Player List - 3-0 - Axel "Daedry" Bouwy - Separatist Alliance
<p>Untitled</p><p>794/800 (11 activations)</p><p>Commanders:</p><p> - T-Series Tactical Droid (55): Vigilance (5), Portable Scanner (6) = 66</p><p>Operative:</p><p> - Maul (160): Saber Throw (5), Force Push (10), Into the Fray (4) = 179</p><p>Corps:</p><p> - 3× Battle Droids (38): E-60R Trooper (18) = 168</p><p>Special Forces:</p><p> - 2× BX Droid Strike Team (20): Dioxis Mine Saboteur (28) = 96</p><p> - DRK-1 Sith Probe Droids (35): Comms Relay (5) = 40</p><p>Support:</p><p> - 2× STAP Riders (75): Linked Targeting Array (5) = 160</p><p> - STAP Riders (75): HQ Uplink (10) = 85</p><p><br></p><p>Commands: • Mechanized Incursion, • Duel of the Fates, •• The Phantom Menace, •• Orbital Strike, ••• At Last, ••• Roger, Roger!, •••• Standing Orders</p>