - François Lalonde - Iron Hands
5-0-1 - Jeremy Atkinson - Dark Angels
5-0-1 - John Winter Russell - Astra Militarum
Rataclysm (April 22nd, 2023)
5-0-1 - Matt Morosoli - Chaos Daemons
5-0-1 - Stuart Trainer - Genestealer Cults
5-1 - Jason Horne - Tyranids
5-1 - Matt Jackson - Imperial Knights
5-1 - Edward Askey - T'au Empire
Nemesis 40k Spring (April 15th, 2023)
5-0 - Michael Blanchet - Iron Hands
4-1 - Scotty Bee - Necrons
4-1 - Dave Cruickshank - Orks
ICE HAMMER ITC GT III (April 15th, 2023)
5-0 - Jokull Johannsson - Iron Hands
Badger Brawl April GT (April 15th, 2023)
5-0 - Forrest Phanton - Space Wolves
The Icebreaker GT - Renegade Wargaming (April 15th, 2023)
5-0 - Connor Haugen - Dark Angels
5-0 - Mark Weiss - Adeptus Custodes
4-1 - Nicolas Weiss - Imperial Knights
Clash Of The Titans XVI (April 15th, 2023)
5-0 - Brodie Middleton - Astra Militarum
4-1 - Ewart Searle - Astra Militarum
4-1 - Eugene Orlov - Adeptus Custodes
ADFWGA-ANZAC Cup (April 15th, 2023)
4-0-1 - Ashton Knight - Chaos Daemons
Last Of The Summer Winehammer 4 (April 15th, 2023)
5-0 - Mike Porter - Genestealer Cults
4-1 - David Irving - Iron Hands
4-1 - Paul Martin - Orks
ForgeFire Open (April 15th, 2023)
5-0 - Matt Root - Orks
5-0 - Justin Curtis - Heretic Astartes
4-1 - Derek Glassman - Astra Militarum
Nerd Bar Spring GT (April 15th, 2023)
5-0 - Nick Antzoulatos - Dark Angels
40k Major 2023 Bedlam In The ‘Burgh (April 15th, 2023)
5-0 - Brad Chester - Asuryani
5-0 - Thomas Ogden - Astra Militarum
4-1 - Matt Tarantine - Black Templars
4-1 - Marcus Kehoe - Imperial Knights
4-1 - David Adelman - Ynnari
Leodis Games GT (April 15th, 2023)
5-0 - Jake Wilstrop - Thousand Sons
St. Louis Annual Last-minute Tournament (April 15th, 2023)
5-0 - Ryan Verbeck - Genestealer Cults
4-1 - Cory Schulz - Necrons
4-1 - John Teets - Black Templars
Maul in the Mall (April 15th, 2023)
5-1 - Steven Crawley - Dark Angels
The London Open (April 15th, 2023)
1st - Mani Cheema - Dark Angels
2nd - Martyn Cooper - Astra Militarum
3rd - Lewis Smith - Chaos Daemons
4th - Clement Tournade - Ynnari
ALL STARS HEAT 2 - Hellstorm's 40K Tournament Series (April 15th, 2023)
6-0 - Josh Roberts - Space Wolves
5-1 - Christopher Langton - Necrons
5-1 - Mark Pilkington - Genestealer Cults
Feast Of Blades April GT (April 15th, 2023)
5-1 - Thomas Beckers - Iron Hands
Renaissance (April 8th, 2023)
5-0 - Corvidae Dante - Heretic Astartes
April Warhound GT at Game Grid (April 8th, 2023)
5-0 - Colin Kay - Heretic Astartes
NO QUARTER I - Victory Games & Events (April 8th, 2023)
5-0 - Martyn Cooper - Astra Militarum
Gameology Pasadena Battle for Los Angeles GT (April 1st, 2023)
5-0 - Stephen Corrales - Dark Angels
5-0 - Junior Aflleje - Leagues of Votann
4-1 - Ben Jurek - Orks
Tabletop Republic presents Warzone: Wycombe 2023 (April 1st, 2023)
5-0 - Sid Sidhu - Chaos Knights
Bristol Vanguard Presents: Vanquish 2023 (April 1st, 2023)
5-0 - Stuart Brailsford - Asuryani
Open War GT 2-day (April 1st, 2023)
5-0 - Steven Crawley - Astra Militarum
4-1 - Andy Patton - World Eaters
4-1 - Pedro Reyes - Genestealer Cult
GT Logroño (April 1st, 2023)
5-0 - ParadoX - Tyranids
Fools Errand (April 1st, 2023)
5-0 - Ozzie Meloche - Tyranids
5-0 - Gord Weppler - Asuryani
