Player List - Second place - Konrad Sosnowski - Minions
<p>MINIONS</p><p><br></p><p>[Theme] The Blindwater Congregation</p><p>[Maelok 1] Maelok the Dreadbound [+28]</p><p> - Bull Snapper [0(5)]</p><p> - Dracodile [36]</p><p> - Gatorman Soul Slave [0(5)]</p><p>Feralgeist [2]</p><p>Gatorman Witch Doctor [0(4)]</p><p>Gatorman Witch Doctor [4]</p><p>Gatorman Bokor & Bog Trog Swamp Shamblers [10]</p><p>Gatorman Posse (max) [16]</p><p> - Void Leech (1) [1]</p><p>Gatorman Posse (max) [16]</p><p> - Void Leech (1) [1]</p><p>Gatorman Posse (max) [16]</p><p> - Void Leech (1) [1]</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>[Theme] Will Work for Food</p><p>[Rask 1] Rask [+27]</p><p> - Blackhide Wrastler [16]</p><p> - Blackhide Wrastler [16]</p><p> - Gatorman Soul Slave [0(5)]</p><p>Bog Trog Mist Speaker [0(4)]</p><p>Dahlia Hallyr [17]</p><p>Hutchuk, Ogrun Bounty Hunter [0(6)]</p><p>Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress [0(4)]</p><p>Rorsh [15]</p><p> - Battle Boar [7]</p><p>Underchief Mire [4]</p><p> - Swamp Troll [8]</p><p>Wrong Eye [17]</p><p>Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew [2]</p><div><br></div>