Player List - Third place - Andreas Holm - Infernals
<p>INFERNALS</p><p><br></p><p>[Theme] Hearts of Darkness (Cygnar)</p><p>[Sloan 1] Captain Kara Sloan [+28]</p><p> - Hunter [10]</p><p> - Hunter [10]</p><p> - Hunter [10]</p><p> - Hunter [10]</p><p> - Hunter [10]</p><p> - Hunter [10]</p><p> - Hunter [10]</p><p>The Wretch [4]</p><p>The Wretch [4]</p><p>Umbral Guardian [0(6)]</p><p>Umbral Guardian [0(6)]</p><p>Umbral Guardian [0(6)]</p><p>Griever Swarm (max) [14]</p><p>Trencher Express Team [5]</p><p>Trencher Express Team [5]</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>[Theme] Hearts of Darkness (Protectorate)</p><p>[Feora 3] Feora, the Conquering Flame [+27]</p><p> - Judicator [35]</p><p>Great Princess Regna Gravnoy [0(6)]</p><p>Hermit of Henge Hold [5]</p><p>Scrutator Potentate Severius [6]</p><p> - Dervish [7]</p><p> - Redeemer [11]</p><p>The Wretch [4]</p><p>Umbral Guardian [0(6)]</p><p>Umbral Guardian [0(6)]</p><p>Valin Hauke, The Fallen Knight [7]</p><p>Vassal Mechanik [1]</p><p>Choir of Menoth (min) [4]</p><p>Howlers (max) [15]</p><p>Initiates of the Wall [7]</p><div><br></div>