4-1 - Riley Tremblay - Asuryani
Midgard ITC GRAND Tournament (April 1st, 2023)
5-0 - Cullen Burns - Asuryani
Perils Of The Geekery (April 1st, 2023)
5-0 - Dan Sammons - Iron Hands
4-1 - Broc Bowman - World Eaters
4-1 - Kyle McCord - Astra Militarum
Down Under 40k Major (March 31st, 2023)
6-0 - Erik Lathouras - Genestealer Cult
5-1 - Will Milton - Dark Angels
5-1 - Matt Morosoli - Chaos Daemons
5-1 - Christopher Wright - Space Wolves
5-1 - Calvin Smith - World Eaters
Firebug Open (March 31st, 2023)
6-0 - Manuel "BEL" Wieczorek - Astra Militarum
6-0 - Matthias Bellmann - Asuryani
5-0-1 - Grischa Gerwert - Chaos Daemons
5-1 - Florian Schmidt - Iron Hands
5-1 - Fritz Peters - Leagues of Votann
r3 GT (March 25th, 2023)
5-0 - Eulis Sanders - Necrons
Imperialis Capilla GT 2 Aniversario (March 25th, 2023)
5-0 - Sebastián Flores Diaz - Astra Militarum
Iron Cage: Bedford Beatdown (March 25th, 2023)
5-0 - Robert Moreland - Astra Militarum
5-0 - Sweet Lew - Leagues of Votann
Grand Onslaught 5 (March 25th, 2023)
4-0-1 - Matthew Dye - Adepta Sororitas
4-0-1 - Quinton Johnson - Asuryani
4-1 - Bryan Lakor - Chaos Daemons
The Manchester 40k Super-Major (March 25th, 2023)
1st - Mani Cheema - Dark Angels
2nd - Alex Harrison - Space Wolves
3rd - Innes Wilson - Adeptus Astartes
4th - Brian Seipp - Iron Hands
All is Dust GT 40k (March 25th, 2023)
5-0-1 - Anthony Vanella - World Eaters
5-0-1 - Zach Comeau - Astra Militarum
5-1 - Tim Deetlefs - Harlequins
The Deck Box Masters 40K (March 25th, 2023)
5-0 - Justin White - Dark Angels
FactoruM GT (March 25th, 2023)
5-0 - Matt Arvida - Dark Angels
Absolute Supremacy 40k Spring GT (March 25th, 2023)
5-0 - Dan Ahern - Iron Hands
Courage And Honour VIII (March 25th, 2023)
5-0 - Andrew Lewis - Astra Militarum
Münsterland GT 2 (March 25th, 2023)
4-1 - Artur Güttler - T'au Empire
Fantasia Fanatic XLIII 40K (March 25th, 2023)
5-0 - Jesper Unander Scharin - Adeptus Custodes
4-1 - Daniel Bergström - Imperial Knights
4-1 - Daniel Bergström - Imperial Knights
4-0-1 - Eetu Peltola - Necrons
4-1 - Joel Larsson - Adeptus Custodes
4-1 - Benjamin Hyvönen - Adeptus Custodes
KOTC #1 (March 25th, 2023)
4-0-1 - Anthony Berinato - Leagues of Votann
Over the Top 40k (March 25th, 2023)
5-0 - Charlie Kang - Astra Militarum
Adepticon Champs (March 23rd, 2023)
1st - Nassim Fouchane - Astra Militarum
2nd - Arne Zerndt - Leagues of Votann
3rd - Nicolas Rose - Genestealer Cults
4th - Thomas Ogden - Astra Militarum
OP’s 1st GT Smash (March 18th, 2023)
5-0 - Jake Nelson - Iron Hands
5-0 - Scott Toebe - Death Guard
4-1 - Forrest Phantom - Space Wolves
Dropzone Games Central Island Open (March 18th, 2023)
5-0 - Ryan Burns - Dark Angels
4-1 - Brendan McKenzie - Adepta Sororitas
4-1 - Scott Darbison - Iron Hands
Energy City Open (March 18th, 2023)
5-0 - Drew Ward - Space Wolves
Planet arKCanite At Comicon (March 18th, 2023)
6-0 - Tedd Williamson - Necrons
5-1 - James Willet - Astra Militarum
5-1 - Calvin Smith - World Eaters
The Great Game GT (March 18th, 2023)
6-0 - Daniel Moscato - Chaos Daemons
5-1 - Matt Lorah - Aeldari
5-1 - Ken Knox - Iron Hands
CentAR Presents: The March Madness (March 18th, 2023)
5-0 - Brent Simon - Chaos Daemons
4-0-1 - Craig Mills - Dark Angels
