Player List - 3-0 - Selim Keskin - Rebel Alliance
<p>799/800</p><p>Cassian Andor: Recon Intel, A280-CFE Config</p><p>Jyn Erso: Recon Intel, A-180 Config</p><p>Chewbacca: Recon Intel</p><p>K-2SO: Jyn's SE-14 Blaster</p><p>3x Rebel Troopers</p><p>2x Wookie Warriors: Tenacity, Recon Intel</p><p>Wookie Warriors: Tenacity</p><p>A-A5 Speeder Truck: Unorthodox Tactician</p><p><br></p><p>Commands: Sabotaged Communications, Crack Shot, Trust Goes Both Ways, Last Stand, Assault, Complete the Mission, Standing orders</p><p>Objectives: Breakthrough, Recover the Supplies, Sabotage the Moisture Vaporators, Bombing Run</p><p>Deployments: Battle Lines, Disarray, Hemmed In, Danger Close</p><p>Conditions: Limited Visibility, Rapid Reinforcements, Supply Drop, War Weary</p>