Player List - 4-1 - Dan Tadman - Maggotkin of Nurgle

<p>Player Name: Dan Tadman</p><p>List Name: 1K GT Honest Wargamer</p><p>Allegiance: Maggotkin of Nurgle</p><p>- Subfaction: Drowned Men</p><p>- Mortal Realm: Ghyran</p><p>- Grand Strategy: Hold the Line - Triumphs: Inspired</p><p>LEADERS</p><p>Lord of Afflictions (210)</p><p>- General</p><p>- Command Trait: Overpowering Stench - Artefact: The Splithorn Helm</p><p>UNITS</p><p>2 x Pusgoyle Blightlords (220)*</p><p>1 x Beasts of Nurgle (110)</p><p>1 x Beasts of Nurgle (110)</p><p>1 x Beasts of Nurgle (110)</p><p>2 x Pusgoyle Blightlords (220)*</p><p>CORE BATTALIONS</p><p>*Hunters of the Heartlands</p><p>LEADERS: 1/6</p><p>ARTEFACTS: 1/1 ENDLESS SPELLS &amp; INVOCATIONS: 0/3</p><p>REINFORCED UNITS: 0/4 DROPS: 6</p><p>Lord of Afflictions - Incubatch and Dolorous Tocsin Pusgoyles - one Dolorous Tocsin in each unit</p><p>TOTAL: 980/2000</p>