4-1 - Howard Watts - Ultramarines
Free State GT (March 18th, 2023)
5-0 - Dan Sammons - Dark Angels
5-0 - Dan Sammons - Dark Angels
5-0 - Colin Kay - Heretic Astartes
4-1 - Ryan Verbeck - Genestealer Cults
Battle Ready Wargaming's Major Mayhem (March 18th, 2023)
5-0 - John Lennon - Chaos Daemons
4-1 - Jack Harpster - Adeptus Custodes
4-1 - Seth Piper - Black Templars
AZ Bash GT Printemps (March 18th, 2023)
4-0-1 - Franck Lortie - Astra Militarum
Battlefield Birmingham 20 (March 18th, 2023)
5-0 - Luke Richards - Astra Militarum
5-0 - Paul James - Dark Angels
5-0 - Paul James - Dark Angels
4-1 - Adam Lynch - Adeptus Custodes
War Of The Roses (March 18th, 2023)
5-0 - Mani Cheema - Dark Angels
4-1 - Matt Robertson - World Eaters
4-1 - Michael Armer - Adeptus Custodes
Kelpie Crusade GT (March 18th, 2023)
5-0 - Innes Wilson - Dark Angels
4-1 - Ryan Kerr - World Eaters
4-1 - Brian Seipp - Orks
Carnage - A War Awakens (March 18th, 2023)
5-0 - Bethany Taylor - Chaos Daemons
4-1 - Kyle Grundy - T'au Empire
4-1 - Kieran French - Dark Angels
Pergőtűz LCOTSV 3 (March 18th, 2023)
5-0 - Mate Csaszar - World Eaters
4-0-1 - Véber Ákos - Salamanders
4-1 - Patrik Pintér - Chaos Daemons
Calling The Banners (March 18th, 2023)
5-0 - Dylan Cowan - Dark Angels
WARZONE WELLINGTON 2 (March 18th, 2023)
5-0 - Charlie Kang - Astra Militarum
4-1 - Liam Herbert - Imperial Knights
4-1 - Alex Cameron - Chaos Daemons
4-1 - Francis Mclaughlan - Adeptus Custodes
4-1 - David Hodgetts - Iron Hands
Iberian Open Talavera (March 17th, 2023)
1st - Terroxer El Rojo - Thousand Sons
2nd - Alvaro Enciso - Astra Militarum
3rd - Miguel Keko - Astra Militarum
4th - Borja FM - Dark Angels
Games N Friends March GT (March 18th, 2023)
5-0 - Cullen Burns - Aeldari
Mighty Meeple 40k GT # 2 (March 11th, 2023)
5-0 - Kyle Trayah - Chaos Daemons
4-1 - Jake Miller - Astra Militarum
4-1 - Jeremy Knox - Astra Militarum
BFS - 2 Day Competitive (March 11th, 2023)
5-0 - Sam Squires - Genestealer Cults
4-1 - Thomas Whybrow - Chaos Daemons
4-1 - Oliver Pickett - World Eaters
WH40k Level Up Grimdark (March 11th, 2023)
5-0 - Hogan Franklin - Adeptus Custodes
4-1 - Thomas Powell - Dark Angels
4-1 - Cliff Nelson - Black Templars
Warhammer 40,000 Matched Play Event (March 11th, 2023)
5-0 - Christopher Radford - Harlequins
5-0 - Mikey Herbert - Iron Hands
4-1 - Jack ‘Ghaz’ Masters - Orks
4-1 - Dominic Mathews - Genestealer Cults
4-1 - Tristan Whitehead - Space Wolves
‘Ere We Go Again Ladz (March 11th, 2023)
5-0 - Kevin Heddle - Leagues of Votann
Frontline Gaming Rocky Mountain Open 2023 (March 11th, 2023)
6-0 - Michael Mann - Orks
6-0 - Scott Rumple - Space Wolves
5-1 - William Abilez - T'au Empire
5-1 - Nicholas Wenker - Chaos Daemons
5-1 - Jamie Beaton - Dark Angels
5-1 - Zaak Kerstetter - Chaos Daemons
5-1 - Joel Davis - Asuryani
5-1 - Travis Armstrong - Adeptus Custodes
Ordo Fanaticus Presents: Rosehammer (March 11th, 2023)
6-0 - Lukas Troller - Orks
6-0 - Linton Rowan - Space Wolves
5-1 - Tyler Bortel - Space Wolves
5-1 - Steve Trimble - Adeptus Custodes
5-1 - Alex Pina - Adepta Sororitas
5-1 - Ryan Cherewich - World Eaters
5-1 - Hank Adams - Astra Militarum
5-1 - Jason Rider - Heretic Astartes
The Southampton GT (March 11th, 2023)